This week the main event is the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury in the sign of Leo. A clarification re: how you can “shine,” promote your talents, communicate, or expand your audience is indicated. You could be “on fire” with creative ideas. A new beginning is indicated centering around the bold expression of something that reflects who you are, how you communicate, and problem solve.
We’re headed for a new Moon at 16 degrees of Leo on August 8th at 9:50 AM EDT. So this is the week when we’ll have to let go of remnants of an old cycle. We might sense the need to “clean, clear, and prepare for something new.
This week’s Sun/Mercury conjunction is related to a cycle that began on Jan 9th of this year. The completion of that cycle could promises some new clarity.
Mercury squares Uranus this week. Resisting a significant change of heart or mind is a possibility. Egos could get in the way. Anxiety and tension increases as a lack of mental flexibility could back you into a corner. A flash of insight might bring you back to basics and back to the real issue underlying whatever’s going.
An opposition from Saturn to Mercury could result in a culmination or clarification. Saturn seems to be urging you to recover something from the past, to reverse course, to consider what’s worked in the past and what no longer works as well as it used to. A return to balance is a possibility. What you think, broadcast or communicate – or how you you problem-solve may be highlighted.
Uranus is urging a personal breakthrough. Some major disruption to how you’ve historically defined yourself to yourself, or to your work is in play. Something surprising and new will likely be discovered amidst some remnants of the past.
The Sun’s trine to Chiron in Aries suggests support and ease related to dealing with chronic vulnerabilities. Something related to learning expands your mind in a bold, exciting, personally promising direction.
Venus in Virgo’s trine to Uranus encourages you to accept support or an easy transition into more enlightening territory. Attention to detail, practical problem solving, or efforts to improve are favored. But there may be some challenging personal adjustments that need to be made regarding a lack of confidence
The week winds down with Mercury in Leo inconjuncting Neptune. Facts emerge that “fly in the face” of who you thought you were or and what you thought you needed/wanted. Change is in focus regarding your relationship with yourself is likely to materialize.
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week the Sun and Mercury unite in your 5th house of love, talent, self-expression, and communication as we prepare for a new beginning. The remnants of an old cycle need to be released in preparation for a new beginning. Emotionally we may need to release an old attachment. A new idea may be worth developing. Saturn’s opposition to Mercury implies a culmination. Within the realm of communication or idea-development we’ve come as far as we can in the current direction. It’s time for a breakthrough and some action. But Aries might be especially afraid of the bold action that is required A lack confidence may be paralyzing. But this week the Sun trines Chiron. There’s lots of support for pushing past your fears or expressing your healing powers in unique and interesting ways. You might find a “work-around” in a profound expression of compassion – or in trusting your intuition.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
A new beginning is possible for Taurus where relating to home, family, and the past is an issue. Communication or the lack of it may be an issue. What’s ideal may have been elusive for awhile. It’s important to let something that’s been restrictive go, something we may be deeply attached to, or something involving our ego and our pride. Uranus in your first house makes you a conduit or vessel for Uranian enlightenment – the go-to-source for transcending what’s petty and restrictive. The Sun currently squares Uranus in Taurus. A breakthrough for the sake of setting love free may be an issue. Venus in Virgo trines Uranus. We may be strongly supported in our efforts to make some improvements, to move beyond where we are, and rely less on what’s traditional. It’s time to free yourself from an old script.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
You might feel a perplexing issue coming to a head. A cycle that began on Jan. 9th, 2021 is over. A culmination, clarification, course correction, or end point may be timely. The fog might clear. The answers might come. The question is what’s most foundational, or what’s the defining issue that seems to be “coming to a head.” A release of something you’ve been holding onto for awhile – maybe for too long – is timely. When all is said and done what do you want to remember about the solutions you chose, the problems you faced, and the decisions you made. What would you be proud of. Most importantly how did you separate truth from fiction and choose to face the truth. It seems important to have the support of friends, allies, and discussion groups – though this may be an area of vulnerability for you. It’s important for the world to hear what you have to say about values and priorities. Your actions speak loudest and inspire the most.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
