The two strongest events this week involve Mercury’s turn into retrograde motion at 10 degrees of Aquarius next Saturday, and Ceres move into direct motion in Taurus on Friday.
Today, Sunday Jan. 9th, Mercury at 8 degrees of Aquarius sextiles Chiron at 8 degrees of Aries. There’s an opportunity for healing that involves group work, the community, and moving the masses in a better direction. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action – possibly involving issues of social justice. A clarification promotes an internal shift and possibly a liberating (personal) breakthrough.
On Monday, Jan. 10th the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. Here’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic that speeds things along. Dreams are given an assist and progress is encouraging.
On Tuesday Jan 11th Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” obsolete.
On Friday, Jan. 14th at 6:41 AM EST Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius. We’re rethinking the old rules, or “mulling over” the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something old, outdated, and restrictive. Is it really necessary now? Probably not. Our perspective is likely to change as a result of rethinking what’s possible.
On Friday, Jan. 14th, Ceres moves into direct motion at 27 degrees of Taurus. This happens at 4:21 PM EST. After revisiting issues related to parenting, “going back and forth,” experimenting, and attempting to set something more workable and “up to our standards” in place, we might be seeing some encouraging signs of progress. A correction was needed.. Old patterns may have been broken and new ones set in place. What we’ve been attempting to cultivate may be showing signs of “taking hold.”
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The issue this week for Aries involves beliefs – what you believe is possible for the future, whether or not you believe in the power of magic, compassion, and kindness to move you in a hopeful direction. Do you trust yourself enough to believe that your most cherished dreams may now be in the process of coming true? You might have to take some risk this week that involves changing your opinion about the ways things are and what’s actually possible for you.
Some leadership on your part may be required. For you an area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages action. That may involve issues of social justice – or the healing power of group work. A clarification promotes an internal shift and possibly a liberating breakthrough for you, your fiends, the community, and possibly the world.
On Saturday Mercury retrogrades in your 11th house. It’s good to rethink the old rules, to mull over the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something restrictive you’ve been willing to accept. Is it really necessary anymore? Probably not. Your perspective is likely to change as a result of rethinking what’s possible. Something you’ve been cultivating for a while begins to show signs of progress.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
On Friday of this week Ceres turns direct. Something you’ve been working on related to parenting, nurturing, or cultivating growth in a specific direction may be showing signs of “taking hold.” Your efforts may be bearing fruit. A seedling seems to be taking hold.
By the end of the week Mercury retrogrades in your 10th house of your career, life direction, or drive for success. A period of review will be ongoing until February 4th. You may rethink the old rules, or mull over the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something restrictive you’ve been willing to accept in the past. If the role you play begins to feel inauthentic for you, an important change may be considered.
You might sense that things are generally moving in a positive direction for you. Despite the fact that Taurus is a grounded, earth sign, you might begin to sense that there’s some magic involved in moving you in the direction of your dreams. And you’d probably be right.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Highlighted this week is your 8th house of introspection. In quiet, thoughtful moments you might know that your dreams are being given “an assist.” An infusion of magic speeds things along in the direction you want them to go. Something financially promising may be in the works. A review of values, priorities, and the nature of past relationships is clarifying and seems to work in your favor when it comes to careful future planning and sticking with the path that feels most authentic for you.
On Saturday of this week Mercury moves into retrograde motion your 9th house of beliefs, the future, personal freedom, and expansion. Through February 4th it’s likely you’ll be be backtracking and reviewing something that feels uncomfortable, unrealistic, or misaligned with the future direction you have in mind.
Something you’ve been quietly cultivating behind the scenes takes hold. It seems self-less in some regard. You might begin to see progress in an area that could relate to parenting or care-giving. What you hoped would take hold, may be taking hold.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Highlighted this week is your 7th house of relationships. On Monday, the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. Here’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to “speed things along.” Dreams are given an assist. Progress is encouraging. You might sense a relationship move in a positive direction- possibly the result of some concentrated effort on your part.
