Early this morning (at 1:22 AM EDT) the Pisces full Moon culminated. ( To see full Interpretation click here)
Today (Wednesday, Sep. 2nd) Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. The energy of the full Moon fuels a relationship culmination, result, or end-point. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, growing up, etc.
Black Moon Lilith gets actively involved. She’s disrupting and triggering Mars (anger) in his “home” sign of Aries. Fortunately he’s likely to express the best of who he is. Taking responsibility for making it work (or calling it quits) may be necessary. You might feel locked in or as though you’re confronting the same issues again and again. Lilith will create the chaos needed to break the cycle. There’s nothing further to be gained from going over the same ground or applying the same ineffective fixes or remedies. Something disciplined, practical and unconditionally loving could be the answer. Finding the security you need within seems wise.
Fortunately the Sun in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus. This is a clean break from stubbornly entrenched habits and tendencies – as well as outdated values and priorities. A welcome update and some fresh air blows through what’s grown stagnant and stubbornly immoveable. A revival is possible.
On Thursday, Sep. 3rd, Mercury in Virgo trines Saturn in Capricorn. Practically useful results and clean/clear messaging promotes your goals and supports your success. Something clear, concise, and beautifully organized is especially useful. Focused efforts bring results. Hard work pays off. A disciplined, practical, organized approach can be most effective.
On Thursday Mercury in Virgo squares the North Node in Gemini. Something compulsive, perfectionistic, too critical or detail-oriented could blind you to an emerging opportunity. Challenging adjustments may need to be made for you to be able to let go of the past and move forward. Learning something new, improving your skills, and taking the practical actions that will get you where you want to be seems timely.
On Friday Venus in Cancer squares Mars in Aries. What you attract may not be what you actually need or desire. This is a frustrating aspect. Within relationships feelings are easily hurt by Mars pushiness and desire to get what he wants – immediately. Impatience could derail, frustrate, and discourage you.
Expect more from Mars this week. Consider doing something courageous and personally beneficial. It might be time to take some well-considered risk that supports your long term goals.
On Friday Mercury in Virgo inconjuncts Mars in Aries. Consider what you say before you say it and how your routines could be more efficient and effective. Mars wants to be active and included. Exercise could clear your head and defuse the frustration that confuses you.
Also on Saturday Mercury enters the sign of Libra at 3:46 PM EDT. How you say it is as important as what you say. It may be time to exercise diplomacy, to compromise, and to negotiate a better deal for yourself. It may be easier now to make a decision.
Pallas turns direct in Capricorn on Saturday. This may be the right time to put a strategy or well considered plan in motion.
On Sunday Sep. 6th Venus enters the sign of Leo at 3:21 AM EDT. Love, creativity, romance, and playfulness brings joy. Kids tend to show us the way when Leo is front and center. Something more dramatic and self-centered could make life fun again. It might be time to find more ways to socialize safely.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
A relationship result, solution, decision or end-point is fueled by the energy of the Pisces full Moon. It could be pivotal. Action that has seemed impossible even a week ago may no longer be. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security may be elusive. Relationship issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for a solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. In any case effective action to bring your life into balance is important. Deliberately disrupting an old habitual style and approach to relationships seems wise. Black Moon’s patience may be wearing thin where expectations and old commitments are involved. Pallas turns direct on Saturday. It might be time to start putting a plan or strategy into motion. Venus enters the sign of Leo and your 5th house on Sunday. It’s time to bring more joy into life. In fact you might not have to do much too make this happen. Love, creativity, romance, and playfulness might land on your doorstep as an unexpected gift. You might have permission to be more dramatic and self-centered. This could make life fun again. It might be time to find more ways to socialize safely.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Today Venus in your 3rd house of communication, forging connections, and truth telling opposes Saturn in Capricorn in your 9th house of liberation and expansion. You may need to say what you have to say. The timing could be right to find the solution, to see results, or to bring an end to what’s been ineffective and frustrating. Something has been agitating and disrupting from behind the scenes. You may intuitively feel the need to pay more attention to your health. Moving in the direction of making yourself more comfortable in your own skin seems wise. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror, working harder, growing up, etc. On Saturday Mercury moves into the sign of Libra. You’ll likely be diplomatic and in the mood to negotiate for a practical solution. It may be time to put a well-considered plan in motion on Saturday. Venus moves into Leo and your 4th house on Sunday. Life gets easier, more enjoyable, and creatively happy within your home space. Relationship with family members tends to be loving and generous. Kids show the way to a kind of light-hearted playfulness that brings more joy into your world.