For Cancer the second house of money, earned income, values, priorities, and the condition of your “sense of self worth is highlighted.” Financial independence and what you contribute may be highlighted. A turning point may be reached. A clarification, culmination, or re-balance may be in order as Saturn opposes Mercury. Since January of 2021 current issues may have bubbled beneath the surface. Saturn may ask you to delve deeper for the kind of answers you need as you consider the past, what worked and what didn’t. A return what worked in the past is a possibility. But Uranus is demanding a breakthrough and a change when it comes to your social life, the group, or what specifically will be the “master work” or most important powerful contribution to the world. Balance is key to your sense of security and stability. Something promising is gestating behind the scenes that could change the nature of your work.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The Sun/Venus conjunction in your 1st house highlights your style and approach to life and the role you play within the realm of relationships. A culmination point may be reached as Uranus implies a radical change or breakthrough in your professional life, or a new approach to achieving your goals. Partners might resist your point of view or the conclusions you’ve settled on. A release of old beliefs re: love, self-expression, or the way you balance your public vs private life could be an issue. Emotionally something needs to be released in preparation for a new beginning. It seems wise to refuse to resist the flow of a disruption that’s likely to work in your favor. The Sun’s trine to Chiron provides healing support. Your own physical health could improve or those you’re trying to serve could notice an improvement. Taking action that involves more trust in the future – or trust in the future of a relationship – may be highlighted. Prepare for a new beginning by releasing an old attachment.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week your 12th house of what’s invisible, subconscious, mysterious, or confusing, is highlighted. Something that’s perplexed you since January of 2021 could be clarified in a flash of insight or through what you realized during a meditation session, when things were quiet, and you were alone with your thoughts. It might be wise to consider the connections you’ve made and the insight you’ve gained that seems to “fly in the face” of traditional formulas for success. You may be challenged to be the one who “steps out of line” or dissents based on what your soul is communicating, or some deeper wisdom you’ve tapped into. Saturn’s opposition encourages you to go back to basics, to return to what works for you, to protect your health, and to be humble and receptive when it come to using the information you’ve gained through alternative/higher sources. You might stumble on a way to apply what you know to restructuring you work routines.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This week an area of vulnerability (or significant unrealized healing talent) within the realm of one-on-one relationships, marriage, or commitment is highlighted. You might be taking some courageous action to ” balance the scales” as you focus on something you’re deeply devoted to in a way that encourages a release from old attachments and habits. A new beginning is suggested in your 11th house of your public/social life. Deliberately veering off course, changing the script, or insisting on “stating your your case” is a possible outcome. Saturn challenges you go back to clarify what has and hasn’t worked within the realm of love and relationships. Something confusing may be clarified. A release of old beliefs re: communication or making connections is timely.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This week the public aspects of your life are highlighted. Success and achievements you’re proud of as well as more attention to what and how you communicate could be an issue. A cycle is closing that began on Jan 9th of this year. At that time you were reviewing, reconsidering, and rethinking your path forward. That cycle is complete. Saturns opposition to the Sun is a culmination – a decision-point, a turning point, a chance to bring something back into balance, or to end what’s run it’s course. Saturn brings the focus back to your home life, your foundations, and the past. You might consider a different arrangement that “veers off script and sets you free to accomplish what’s most important to you. Mars and Black Moon Lilith challenge one another this week. Mars is especially critical now, acutely aware of the imperfections related to your social life, who you choose to be your allies, or what you sacrifice in order to be useful to the group. Black Moon Lilith broadcasts an deeper truth that conflicts with all or some of that. You might need hear what the most powerful part of you is broadcasting through mysterious sources.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
A focus on making improvements- on teaching, publishing, traveling, or expanding your future influence may require your attention. Exciting new ideas and new beginnings might involve one-one relationships, a more intense/concentrated connection with others, and a desire to make your life experiences meaningful in unselfish, generous ways. Saturn suggests a review of the past to identify what worked for and what didn’t. Your current goal may be to empower others to do what you have learned how to do – and maybe mastered. It could be time to realize some old beliefs about your relationship with the public as well as the vulnerability and pain that intensifies whenever you need to make a significant move or change that could “lock you in or tie you down” to a future that feels restrictive in some regard. If you want to move forward the courageous decision involves believing in yourself and trusting your instincts.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
A new beginning is in play. It relates to bold ideas, new talent, and new opportunity. A culmination is signified. Something has progressed as far as it can in its current form. A change, re-balance, turning point, or ending may be timely. Saturn suggests a return to something that was deeply satisfying and highly successful in the past. A course correction or reversal might be required. All of this could relate to a financial partnership or intimate partnership – to trust, what you owe, and what another might owe you. A release related to old beliefs and commitments might disrupt what’s always been. An old vulnerability related to foundational change or risk may be activated. But Venus trines Uranus in your 9th house of expansion. Something fortunate related to travel and exploration could change future plans or move you in the direction something promising as it relates to health, work routines, achievement, and success.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