What you’ve been cultivating within the community, with groups, friends, or allies may begin to show progress on Friday of this week. What you were hoping would manifest, does. This may have something to do with trusting yourself and your instincts.
Mercury retrogrades on Saturday. A 21 day review begins that relates to financial partnerships, trust, intimacy, and possibly the acknowledgement of some hard truths. Your sense of security takes precedence.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Your 6th house of work, concentrated efforts, and self-improvement through focus on the details and a dedication to self-discipline is highlighted. On Monday of this week a gift is handed to you in the form of an emerging opportunity, goal attainment, or an infusion of magic to speed things along. You might sense you’re being “lifted and carried” in the direction you want to go.
On Friday, the asteroid Ceres – currently in retrograde motion – turns direct. What you’ve been cultivating or “nurturing along” with regard to leadership, goal attainment, and career satisfaction shows signs of “taking hold.” Progress may be evident.
Mercury retrogrades on Saturday in your 7th house of relationships. A review is initiated that involves Mercury’s sextile to Chiron. There’s an opportunity for healing that involves balance, justice and fairness, group work, the community, and moving the masses in a better direction. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action.
A clarification promotes an internal shift – and possibly a liberating personal breakthrough.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The strongest feature of this week’s horoscope for Virgo is Mercury’s move into retrograde motion on Saturday. A 21 day review commences then. It involves your work, health routines, a self-improvement focus – and possibly the nature of your relationship with co-workers. Some courageous personal introspection may be involved opening doors to new opportunities, methods, and “ways of doing things.”
What you’ve been cultivating for the future involving stability, ownership, a parenting goal – or something you’ve been “nurturing along” in hopes of “seeing it grow” may be showing signs of progress.
On Monday, Jan. 10th there’s another emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to “speed things along.” Dreams are given an assist. What might be most practical for Virgo this week would be a strong belief and reliance on the power of magic move you in the direction you want to go – in the direction of your dreams.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The aspect that’s most highlighted for Libra this week is the Sun’s sextile to Neptune. With regard to your home, family, and sense of security there’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to lift you above the fray. Dreams are given an assist and progress is encouraging.
What you’ve been nurturing along for awhile – maybe something having to do with the cultivation of trust, some courage to face a hard truth, or dealings with a complicated financial partnership – may be showing signs of improvement and significant progress.
Mercury moves into retrograde motion on Saturday. A review of how you use your talents to promote something more humane could involve groups or some area of responsibility involving moving the masses in a better direction.
On a different note starting on Saturday, and for 21 days going forward, issues related to love and romance, happiness, and creativity will be up for review. It’s likely some changes will be made as a result.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
On Tuesday of this week Mars at 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and some chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” outdated and obsolete.
For example, Ceres turns direct in your 7th house of committed relationships and marriage on Friday of this week. Something you’ve been working on – possibly within the realm of relationships – is beginning to show signs progress. A small seedling you’ve been “nurturing along” takes root. Parental issues show signs of healing and movement in a better direction.
On Saturday of this week Mercury moves into retrograde motion for 21 days in your 4th house. A review of issues related to home, family, and what you need in order to feel secure progresses.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Jupiter in your 4th house of home and family might be an indication that you’ve made some decisions about the direction you want to pursue. Coming “back home to yourself” may be part of this picture. Clues regarding “what it is that makes you happy” could relate back to your mother.
On Tuesday of this week Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” obsolete.
On Friday you might begin to recognize signs of progress as a result of some concentrated effort in a specific direction.
On Saturday your communication style, the methods you use to connect with others, how you share thoughts and information, and what you focus on, will be under review for 21 days. It’s likely you’ll make a few important changes during that time.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
Until Jan. 29th relationships, financial dealings, issues related to success, leadership, and your overall style and approach to life remains “under review.” In some regard feeling a sense responsibility to the group, the community, or to your own most authentic and natural way of being may be involved.
On Monday the Sun’s sextile to Neptune creates an opportunity that involves realistic goals and an infusion of magic to accelerate your progress. Dreams are given an assist. You might feel uplifted and encouraged as a result.
