(Mosaic Art – Kathy Thaden)
Happy Thanksgiving!! If you don’t live in the U.S. and don’t know, this is the time we celebrate gratitude and feel grateful for whatever we feel grateful for.
Among other things I’m grateful for David Chidgey and I want to say thank you to him. He’s the mosaic artist from Texas that has continued for years to inspire me. I like to find new mosaic artists to showcase but his work remains irresistible. For many years he’s added an element of sheer joy to my work. No matter how hard it’s been to interpret and write something truthful based on the symbols in front of me – or how uncertain I am of the final product – when it’s time to publish something illustrated with a “Chidgey piece” I always feel reasonably satisfied and hopeful. Thank you David for your beautiful artistic gift.
This week the Sun has moved on from the realm of psychic upheaval into the fiery realm of Sagittarius expansion. After a month of deep introspection and intense inner shifts you may feel different – freer if all has gone well. As a result of inner shifting an old “trip” has burned out. The energy we used to sustain an old way of being has faded. But we may be gathering steam in a new direction.
Sagittarius is a hopeful sign. The Sun, newly in the sign of Sagittarius, highlights the part of us that needs to be free to expand our horizons. Because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter remains in the sign of Scorpio until November of 2018, there is a “life and death” quality attached to the re-alignments that are being initiated. The things we must leave behind we’ve become deeply attached to. Like prisoners who grow attached to an odd sense of comfort with their confinement, on some level it may feel gut-wrenching to be set free – a daunting challenge to step up and do what we’re now capable of doing.
The Sun joins Mercury, Saturn, and the centaur planet Phollus, already residing in the sign of Sagittarius – a consolidation of energy in one specific realm of your own life experience. Saturn and Phollus both align with the Galactic core so the meaning of your current experience extends way beyond anything personal. You are being swept up in a powerful wave of collective spiritual progress that requires your cooperation. You could refuse but at an existential level it would feel wrong.
Not to add any pressure, but your choice to “step up” and your ability to push through matters in the biggest possible scheme of things. Your choices always matter because you’ve never operated in a vacuum, but this is a pivotal time for the human race. The changes you’re being compelled to make add fuel to a much larger movement involving the spiritual reconnection of the human race to its source. Sitting this one out would be a crime against humanity. (I’m getting slightly carried away. If anyone could overstate the Galactic core influence it would be a Sagittarian. They’re known for “overselling the deal.” But you get the point.)
Neptune turned direct today at 6:21 AM Pacific time in the 11th degrees of Pisces. A five and a half month phase of dissolving boundaries and structures within the subconscious/collective mind ends today. Now we begin to witness the outer manifestation of a new reality.
The Sabian Symbol for 11 degrees of Pisces – “On a misty evening a man approaches the door of an occult lodge. He gives the doorman the password and slips inside.” This symbol speaks to a new ability to see what’s going on behind the scenes as a result of being admitted into places from which you were previously excluded.
Issues of trust arise within families, with friends, and in business once it becomes clear what’s going on behind the scenes. Old established relationships become strained and you must identify your personal “hierarchy of loyalties” in order to avoid betraying what’s most valuable to you.
Toward the end of the week the need to sever something within the realm of relationships, to break free, or to face the hard truth, intensifies. The time for delay is over. We have to act to conclude something we’d be unnecessarily burdened by carrying into a new cycle. Venus finishes her trek through the sign of Scorpio on Dec. 1st. She needs some space or something more meaningful as she enters the sign of Sagittarius.
By the weekend Mercury begins to slow to a crawl in preparation for a three-week retrograde phase that officially begins on Dec.3rd. Apparently there’s a thought process going on that needs to be refined. The outline of something may be there but the details have yet to be filled in. A reconsideration or repeat of something that occurred in the past is likely. By the end of December it’s full speed ahead.
Thanks for reading. I’m immensely grateful for you!
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano, CA.
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
It looks like you’re nearing the end of a preparation phase that clears the way for a cycle of significant accomplishment. You’ve always been capable of being a “force to be reckoned with’ within the public sphere. In the past you may have been. But betraying yourself within the realm of relationships may have derailed you. Something that was untrue seeped into your brain and shaped a stubborn belief that kept you from believing fully in yourself – and the magnitude of your potential. Processing the Galactic core messages about your destined role in the world may infuse you with a sense of enthusiasm and adventure. Coming to terms with the need to finalize something within the realm of relationships, to further refine your approach to yourself, and the role you’re determined to play in any relationship going forward is important. Expect an old commitment – or a new one in the process of being formulated – to be challenged this week. Moving away from old patterns that work against you toward the creative fire ablaze within more closely aligns you with your true calling.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
You might be compelled to understand this week that it is essential for you to be recognized as truly special – a beautiful, highly gifted, “rare bird” who can’t help but stand out above the crowd. You cannot be satisfied sharing the spotlight, being treated as just one of many – or even one of two. You cannot fit yourself into a relationship that demands you betray your essential nature by pretending that something less than another’s primary consideration, total devotion, admiration (and yes adoration) – is good enough. The same applies to the relationship you have with the public and the world in general. You are a timeless treasure and not everyone has the capacity to comprehend that. But you must move in the direction of those who can. Action this week comes in the form of a self-improvement program designed to separate you from your ability to betray yourself by “playing it small.” That’s just not you. It never will be no matter how inconvenient. Once you accept that, something more aligned with the real you will appear – and its much better.