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Today Venus in your 2nd house of “stabilizing sources of security and comfort” meets with opposition – possibly related to financial partnerships, compromise, balance, and old issues related to lack of trust. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Relationship issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. Black Moon is sowing some chaos related to stable commitments to children, love, romance, creativity – or to keeping it lighted-hearted and playful. This might actually relate to the bigger political/community/or global realities and the pressures those exert on everyone. Still it’s wise to look within for answers. Feeling comfortable in your own skin seems especially important this week. Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and your 5th house this weekend. Communication gets playful. Romantic thoughts take hold. Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 3rd house on Sunday. Something is clarified. An important loving message is received. Enlightened thoughts result in a brilliant plan that can be set in motion. Communication flows.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Your entire security oriented, protective and nurturing approach to life meets with some serious opposition this week – possibly in the form of a partner and relationship disruptions. Relationships are challenged. Keeping yourself in a balanced state is difficult. This week the energy of the full Moon fuels a relationship culmination, result, or end-point. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for a solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. Uranus is delivering a substantial breakthrough that might feel newly liberating. Black Moon Lilith in the role of an authority or leader shakes up the status quo and might trigger a rebellion against domestic commitments and responsibilities. As Mercury moves into your 4th house you may become more diplomatic, decisive, organized or focused on home and family interactions. Pallas turns direct this week. It might be time to put a well-considered plan or strategy in motion. Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 2nd house on Sunday. Self-worth, net worth, managing finances and resources, and dealing with financial partnerships gets easier. It’s likely you’ll feel proud of your ability to manage your resources well. Promoting something stabilizing or cultivating something timeless involves the joy of creating, playing, something more dramatic, romantic, or unapologetically loving and self-involved.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Fueled by the energy of today’s Pisces full Moon is a challenge within the realm of relationships. Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. A relationship culmination, result, or end-point is evident as a harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained and uncertain. A conflict may require taking more personal responsibility for outcomes, confronting yourself and your weaknesses, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, or growing up. Black Moon Lilith fuels the flames as she rebels against a commitment to keeping communication civil and polite when her own future or ability to expand is at stake. Your focus changes from doing what’s practical and necessary to stabilize and strengthen a financial situation… to thinking on your feet, communicating in more conciliatory way, or using diplomacy and negotiations to get your way. Kind words that convey understanding go a long way to resolving what needs to be resolved. But all of this pales in comparison to Venus’s move over your ascendent into the first house. A charmed and very fortunate new beginning materializes. By next week you begin to gain the kind of traction you need to infuse your life with an abundance of joy. You attract love and kindness as a matter of course.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week a relationship challenge involves something heavy, depressing, or overwhelming that dampens your spirit, shakes your confidence, and calls for the kind of change that’s hard to initiate or integrate. You may need to work hard to develop an innate talent that allows you to make a difference in the community. You may need to transcend some personal pain to dedicate your life to a cause that’s bigger than you and your current problems. Love may be extremely complicated or hard to come by. Something less self-involved makes way for progress. On a different note you may need to be very determined to infuse your life with unprecedented levels of joy despite the challenges you face. The full Moon allows for a personal release that opens doors. You may be required to take more responsibility for outcomes, to confront yourself, look in the mirror for solutions, work harder, and take control. Mercury changes your focus this week as it moves into your second house of stabilization with a goal to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Immersion in nature can be especially healing. Venus delivers a gift on Sunday that makes it easier to release what’s outdated and finished.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Something within your professional life – a cherished goal, success, leadership responsibility, or public recognition may be threatened by something challenging on the domestic front. You may be blaming another or a lack of support. But the challenge is to look in the mirror for answers. You may need to accept the fact that the solution and eventual outcome is in your hands. You may have to take on more responsibility and work harder to create the security you need. This is a time to look within for answers and something more balanced. Black Moon Lilith looks like she’s rebelling against your commitment to keeping your approach nice, civil, compromising, and diplomatic. It may be time for something more honest and straight-forward. You’ve probably already proven you can keep the peace by giving in. Now the requirements may be different. Uranus has probably released you from something confining – possibly related to trust, intimacy, or breakthroughs related to some old psychological conditioning. Mercury moves over your ascendent on Saturday. An idea that’s been gestating for awhile is clarified and begins to gain traction. Friendships and groups easily infuse joy and something more playful into your life. A community focus is a source of pride.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