On Tuesday Mars at 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your old calculations and assumptions obsolete.
On Friday Ceres turns into direct motion in your fifth house of love, creativity, and romance. What you’ve been working on cultivating or nurturing along for awhile shows signs of “taking hold.” Signs of progress may become obvious.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
Aquarius is likely feeling the need to break free of old obligations and rules involving their approach to life. But feeling responsible for the group and group progress is part of the Aquarian mindset.
Today Mercury sextiles Chiron at 8 degrees of Aries. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action – possibly involving issues of social justice. A clarification is likely to promote an internal shift and possibly a liberating breakthrough.
On Monday, there’s an emerging opportunity involving important goals and an infusion of magic that accelerates movement in the direction you want to go. Dreams are given “an assist”. Progress may be encouraging.
On Friday Ceres turns direct in the sign of Taurus. What comes naturally, or what we’ve been cultivating for awhile, begins to take hold. Signs of real progress become evident. The challenging part is believing what you’re seeing.
On Friday Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius. We’re likely to rethink our overall style and approach to life for the following 21 days. It’s likely you’ll make some changes as the retrograde phase comes to a close.

PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
On Monday, Jan. 10th the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. An emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to accelerates progress is handed to you. Dreams are powerful. Undeniable progress is encouraging.
On Tuesday Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true may be challenging. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. But there’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, and makes your “old calculations” and assumptions obsolete.
Especially encouraging may be the progress you see as a result some sustained effort. On Saturday Mercury moves into retrograde motion in your 12 house of what’s subtle, hidden, or “ongoing behind the scenes.” It’s all subject to a “21 day review.” This could be related to a subconscious, stubborn mindset with more control over real life outcomes than your waking, conscious thoughts. The retrograde phase could reverse that.
Update and Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 9th – 14th
The two strongest events this week involve Mercury’s turn into retrograde motion at 10 degrees of Aquarius next Saturday, and Ceres move into direct motion in Taurus on Friday.
Today, Sunday Jan. 9th, Mercury at 8 degrees of Aquarius sextiles Chiron at 8 degrees of Aries. There’s an opportunity for healing that involves group work, the community, and moving the masses in a better direction. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action – possibly involving issues of social justice. A clarification promotes an internal shift and possibly a liberating (personal) breakthrough.
On Monday, Jan. 10th the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. Here’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic that speeds things along. Dreams are given an assist and progress is encouraging.
On Tuesday Jan 11th Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” obsolete.
On Friday, Jan. 14th at 6:41 AM EST Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius. We’re rethinking the old rules, or “mulling over” the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something old, outdated, and restrictive. Is it really necessary now? Probably not. Our perspective is likely to change as a result of rethinking what’s possible.
On Friday, Jan. 14th, Ceres moves into direct motion at 27 degrees of Taurus. This happens at 4:21 PM EST. After revisiting issues related to parenting, “going back and forth,” experimenting, and attempting to set something more workable and “up to our standards” in place, we might be seeing some encouraging signs of progress. A correction was needed.. Old patterns may have been broken and new ones set in place. What we’ve been attempting to cultivate may be showing signs of “taking hold.”
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The issue this week for Aries involves beliefs – what you believe is possible for the future, whether or not you believe in the power of magic, compassion, and kindness to move you in a hopeful direction. Do you trust yourself enough to believe that your most cherished dreams may now be in the process of coming true? You might have to take some risk this week that involves changing your opinion about the ways things are and what’s actually possible for you.
Some leadership on your part may be required. For you an area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages action. That may involve issues of social justice – or the healing power of group work. A clarification promotes an internal shift and possibly a liberating breakthrough for you, your fiends, the community, and possibly the world.
On Saturday Mercury retrogrades in your 11th house. It’s good to rethink the old rules, to mull over the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something restrictive you’ve been willing to accept. Is it really necessary anymore? Probably not. Your perspective is likely to change as a result of rethinking what’s possible. Something you’ve been cultivating for a while begins to show signs of progress.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
On Friday of this week Ceres turns direct. Something you’ve been working on related to parenting, nurturing, or cultivating growth in a specific direction may be showing signs of “taking hold.” Your efforts may be bearing fruit. A seedling seems to be taking hold.