You may feel this week the need to be pulled back into a problem you thought was resolved or an approach you thought you could avoid, or a repeat of something you thought was over. There’s still some work to be done within the realm of relationships. But this is not what it seems. It’s much bigger. This is a challenge to manifest on a micro level the macro challenge that involves reconnecting the human race with its spiritual source. It may feel like a heavy lift and like the solution is not clear. But if you insist on some extra quiet time to hear “the music of the sphere’s” you’ll be led in the right direction. The action you need to take may involve a creative rebellion – the need to express something true that could elicit strong push back or rejection. It could also involve love itself – how you choose to express love and the need to create more space to express it honestly. Communicating the truth is becoming non-negotiable. Fortunately you’re a gifted communicator. Listening is key. It might take until mid-December to clarify the direction the cosmos is broadcasting to you.
Your actions this week involves the creation of beauty and balance within your home and family but also within the part of you that’s astrologically labeled your “essential self.” Whenever things get chaotic or frightening there are highly individualized things we do to calm the waters. For you that most likely involves beautifying something. If your life was upended suddenly chances are the first thing you’d do is arrange some flowers, turn on some beautiful music, go to a soothingly beautiful place in your mind, or rearrange the furniture. Maybe your mom did the same kinds of things. This is important information to have as you define the area of success that would bring you the greatest satisfaction. For you success is rooted in a type of beautification that nurtures and soothes. It’s important that you move deeper into your essential self, that you tune out the noise that would tempt you to follow standard formulas. It’s time to break the chains of old patterns that encouraged you to fit in. Your success depends on doing it your own way. To the extent you can burrow deeper into your essential self you’ll have the foundation you need.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
You’ll be happy to know you’re on the verge of the end of a phase that’s been one of the most difficult a Leo can experience. Your essential life energy has been held back leaving you somewhat stranded and impaired – at least in terms of your usual mode of operation. You may have been required to tone down your exuberance and your warm-hearted nature. Since Dec of 2014 you may have felt that your natural instincts – the ones that had always worked for you in the past – could not be relied upon. Reining in what you most loved about yourself while still experiencing a less than hoped for level of success may have been frustrating. But you’re at the end of that phase. One more month to go. This is the most critical time to evaluate what you’ve learned about yourself. Most likely you’ve grown up and your perspective has changed. A transformation within the realm of your outlook and approach to home and family and your career needs to occur.
The intense healing process that’s been in progress continuously since February of 2011 is winding down. Saturn, the unforgiving task master that demands truth, has been in the sign of Sagittarius since Dec of 2014 – a not especially friendly guy in a not especially friendly sign to Virgos specifically. Virgo sare especially good at falling prey to wishful/delusional thinking when it comes to the true nature of their relationships, their partner, or their own ability to relate. But as Neptune turns direct what manifests is the truth – the result of something that’s been dissolving on an invisible level since mid June. Any time you’ve spent cultivating a relationship with your deeper self will pay big dividends now. You may already be witnessing that. Communication with family needs to move in the direction of truth, but something about trust and the big picture is not completely clear to you yet and won’t be until mid December. Give yourself more time to heal and settle in. If you could be more forgiving of yourself and others that would work in your favor.