An expansion of something that represents security and comfort to you is challenged by a rigid mindset or old belief that may be ripe for release. An argument with another or a harsh dose of the truth might throw you off balance. A result, solution, or endpoint may be reached. Issues and conflicts may be a rooted in some old compulsion or obsession that makes you feel out of control. Now is the time to look in the mirror, to examine your beliefs, to take a more self-focused look at what continues to be problematic where your future security is concerned. It’s time to envision a future that transcends the limitations of your mindset. Bodywork might allow you to bypass the brain while releasing an unconscious sticking point. Under the Pisces full Moon Uranus is likely to have set you free in some regard. The landscape is different than it was a week ago. Black Moon Lilith may be rebelling and sowing chaos to release you from old (relationship) memories. On Saturday your focus shifts to releasing and letting go. On Sunday as Venus transits over your midheaven the gift of success, public admiration, and accomplishment may be handed to you. Worldly success and recognition brings you an abundance of joy.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Your sense of security as an equal partner and contributor may be undermined by uncertainty and fear. The rug may have been pulled out from under you and you may be struggling to regain your footing. There’s a lot at stake – not the least of which may be your ability to maintain an equitable partnership. A diminished sense self worth may accompany a set of circumstances that seem out of your control or difficult to decipher. It’s up to you to look in the mirror to find the solution. At the same time under this Pisces full Moon Uranus might have opened the door to something new (a new direction) that could feel more authentic and inspired. The cost of coasting and avoiding what needs to be done could become a more important consideration. Doing the work and taking more risk may be necessary. But Sagittarius is all about believing in yourself and keeping the faith even when circumstances don’t seem to warrant it. Sadge’s are prone to overdoing so it’s important to stay focused, to pace yourself, to do what’s practically effective and efficient. You might need to consider advancing your education. Learning something new that’s practically useful is timely. Mercury moves into your 10th house of your career or vocation on Saturday. Your focus or life direction changes. Venus moves into your 8th house in the sign of Leo on Sunday handing you a big assist that carries you in the direction you want to go.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The relationship challenges you’ve faced this week may have tested your patience, your authority, your ability to stay in control and keep yourself in balance. Additionally issues related to your protecting your security and your reputation may have been challenged. If you are upset or thrown off your game it’s up to you to look in the mirror for answers. Blaming the irresponsibility or aggression of others won’t be effective. Outer events present you with the kind of challenges you need to ground yourself in an unshakeable sense of inner balance and control. On Saturday Mercury moves into the sign of Libra. Your reputation, success, accomplishments, and desire to gain some public recognition within the professional realm becomes your focus for the next few weeks. Venus’s move into Leo and your 8th house hands you a gift in the form a (financial) partner who infuses your life with an abundance of joy. Something valuable is handed to you in the form of a (financial) gift.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
If you’re in the habit of refusing to control what you could control with regard to the nature of your work, your health, or daily routines it may be time to “face the music.” What you’ve let become out of control needs to be reined back in. You might have to work hard or focus intently to change old patterns that keep you working too much and too hard. This is likely a compulsive thing rooted in the past. Your standards for yourself and your work may need to soften. Burning yourself out threatens your health and well being. A result, solution ,or end-point may present itself this week. Again you’re responsible for setting the pace and developing balanced, healthy, sustainable routines. The full Moon in your 2nd house brings to a conclusion something involving self-worth, net worth, and a sense of security. A change in the nature or emphasis of your work may be involved. Working from home or employing someone new to assist you may be part of the overall picture that involves lightening your load in some regard. Self-care is critical. Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and your 9th house of expansion and liberation. Emotional heaviness lifts and you may begin to feel more hopeful about your future. On Sunday Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 7th house. This looks like a gift that comes in the form of something more balanced. A partner gladly supports your efforts to succeed and to bring more joy into your life.