By the end of the week Mercury retrogrades in your 10th house of your career, life direction, or drive for success. A period of review will be ongoing until February 4th. You may rethink the old rules, or mull over the “pro’s and con’s” of a personal rebellion against something restrictive you’ve been willing to accept in the past. If the role you play begins to feel inauthentic for you, an important change may be considered.
You might sense that things are generally moving in a positive direction for you. Despite the fact that Taurus is a grounded, earth sign, you might begin to sense that there’s some magic involved in moving you in the direction of your dreams. And you’d probably be right.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Highlighted this week is your 8th house of introspection. In quiet, thoughtful moments you might know that your dreams are being given “an assist.” An infusion of magic speeds things along in the direction you want them to go. Something financially promising may be in the works. A review of values, priorities, and the nature of past relationships is clarifying and seems to work in your favor when it comes to careful future planning and sticking with the path that feels most authentic for you.
On Saturday of this week Mercury moves into retrograde motion your 9th house of beliefs, the future, personal freedom, and expansion. Through February 4th it’s likely you’ll be be backtracking and reviewing something that feels uncomfortable, unrealistic, or misaligned with the future direction you have in mind.
Something you’ve been quietly cultivating behind the scenes takes hold. It seems self-less in some regard. You might begin to see progress in an area that could relate to parenting or care-giving. What you hoped would take hold, may be taking hold.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Highlighted this week is your 7th house of relationships. On Monday, the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. Here’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to “speed things along.” Dreams are given an assist. Progress is encouraging. You might sense a relationship move in a positive direction- possibly the result of some concentrated effort on your part.
What you’ve been cultivating within the community, with groups, friends, or allies may begin to show progress on Friday of this week. What you were hoping would manifest, does. This may have something to do with trusting yourself and your instincts.
Mercury retrogrades on Saturday. A 21 day review begins that relates to financial partnerships, trust, intimacy, and possibly the acknowledgement of some hard truths. Your sense of security takes precedence.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Your 6th house of work, concentrated efforts, and self-improvement through focus on the details and a dedication to self-discipline is highlighted. On Monday of this week a gift is handed to you in the form of an emerging opportunity, goal attainment, or an infusion of magic to speed things along. You might sense you’re being “lifted and carried” in the direction you want to go.
On Friday, the asteroid Ceres – currently in retrograde motion – turns direct. What you’ve been cultivating or “nurturing along” with regard to leadership, goal attainment, and career satisfaction shows signs of “taking hold.” Progress may be evident.
Mercury retrogrades on Saturday in your 7th house of relationships. A review is initiated that involves Mercury’s sextile to Chiron. There’s an opportunity for healing that involves balance, justice and fairness, group work, the community, and moving the masses in a better direction. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action.
A clarification promotes an internal shift – and possibly a liberating personal breakthrough.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The strongest feature of this week’s horoscope for Virgo is Mercury’s move into retrograde motion on Saturday. A 21 day review commences then. It involves your work, health routines, a self-improvement focus – and possibly the nature of your relationship with co-workers. Some courageous personal introspection may be involved opening doors to new opportunities, methods, and “ways of doing things.”
What you’ve been cultivating for the future involving stability, ownership, a parenting goal – or something you’ve been “nurturing along” in hopes of “seeing it grow” may be showing signs of progress.
On Monday, Jan. 10th there’s another emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to “speed things along.” Dreams are given an assist. What might be most practical for Virgo this week would be a strong belief and reliance on the power of magic move you in the direction you want to go – in the direction of your dreams.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The aspect that’s most highlighted for Libra this week is the Sun’s sextile to Neptune. With regard to your home, family, and sense of security there’s an emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to lift you above the fray. Dreams are given an assist and progress is encouraging.
What you’ve been nurturing along for awhile – maybe something having to do with the cultivation of trust, some courage to face a hard truth, or dealings with a complicated financial partnership – may be showing signs of improvement and significant progress.