Newly highlighted for Libra is the realm of communication and truth. It’s been an area of challenge since Dec of 2014 that may have humbled you in some regard. More to the point, if all has gone well, what you’ve learned has improved the nature of your relationship with your physical body and sense of self-worth. Because Mercury is retrograding in your 3rd house, there is the suggestion that there is still something in need of reconsideration – something left undone, something unknown, or unresolved. But chances are it will be resolved – one way or another – by mid December. Mars in your 1st house seems to be demanding a confident approach to relationships, some push back, courage, and the willingness to look deeper into how you may complicate relationships by undervaluing your own worth and the worth of others. Respect within the realm of relationships is critical and it starts with cultivating a higher level of respect for yourself. The North node invites you to create a social life that eliminates those who cannot comprehend your true worth and value and are unable to love you.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
From now through December 9th there is work to be done within the most subtle and deepest recesses of your mind. To the extent you can create some space for quiet contemplation or some assistance in turning up the volume on what lies beneath the surface of consciousness for you, new beginnings will be possible. Saturn has been transiting your 2nd house of self-worth since Dec of 2014. This is a challenge to assess the true value of yourself, to create a stable foundation based on an accurate assessment of your true worth, and to cultivate a relationship with yourself that is deeply and consistently respectful. Uranus is attempting to break some old patterns related to perfectionistic standards and the guilt that separates you from your spiritual source. Feeling unworthy may be the demon that’s ripe for extinction. Around December 9th or 10th you may have a flash of insight into what you truly desire and the sustained motivation to go for it.
A welcome relief may accompany the transit of the Sun out of your 12th house. The low energy levels that may have plagued you for the past month are subsiding. You may bring into the realm of new beginnings some deeper insight into your inner life. Still, lagging behind is Jupiter, your chart ruler. He’s continuing to expand your reach into the deeper layers of yourself to uncover the knowledge and power you need to move forward into your future. Venus is lagging behind in your 12th house of your subconscious mind as well. It would be an understatement to say your inner life is very active at the moment, and the chances of you happening upon the inner treasures and powerful magical potential that’s been obscured for so long is as good as its been for a very long time. To the extent you can allow yourself to lag behind in your 12th house – meditating daily and spending as much time alone as possible, from now until November of 2018, your chances for expanding your life in the directions you most want to go will greatly improve. This requires a level of patience and discipline that may not come easily to you. But it seems well worth the effort.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
There’s new life in your 12th astrological house – the house of things in your life that are hidden and the parts of yourself that are unknown to you. The 12th house is traditionally defined as the house of your personal and professional undoing. But that’s only if you refuse opportunities to get to know what’s there – to reveal your toxic secrets, to tell the truth, to ask for guidance, to get comfortable spending time alone, or to work for some compassionate cause that’s bigger than yourself. There’s buried treasure in your 12th house but its an easy house to avoid. You sense there’s stuff there (old Karma) you’d rather not deal with. Since December of 2014 you’ve been thrown back on yourself repeatedly when your oldest trick – working harder and harder for something you might not even genuinely desire – failed to yield the required results. Between now and December 21st you’re like a nocturnal animal who can see in the dark and deep into the many hidden layers of yourself. Now’s the time to claim your hidden treasures and magical power while cleaning up and exposing the toxic muck that’s been a drag on you, those closest to you, and the human race in general.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
You may be in the envisioning stages of a process designed to ensure that you are not one of the many who have betrayed themselves by betraying their dreams. It’s time to get serious and you probably recognize that. You’re not getting any younger and there is something you’ve desired since childhood that you must manifest. The first stages of manifesting your desire involve “massaging” them, mulling them over from different angles, melting into them, expanding the symbols and images that represent your dream, imagining that you’ve already manifested it and feeling what it feels like, etc. That will be your job until mid-December. Then it’s time to get practical, to focus intently on what’s most required, to discipline yourself, to work hard, to make more money, to be consistent, etc. The last phase that begins on Dec. 21st involves cultivating your magic powers and wielding them in service of your dreams. This may involve navigating through some dark places, uprooting doubt, unworthiness, and other dark energies that would stop most in their tracks. You’re not most. You’re an Aquarian.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
The Sun has just lit up your 10th house of your life calling – your professional career some might call it. It will stay lit up for the nest month. This is a time when you realize it’s time to take control of your future by changing the nature of the relationship you have with power and magic. It’s likely you’ve been introduced to new ways of getting from point A to point B that seem too unreal or to fantastic to be believed. You’re ripe for letting go of old limiting beliefs that defy what you know and have directly experienced. Whether or not you’re comfortable with it, your future accomplishments seem to be within the realm of magical manifestation. There is a lot of work to be done that mainly involves opening yourself to new, more advanced, and magical methods as well as into new more advanced magical realms – other dimensions. This is not “above your pay grade.” Ultimately it’s the realm that allows you to manifest your true potential. Afraid of rejection? You don’t have the luxury of indulging that fear. Time to toughen up and get over it.
Thank you, Holly! Your insight and writing is good medicine. The perspective you give has provided a much needed opening into changing with more grace and self-acceptance. I am grateful you and your work. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. Namaste
Thank you so much Elizabeth. I’m so grateful to you for tuning in to what I write. Because of you and those who continue to read what I write my work has a reason to exist. I love what I do and have you and people like you to thank for that. With love and gratitude -H