PISCES (February 21-March 21))
The Pisces full Moon feels could feel especially liberating for you. An old relationships may come to a close and set you free of some “baggage” that has weighed you down or locked you in for awhile. You’re now free to expand in virtually any direction you’d like to go. Mercury in your 7th house opens up the discussion of something imbalanced and the implications of it. Mutual desire and affection may be strong. But there could be an inequitable distribution of power. One party may be making the rules and controlling the narrative. It’s good to clarify an unspoken relationship dynamic that makes you feel less than. A beautiful romantic relationship may have come as far as it can go. There may be no further gains or satisfaction to be had in the absence of the kind of concessions one or the other is unwilling or unable to make. Venus’s move into your 6th house of health and work hands you a gift in the form of better (mental) health, the ability to make steady improvements, to change your line of work, and to interpret more clearly the intuitive messages and inspiring assistance that keep you on the right track.
New Horoscopes for the Week of Sep. 2nd – 8th
(Mosaic Artist – Kathy Thaden)
Early this morning (at 1:22 AM EDT) the Pisces full Moon culminated. ( To see full Interpretation click here)
Today (Wednesday, Sep. 2nd) Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. The energy of the full Moon fuels a relationship culmination, result, or end-point. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, growing up, etc.
Black Moon Lilith gets actively involved. She’s disrupting and triggering Mars (anger) in his “home” sign of Aries. Fortunately he’s likely to express the best of who he is. Taking responsibility for making it work (or calling it quits) may be necessary. You might feel locked in or as though you’re confronting the same issues again and again. Lilith will create the chaos needed to break the cycle. There’s nothing further to be gained from going over the same ground or applying the same ineffective fixes or remedies. Something disciplined, practical and unconditionally loving could be the answer. Finding the security you need within seems wise.
Fortunately the Sun in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus. This is a clean break from stubbornly entrenched habits and tendencies – as well as outdated values and priorities. A welcome update and some fresh air blows through what’s grown stagnant and stubbornly immoveable. A revival is possible.
On Thursday, Sep. 3rd, Mercury in Virgo trines Saturn in Capricorn. Practically useful results and clean/clear messaging promotes your goals and supports your success. Something clear, concise, and beautifully organized is especially useful. Focused efforts bring results. Hard work pays off. A disciplined, practical, organized approach can be most effective.
On Thursday Mercury in Virgo squares the North Node in Gemini. Something compulsive, perfectionistic, too critical or detail-oriented could blind you to an emerging opportunity. Challenging adjustments may need to be made for you to be able to let go of the past and move forward. Learning something new, improving your skills, and taking the practical actions that will get you where you want to be seems timely.
On Friday Venus in Cancer squares Mars in Aries. What you attract may not be what you actually need or desire. This is a frustrating aspect. Within relationships feelings are easily hurt by Mars pushiness and desire to get what he wants – immediately. Impatience could derail, frustrate, and discourage you.
Expect more from Mars this week. Consider doing something courageous and personally beneficial. It might be time to take some well-considered risk that supports your long term goals.
