We’ve Officially Entered The Balsamic Phase of the Moon

We now officially enter the balsamic phase of the moon, a time of decreased physical energy and increased psychic energy. It’s the period of time just before the new moon when the sky is very dark and what remains of the old moon cycle is quickly dissolving, a time of rest and replenishment when the right brain is highly active and the body is tired. With one foot in the here and now and the other living in the subconscious, we’re between two worlds now. Our orientation is toward the future, but we’re finishing up what remains undone in a period of preparation for a time when we’ll need to exert ourselves strongly. The process we go through during these waning days  is very much like the active dreamtime we experience very early every morning before we’re awake. Now we sail through subconscious material as we do in dreamtime, sorting and categorizing our experiences and integrating the conflicting impulses that have accumulated over the past month to create some space and clarity for the strong inner guidance we’re receiving at this time.  We’re preparing for the New Moon on Monday, cultivating the soil so that what we initiate then will grow into something strong and healthy. Today it would be nice to be able to rest, to let our thoughts flow where they will, and to enjoy the ride until the time we end up on the beach, refreshed, restored, and ready to go.

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