Mercury moves into retrograde motion on Saturday. A review of how you use your talents to promote something more humane could involve groups or some area of responsibility involving moving the masses in a better direction.
On a different note starting on Saturday, and for 21 days going forward, issues related to love and romance, happiness, and creativity will be up for review. It’s likely some changes will be made as a result.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
On Tuesday of this week Mars at 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and some chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” outdated and obsolete.
For example, Ceres turns direct in your 7th house of committed relationships and marriage on Friday of this week. Something you’ve been working on – possibly within the realm of relationships – is beginning to show signs progress. A small seedling you’ve been “nurturing along” takes root. Parental issues show signs of healing and movement in a better direction.
On Saturday of this week Mercury moves into retrograde motion for 21 days in your 4th house. A review of issues related to home, family, and what you need in order to feel secure progresses.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Jupiter in your 4th house of home and family might be an indication that you’ve made some decisions about the direction you want to pursue. Coming “back home to yourself” may be part of this picture. Clues regarding “what it is that makes you happy” could relate back to your mother.
On Tuesday of this week Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your “old calculations” obsolete.
On Friday you might begin to recognize signs of progress as a result of some concentrated effort in a specific direction.
On Saturday your communication style, the methods you use to connect with others, how you share thoughts and information, and what you focus on, will be under review for 21 days. It’s likely you’ll make a few important changes during that time.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
Until Jan. 29th relationships, financial dealings, issues related to success, leadership, and your overall style and approach to life remains “under review.” In some regard feeling a sense responsibility to the group, the community, or to your own most authentic and natural way of being may be involved.
On Monday the Sun’s sextile to Neptune creates an opportunity that involves realistic goals and an infusion of magic to accelerate your progress. Dreams are given an assist. You might feel uplifted and encouraged as a result.
On Tuesday Mars at 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true is the challenge. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. There’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, making your old calculations and assumptions obsolete.
On Friday Ceres turns into direct motion in your fifth house of love, creativity, and romance. What you’ve been working on cultivating or nurturing along for awhile shows signs of “taking hold.” Signs of progress may become obvious.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
Aquarius is likely feeling the need to break free of old obligations and rules involving their approach to life. But feeling responsible for the group and group progress is part of the Aquarian mindset.
Today Mercury sextiles Chiron at 8 degrees of Aries. An area of personal vulnerability or pain promotes a level of understanding that encourages courageous action – possibly involving issues of social justice. A clarification is likely to promote an internal shift and possibly a liberating breakthrough.
On Monday, there’s an emerging opportunity involving important goals and an infusion of magic that accelerates movement in the direction you want to go. Dreams are given “an assist”. Progress may be encouraging.
On Friday Ceres turns direct in the sign of Taurus. What comes naturally, or what we’ve been cultivating for awhile, begins to take hold. Signs of real progress become evident. The challenging part is believing what you’re seeing.
On Friday Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius. We’re likely to rethink our overall style and approach to life for the following 21 days. It’s likely you’ll make some changes as the retrograde phase comes to a close.
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
On Monday, Jan. 10th the Sun at 20 Degrees of Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 20 Degrees of Pisces. An emerging opportunity involving realistic goals and an infusion of magic to accelerates progress is handed to you. Dreams are powerful. Undeniable progress is encouraging.
On Tuesday Mars a 20 degrees of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Acting on the belief that your dreams are in the process of coming true may be challenging. Moving yourself past old restrictive patterns, pessimistic mindsets, and chronically low expectations is important. But there’s some magic at work here (Neptune) that changes the game, and makes your “old calculations” and assumptions obsolete.
Especially encouraging may be the progress you see as a result some sustained effort. On Saturday Mercury moves into retrograde motion in your 12 house of what’s subtle, hidden, or “ongoing behind the scenes.” It’s all subject to a “21 day review.” This could be related to a subconscious, stubborn mindset with more control over real life outcomes than your waking, conscious thoughts. The retrograde phase could reverse that.
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