On Friday Mercury in Virgo inconjuncts Mars in Aries. Consider what you say before you say it and how your routines could be more efficient and effective. Mars wants to be active and included. Exercise could clear your head and defuse the frustration that confuses you.
Also on Saturday Mercury enters the sign of Libra at 3:46 PM EDT. How you say it is as important as what you say. It may be time to exercise diplomacy, to compromise, and to negotiate a better deal for yourself. It may be easier now to make a decision.
Pallas turns direct in Capricorn on Saturday. This may be the right time to put a strategy or well considered plan in motion.
On Sunday Sep. 6th Venus enters the sign of Leo at 3:21 AM EDT. Love, creativity, romance, and playfulness brings joy. Kids tend to show us the way when Leo is front and center. Something more dramatic and self-centered could make life fun again. It might be time to find more ways to socialize safely.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
A relationship result, solution, decision or end-point is fueled by the energy of the Pisces full Moon. It could be pivotal. Action that has seemed impossible even a week ago may no longer be. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security may be elusive. Relationship issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for a solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. In any case effective action to bring your life into balance is important. Deliberately disrupting an old habitual style and approach to relationships seems wise. Black Moon’s patience may be wearing thin where expectations and old commitments are involved. Pallas turns direct on Saturday. It might be time to start putting a plan or strategy into motion. Venus enters the sign of Leo and your 5th house on Sunday. It’s time to bring more joy into life. In fact you might not have to do much too make this happen. Love, creativity, romance, and playfulness might land on your doorstep as an unexpected gift. You might have permission to be more dramatic and self-centered. This could make life fun again. It might be time to find more ways to socialize safely.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Today Venus in your 3rd house of communication, forging connections, and truth telling opposes Saturn in Capricorn in your 9th house of liberation and expansion. You may need to say what you have to say. The timing could be right to find the solution, to see results, or to bring an end to what’s been ineffective and frustrating. Something has been agitating and disrupting from behind the scenes. You may intuitively feel the need to pay more attention to your health. Moving in the direction of making yourself more comfortable in your own skin seems wise. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror, working harder, growing up, etc. On Saturday Mercury moves into the sign of Libra. You’ll likely be diplomatic and in the mood to negotiate for a practical solution. It may be time to put a well-considered plan in motion on Saturday. Venus moves into Leo and your 4th house on Sunday. Life gets easier, more enjoyable, and creatively happy within your home space. Relationship with family members tends to be loving and generous. Kids show the way to a kind of light-hearted playfulness that brings more joy into your world.
Today Venus in your 2nd house of “stabilizing sources of security and comfort” meets with opposition – possibly related to financial partnerships, compromise, balance, and old issues related to lack of trust. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Relationship issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. Black Moon is sowing some chaos related to stable commitments to children, love, romance, creativity – or to keeping it lighted-hearted and playful. This might actually relate to the bigger political/community/or global realities and the pressures those exert on everyone. Still it’s wise to look within for answers. Feeling comfortable in your own skin seems especially important this week. Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and your 5th house this weekend. Communication gets playful. Romantic thoughts take hold. Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 3rd house on Sunday. Something is clarified. An important loving message is received. Enlightened thoughts result in a brilliant plan that can be set in motion. Communication flows.
