Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 23rd – 29th, 2022


This represents a departure from recent Sagittarian “belief-based” actions, exaggerations, and wishful thinking – toward a more factual, restrained, realistic, effective approach.

Careful analysis, rigorous assessment, or new information reveals what’s objectively true. In some cases the truth might be hard to accept or integrate.

But Capricorn is famous for tackling hard challenges efficiently with self-disciplined approach. Tough decisions are made with a caution and restraint. Feelings are put “on hold” to avoid “unnecessary confusion.” Ruthless but effective action may be the result.


Thoughts and discussions may be serious and heavy. Something important with implications for your future could “hang in the balance.” Fortunately Monday, Jan. 25th, marks a point of clarification in this current retrograde cycle. You might gain a better understanding of the purpose of this retrograde “review,” the reason for frustrating delays, set-backs, and confusion. Some important directional cues could be “handed” to you.

A sense of clarity could represent a breakthrough for you. You might know better “what to do and where to go from here” in terms of making progress.


Since Dec. 19th, 2021 relationships, values, priorities, and issues related to financial stability have been “up for review.” That process is complete on Saturday. It might finally feel safe to make a commitment, an important relationship or financial decision.

Venus’s move into direct motion provides the green light to proceed with confidence, armed with some new reasons to trust the process, and a sense of clarity.

There’s no doubt. Capricorn dominates the scene this week. Reality and a sense of groundedness prevails. It’s hard to pretend that things aren’t the way they are – or that decisions that can’t be justified are valid.

A sense of integrity accompanies the sign of Capricorn. If you’re trying to slip something past your “internal censors and B.S. detectors” it won’t feel right. You’ll have to work overtime to convince yourself that it is – or compensate in a direction that’s not healthy for you. You might be pushed this week to do the thing that’s hardest for you to do. If your not up to it, acknowledge it.

Capricorn respects what’s honest.

Thanks for reading,


Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher

31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675


ARIES (March 21-April 21)

A sense of vulnerability, old pain, trauma, or lack of confidence re: your style and approach to life and relationships makes it a little harder for you to take the the courageous action you might now be challenged to take. A factually based, personally insightful decision seems right.

An important clarification on Tuesday of this week gives you directional cues as to what would be your next best step. What’s been confusing is clarified. Being honest with yourself works in your favor. It’s important to recognize and release what’s old, outdated, stagnant, or increasingly toxic of you.

What’s most promising relates to trusting yourself, stabilizing financially, and feeling at home and comfortable within your physical body.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
You’re likely completing a relationship review that’s been ongoing since Dec. 19th of 2021. Now the door opens to pursuing some concrete (relationship) plans for the future. It’s safe to make a few decisions regarding where you go from here – maybe as a couple.

Holding onto past betrayals or the expectation that those might be repeated is a problem. What’s outdated and stagnant within the realm relationships needs to be purged and released.

What’s most promising for you involves confident actions that reflects an effort to trust yourself and your instincts. This will not be the result of wishful thinking. It will more likely be the result self-discipline, focus, and pushing through what’s hard for you to do. Pay attention to what’s clarified for you on Tuesday of this week.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Clarifications are important for Gemini. You can expect an important one on Tuesday of this week. The confusion lifts as your given some directional cues regarding where to go from here. Those cues could be disruptive to your usual style and approach to life and maybe your relationships. you’ve grown comfortable inhabiting. ?The role They Black Moon Lilith is “stirring the pot, and maybe encouraging you in the direction of something forbidden.

With regard to your work life, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, your health, and maybe the methods you’ve been using to make some important improvements – those could be outdated. It’s important to purge anything that feels stagnant or toxic with regard to your work life. It’s time to shake things up as you break with old habits and routines.

You’re likely receiving intuitive information that’s highly relevant to your work life or healing methods. A review of past relationships and financial dealings since Dec. 19th could have you feeling prepared to make a promising financial partnership commitment. If you do the thing that’s hardest for you to do, that will most likely move you in the right direction.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
The Moon in your 4th house of home and family might bring you to the end of a month long review of relationships, finances, personal values, and priorities. It’s likely you’ll given the “go-ahead” to throw your lot in with a partner and to begin building a future partnership together.

On Tuesday Mars retrograde re-enters the sign of Capricorn. This marks the end of “wishful thinking” as a valid, reliable strategy. Careful analysis of what’s actually and factually true seems important. Acting with personal integrity or doing the thing that’s hardest for you to do moves you in the right direction.

An important purge involves old, outdated, repetitive issues related to love, beliefs about love, romance, and your own, individualistic creative approach.

Your most promising direction forward involves working with friends, allies, groups, and the community. Using your talents to promote something innovative and unusual seems important.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This week your 7th house of relationships, the future, and maybe some plans to disrupt what’s become routine and dull, is highly energized. Transiting Mercury re-enters the sign of Capricorn on Tuesday, Jan. 25th. An important clarification is delivered to you. What’s been confusing is clarified. You might understand the meaning and purpose of some frustrating delays and disappointments.

You might begin to make some hard decisions as you agree to put a time table for joint accomplishments in place.

Maybe you’ll need to consider a move that requires you to give up something your deeply attached to – possibly your home, security – or what’s become stagnant, toxic and “a significant “drag” on what’s most promising and stabilizing for you.” An upgrade seems to be in the works if you can detach from the past.

