Saturday’s New Moon in Libra is a new beginning within the realm of relationships. It’s accompanied by a longing for love, romance, beauty, kindness, support – and peace.
As the week progresses increasingly you’ll feel under Libra’s spell. You may feel the need express what you feel in artistically beautiful ways. (If you find yourself wandering through a bookstore, for example, you might feel like lingering in the poetry section for awhile.)
Materializing a dream or mastering the finer techniques/technical aspects of your craft is supported and encouraged. I predict lots of marriage proposals over the next couple weeks as this new Moon falls on the Juno/Mercury midpoint.
I also predict more break-ups as what’s flimsy or false is recognized and cannot be tolerated.
Uranus in Taurus forms an exact inconjunct to this new Moon.
What you value most – the things that strengthen a relationship, make it durable, and abundantly nourishing in consistent and satisfying ways – may require a significant emotional adjustment. Protecting and sustaining a supportive personal environment may be the issue.
A financial arrangement may need to be adjusted for a new emotional beginning to take hold.
Neptune inconjuncts Venus – the ruling planet of the impending new Moon.
Boundaries dissolve in ways that reveal a hidden truth. A justice/fairness/values issue is brought forward.
Within the realm of relationships you may find yourself acting as an agent of justice, a protector of what you value most, or quality control expert. You may watch a dramatic dissolution play out on the world stage – or experience it within your personal life. Something insubstantial or unreal is revealed for what it is. An emotional/role adjustment or new aproach is required.
It is likely you will conclude – sometime around Saturday’s new Moon – that going back to what was is not a sustainable emotional option.
Libra New Moon
Saturday’s New Moon in Libra is a new beginning within the realm of relationships. It’s accompanied by a longing for love, romance, beauty, kindness, support – and peace.
As the week progresses increasingly you’ll feel under Libra’s spell. You may feel the need express what you feel in artistically beautiful ways. (If you find yourself wandering through a bookstore, for example, you might feel like lingering in the poetry section for awhile.)
Materializing a dream or mastering the finer techniques/technical aspects of your craft is supported and encouraged. I predict lots of marriage proposals over the next couple weeks as this new Moon falls on the Juno/Mercury midpoint.
I also predict more break-ups as what’s flimsy or false is recognized and cannot be tolerated.
Uranus in Taurus forms an exact inconjunct to this new Moon.
What you value most – the things that strengthen a relationship, make it durable, and abundantly nourishing in consistent and satisfying ways – may require a significant emotional adjustment. Protecting and sustaining a supportive personal environment may be the issue.
A financial arrangement may need to be adjusted for a new emotional beginning to take hold.
Neptune inconjuncts Venus – the ruling planet of the impending new Moon.
Boundaries dissolve in ways that reveal a hidden truth. A justice/fairness/values issue is brought forward.
Within the realm of relationships you may find yourself acting as an agent of justice, a protector of what you value most, or quality control expert. You may watch a dramatic dissolution play out on the world stage – or experience it within your personal life. Something insubstantial or unreal is revealed for what it is. An emotional/role adjustment or new aproach is required.
It is likely you will conclude – sometime around Saturday’s new Moon – that going back to what was is not a sustainable emotional option.
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