Your entire security oriented, protective and nurturing approach to life meets with some serious opposition this week – possibly in the form of a partner and relationship disruptions. Relationships are challenged. Keeping yourself in a balanced state is difficult. This week the energy of the full Moon fuels a relationship culmination, result, or end-point. A harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained. Issues may require taking more responsibility for outcomes, looking in the mirror for a solutions, working harder, growing up, etc. Uranus is delivering a substantial breakthrough that might feel newly liberating. Black Moon Lilith in the role of an authority or leader shakes up the status quo and might trigger a rebellion against domestic commitments and responsibilities. As Mercury moves into your 4th house you may become more diplomatic, decisive, organized or focused on home and family interactions. Pallas turns direct this week. It might be time to put a well-considered plan or strategy in motion. Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 2nd house on Sunday. Self-worth, net worth, managing finances and resources, and dealing with financial partnerships gets easier. It’s likely you’ll feel proud of your ability to manage your resources well. Promoting something stabilizing or cultivating something timeless involves the joy of creating, playing, something more dramatic, romantic, or unapologetically loving and self-involved.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Fueled by the energy of today’s Pisces full Moon is a challenge within the realm of relationships. Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. A relationship culmination, result, or end-point is evident as a harsh reality pushes against the desire for something supportive, nurturing, harmonious, or effortless. Security (finances) may be strained and uncertain. A conflict may require taking more personal responsibility for outcomes, confronting yourself and your weaknesses, looking in the mirror for solutions, working harder, or growing up. Black Moon Lilith fuels the flames as she rebels against a commitment to keeping communication civil and polite when her own future or ability to expand is at stake. Your focus changes from doing what’s practical and necessary to stabilize and strengthen a financial situation… to thinking on your feet, communicating in more conciliatory way, or using diplomacy and negotiations to get your way. Kind words that convey understanding go a long way to resolving what needs to be resolved. But all of this pales in comparison to Venus’s move over your ascendent into the first house. A charmed and very fortunate new beginning materializes. By next week you begin to gain the kind of traction you need to infuse your life with an abundance of joy. You attract love and kindness as a matter of course.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week a relationship challenge involves something heavy, depressing, or overwhelming that dampens your spirit, shakes your confidence, and calls for the kind of change that’s hard to initiate or integrate. You may need to work hard to develop an innate talent that allows you to make a difference in the community. You may need to transcend some personal pain to dedicate your life to a cause that’s bigger than you and your current problems. Love may be extremely complicated or hard to come by. Something less self-involved makes way for progress. On a different note you may need to be very determined to infuse your life with unprecedented levels of joy despite the challenges you face. The full Moon allows for a personal release that opens doors. You may be required to take more responsibility for outcomes, to confront yourself, look in the mirror for solutions, work harder, and take control. Mercury changes your focus this week as it moves into your second house of stabilization with a goal to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Immersion in nature can be especially healing. Venus delivers a gift on Sunday that makes it easier to release what’s outdated and finished.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Something within your professional life – a cherished goal, success, leadership responsibility, or public recognition may be threatened by something challenging on the domestic front. You may be blaming another or a lack of support. But the challenge is to look in the mirror for answers. You may need to accept the fact that the solution and eventual outcome is in your hands. You may have to take on more responsibility and work harder to create the security you need. This is a time to look within for answers and something more balanced. Black Moon Lilith looks like she’s rebelling against your commitment to keeping your approach nice, civil, compromising, and diplomatic. It may be time for something more honest and straight-forward. You’ve probably already proven you can keep the peace by giving in. Now the requirements may be different. Uranus has probably released you from something confining – possibly related to trust, intimacy, or breakthroughs related to some old psychological conditioning. Mercury moves over your ascendent on Saturday. An idea that’s been gestating for awhile is clarified and begins to gain traction. Friendships and groups easily infuse joy and something more playful into your life. A community focus is a source of pride.
