Monthly Archives for: June, 2022

New Moon In Cancer June 28, 2022

June 28, 2022 THERE’S A NEW MOON IN THE SIGN OF CANCER – CONJUNCTING BLACK MOON LILLITH TODAY at 10:52 PM EDT. Black Moon Lillith is profoundly resentful in general as a result of long ago being rejected and relegated […] 

Summer Solstice 2022

Click to access astro_2ah2_sun_into_cancer_june_19_2022_hn.75635.155201.pdf     The main event this week is the Sun’s transit into the emotionally sensitive, security-seeking, family-oriented sign of Cancer. This happens on Tuesday, June 21st at 5:13 AM EDT – coinciding with the the 2022 […] 

Sagittarius Full Moon June 14, 2022

Sagittarius Full Moon Like all full Moons this one emphasizes the need for a change in direction – a re-balance, ending, or clarification. Under this full Moon an important clarification seems most likely as Mercury recently transited into the sign […] 


ARIES are developing courage. Jump first, deal with the consequences in mid air, land on your feet, and keep moving. Aries is about action not vacillation. She is the initiator trailblazing through unfamiliar territory, as though she knows exactly where […]