Since Dec.19th of 2021 you’ve been in the process of reviewing relationships, values, and priorities. Now may be the time when you’re ready to make a commitment or to progress further together.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week the Sun highlights and energizes your 6th house of work, health, responsibility, and routines. Self-improvement and the (habitual) methods you prefer may be the focus of your attention.

On Monday Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. It’s time to question the effectiveness of wishful thinking, outdated beliefs, and important facts that are comfortably and routinely ignored. A hard dose the truth may be added to the equation.

On Tuesday Jan 25th Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Capricorn. With regard to your work and responsibilities you may receive clarification what gives you directional cues as to where you need to go from here -and what kind of progress you need make.

It will be hard to move in the direction of something promising, expansive, and liberating if you ignore the need to purge what’s outdated, stagnant, and toxic. This could involve an old perspective, belief, or betrayal that hasn’t yet been transformed or released.

A relationship review that began Dec. 19th is complete on Saturday Jan29th. You might be more trusting regarding the formation of a financial or personal partnership.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Venus in your 4th house of home, family, and the source of your security needs, completes an important review that began on Dec. 19th of 2021. Now you may be ready to make the commitment, to trust another more, to build a life together, and to take some calculated risk. The consideration of a financial partnership might be “in play.”

On Monday, Jan 24th, Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. It’s time to get serious and to do the thing that hardest for youth do. Magical/wishful thinking could be abandoned in favor of something more reliably effective and grounded in reality.

On Tuesday an important directional cue may be delivered to you. It could be clarifying and increase your understanding of the reason for past delays – as well as where you go from here. Wherever you go make sure you release what’s old, toxic, no longer useful, or relevant. That will open some promising new doors for you.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
The south node in your all-important 1st house emphasizes the need for a purge with regard to your style and approach to life, the role you play within the realm of relationships, and the methods you use to strike a sustainable relationship balance. What’s old and toxic may be deeply ingrained. It might be time to consider the release of old beliefs regarding love and romance. Most effective might be somatic methods of healing.

On Monday Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. It’s time to get serious and more grounded in reality. Wishful thinking won’t cut it. What’s factually true needs to be integrated into your world view. Doing the thing that’s hardest for you to do could promote significant progress.

A clarification on Tuesday is likely to give you some directional cues as to where you go from here.

A review of relationships in general has been ongoing since Dec. 19th of 2021. That review is complete. You might, as of Saturday Jan. 29th, feel more confident in your ability to move forward with a financial partnership or personal commitment to another. Your most promising direction forward relies on an infusion of love, intuitive guidance, and transcending what’s not real or effective.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
On Monday Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. Strategies involving wishful thinking, inconsistency, lack of discipline, commitment, or seriousness will not stand the test of time. Doing what’s hardest to do is part of the emerging challenge. It’s hard to “fake it” and to comfortably bypass your own “internal censors.”

You might need to alter your consciousness (meditation) in order to release what’s toxic and hidden – what you suspect is holding you back, but cannot define. On Tuesday (Jan. 25th) a clarification is likely to be handed to you. It will give you some directional cues as to what comes next.

What’s most promising for you is the ability to infuse intuitive insights into the work that you do. Some magical healing could involving passive channeling.

You might be ready to make a commitment on Saturday (Jan.29th) after the completion of a month long relationship/financial review.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
Venus in your 1st house focuses you on relationships – specifically a relationship review that’s been ongoing since Dec. 19, 2021. Now that’s it’s complete you might get more serious about making some decisions or firm commitments to the future – and to another.

Most likely your focus is financial – making sure you have the means and the resources to pull it off seems most important. Some innovative and non-traditional methods will be required.

The Sun energizes your 2nd/8th house axis. Trusting yourself and creating something that will stand the test of time seems especially important. Doing it without betraying yourself or another in any way may be a challenge. Balance is key.

On Monday Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. You might realize that wishful thinking is not a serious strategy. Staying grounded in reality is not hard for Capricorn. On Tuesday it’s likely you will receive a message that’s clarifying and you’ll know how to proceed.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
Your 1st house defining your most natural style and approach to life is highlighted and super-energized this week. You may be working on problem solving as it relates to plans for the future – and feeling especially hopeful as it relates to partnership commitments in general.

Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn on Monday, Jan.25th. You might get more serious, grounded, and persistent with regard to materializing a life-long dream.

On Saturday Venus turns direct after a month long s review of values, priorities, the potential for trust, and feeling more comfortable about “throwing your entire lot in with another.” Keeping your options open when it comes to imagining a different kind of public or professional role for yourself seems important.

pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
Jupiter and Neptune in your 1st house suggest good fortune for the upcoming year. But Black Moon Lilith seems to be creating some disruptions with regard to your home, family, or the sources you rely on for your security. What you’ve inherited from family in terms of what you think you need – or what you “should want to create” with regard to your home and family, might be challenged. It’s wise to consider alternative options – especially if those feel interesting, compelling, and magical in some regard.

On Monday Mars re-enters the sign of Capricorn. Expect to be challenged socially, among friends, or with regard to manifesting cherished dreams for how you want to live your life.

On Tuesday something that changes the game and clarifies your next step. On Saturday a review of relationships, values, and priorities is complete. By the end of the week you might feel confident enough to throw your lot in with another, to forma financial partnership, or to make joint plans for the future. Make sure your not nurturing a belief about the future that’s old, stagnant, and toxic. It could prevent you from pursuing a more promising and interesting innovative option.

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