An expansion of something that represents security and comfort to you is challenged by a rigid mindset or old belief that may be ripe for release. An argument with another or a harsh dose of the truth might throw you off balance. A result, solution, or endpoint may be reached. Issues and conflicts may be a rooted in some old compulsion or obsession that makes you feel out of control. Now is the time to look in the mirror, to examine your beliefs, to take a more self-focused look at what continues to be problematic where your future security is concerned. It’s time to envision a future that transcends the limitations of your mindset. Bodywork might allow you to bypass the brain while releasing an unconscious sticking point. Under the Pisces full Moon Uranus is likely to have set you free in some regard. The landscape is different than it was a week ago. Black Moon Lilith may be rebelling and sowing chaos to release you from old (relationship) memories. On Saturday your focus shifts to releasing and letting go. On Sunday as Venus transits over your midheaven the gift of success, public admiration, and accomplishment may be handed to you. Worldly success and recognition brings you an abundance of joy.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Your sense of security as an equal partner and contributor may be undermined by uncertainty and fear. The rug may have been pulled out from under you and you may be struggling to regain your footing. There’s a lot at stake – not the least of which may be your ability to maintain an equitable partnership. A diminished sense self worth may accompany a set of circumstances that seem out of your control or difficult to decipher. It’s up to you to look in the mirror to find the solution. At the same time under this Pisces full Moon Uranus might have opened the door to something new (a new direction) that could feel more authentic and inspired. The cost of coasting and avoiding what needs to be done could become a more important consideration. Doing the work and taking more risk may be necessary. But Sagittarius is all about believing in yourself and keeping the faith even when circumstances don’t seem to warrant it. Sadge’s are prone to overdoing so it’s important to stay focused, to pace yourself, to do what’s practically effective and efficient. You might need to consider advancing your education. Learning something new that’s practically useful is timely. Mercury moves into your 10th house of your career or vocation on Saturday. Your focus or life direction changes. Venus moves into your 8th house in the sign of Leo on Sunday handing you a big assist that carries you in the direction you want to go.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The relationship challenges you’ve faced this week may have tested your patience, your authority, your ability to stay in control and keep yourself in balance. Additionally issues related to your protecting your security and your reputation may have been challenged. If you are upset or thrown off your game it’s up to you to look in the mirror for answers. Blaming the irresponsibility or aggression of others won’t be effective. Outer events present you with the kind of challenges you need to ground yourself in an unshakeable sense of inner balance and control. On Saturday Mercury moves into the sign of Libra. Your reputation, success, accomplishments, and desire to gain some public recognition within the professional realm becomes your focus for the next few weeks. Venus’s move into Leo and your 8th house hands you a gift in the form a (financial) partner who infuses your life with an abundance of joy. Something valuable is handed to you in the form of a (financial) gift.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
If you’re in the habit of refusing to control what you could control with regard to the nature of your work, your health, or daily routines it may be time to “face the music.” What you’ve let become out of control needs to be reined back in. You might have to work hard or focus intently to change old patterns that keep you working too much and too hard. This is likely a compulsive thing rooted in the past. Your standards for yourself and your work may need to soften. Burning yourself out threatens your health and well being. A result, solution ,or end-point may present itself this week. Again you’re responsible for setting the pace and developing balanced, healthy, sustainable routines. The full Moon in your 2nd house brings to a conclusion something involving self-worth, net worth, and a sense of security. A change in the nature or emphasis of your work may be involved. Working from home or employing someone new to assist you may be part of the overall picture that involves lightening your load in some regard. Self-care is critical. Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and your 9th house of expansion and liberation. Emotional heaviness lifts and you may begin to feel more hopeful about your future. On Sunday Venus moves into the sign of Leo and your 7th house. This looks like a gift that comes in the form of something more balanced. A partner gladly supports your efforts to succeed and to bring more joy into your life.
PISCES (February 21-March 21))
The Pisces full Moon feels could feel especially liberating for you. An old relationships may come to a close and set you free of some “baggage” that has weighed you down or locked you in for awhile. You’re now free to expand in virtually any direction you’d like to go. Mercury in your 7th house opens up the discussion of something imbalanced and the implications of it. Mutual desire and affection may be strong. But there could be an inequitable distribution of power. One party may be making the rules and controlling the narrative. It’s good to clarify an unspoken relationship dynamic that makes you feel less than. A beautiful romantic relationship may have come as far as it can go. There may be no further gains or satisfaction to be had in the absence of the kind of concessions one or the other is unwilling or unable to make. Venus’s move into your 6th house of health and work hands you a gift in the form of better (mental) health, the ability to make steady improvements, to change your line of work, and to interpret more clearly the intuitive messages and inspiring assistance that keep you on the right track.
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