Monthly Archives for: February, 2022

Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 20th – 27th

All planets continue to move in direct motion until May 9th. Lots of progress is indicated. Sextile aspects predominate this week. Well-supported opportunities present themselves. Acting cooperatively on what you feel to be emerging” might come naturally. But even just […] 

Full Moon in the Sign of Leo Today

Today you’ll feel the intensifying effects of full Moon in Leo. Emotional sensitivity may be “dialed up a notch” as you recognize the need to let go of what’s intense, intriguing, personally painful, darkly enticing – or just repetitive and […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 6th – 13th

Today Mars in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. Mars asserts his authority and control through actions or conditions that have historically felt restrictive, hurtful, or victimizing in some regard. The good news is that you may be able to see […]