Pluto’s transit through Aquarian’s 12th house puts lots of pressure on you to detach from work you may be deeply attached to. At the same time you’re challenged to begin something fresh and new. A lack of confidence in your ability to build a new framework, to manifest something unique, individualized, unprecedented, or unusually useful could be frustrating. Difficulty letting go of what you’re comfortable with – but tired of just the same – may be an issue – especially if you have a new idea you’d like to pursue. Something experimental may be necessary. Risk is inevitable. Uranus is squaring Mercury. A shake-up to your foundational base, your source of security, old habits/routines and sources of comfort is critical. It’s time to release old beliefs about “being loved vs. being authentic.” Do what you love and the rest will follow, as they say.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
The Sun and Mercury in your 6th house of healing and practical improvement suggests a release of something emotionally heavy and restrictive. A new beginning in love is indicated. It might relates to routines, your health, or your work life. Beliefs about relationships may have changed over time. A “letting go” process may be newly in play that could involve loss, a disruption to an old source of security, and maybe some disorientation. At the same time something “enlightened, shocking, and always unpredictable (Uranus) forms a trine aspect with Venus. This could be a lightening fast “re-group,” relationship recovery, or surprising development that requires challenging, deeply private, or personal adjustments. A devotion to purging yourself of unhealthy cravings and alignments seems especially important. Saturn in your 12th house implies the need for new, invisible, stronger structures that support the difficult losses or deliberate releases you’ve managed to orchestrate.
This week the main event is the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury in the sign of Leo. A clarification re: how you can “shine,” promote your talents, communicate, or expand your audience is indicated. You could be “on fire” with creative ideas. A new beginning is indicated centering around the bold expression of something that reflects who you are, how you communicate, and problem solve.
We’re headed for a new Moon at 16 degrees of Leo on August 8th at 9:50 AM EDT. So this is the week when we’ll have to let go of remnants of an old cycle. We might sense the need to “clean, clear, and prepare for something new.
This week’s Sun/Mercury conjunction is related to a cycle that began on Jan 9th of this year. The completion of that cycle could promises some new clarity.
Mercury squares Uranus this week. Resisting a significant change of heart or mind is a possibility. Egos could get in the way. Anxiety and tension increases as a lack of mental flexibility could back you into a corner. A flash of insight might bring you back to basics and back to the real issue underlying whatever’s going.
An opposition from Saturn to Mercury could result in a culmination or clarification. Saturn seems to be urging you to recover something from the past, to reverse course, to consider what’s worked in the past and what no longer works as well as it used to. A return to balance is a possibility. What you think, broadcast or communicate – or how you you problem-solve may be highlighted.
Uranus is urging a personal breakthrough. Some major disruption to how you’ve historically defined yourself to yourself, or to your work is in play. Something surprising and new will likely be discovered amidst some remnants of the past.
The Sun’s trine to Chiron in Aries suggests support and ease related to dealing with chronic vulnerabilities. Something related to learning expands your mind in a bold, exciting, personally promising direction.
Venus in Virgo’s trine to Uranus encourages you to accept support or an easy transition into more enlightening territory. Attention to detail, practical problem solving, or efforts to improve are favored. But there may be some challenging personal adjustments that need to be made regarding a lack of confidence
The week winds down with Mercury in Leo inconjuncting Neptune. Facts emerge that “fly in the face” of who you thought you were or and what you thought you needed/wanted. Change is in focus regarding your relationship with yourself is likely to materialize.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn RN.,MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week the Sun and Mercury unite in your 5th house of love, talent, self-expression, and communication as we prepare for a new beginning. The remnants of an old cycle need to be released in preparation for a new beginning. Emotionally we may need to release an old attachment. A new idea may be worth developing. Saturn’s opposition to Mercury implies a culmination. Within the realm of communication or idea-development we’ve come as far as we can in the current direction. It’s time for a breakthrough and some action. But Aries might be especially afraid of the bold action that is required A lack confidence may be paralyzing. But this week the Sun trines Chiron. There’s lots of support for pushing past your fears or expressing your healing powers in unique and interesting ways. You might find a “work-around” in a profound expression of compassion – or in trusting your intuition.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
A new beginning is possible for Taurus where relating to home, family, and the past is an issue. Communication or the lack of it may be an issue. What’s ideal may have been elusive for awhile. It’s important to let something that’s been restrictive go, something we may be deeply attached to, or something involving our ego and our pride. Uranus in your first house makes you a conduit or vessel for Uranian enlightenment – the go-to-source for transcending what’s petty and restrictive. The Sun currently squares Uranus in Taurus. A breakthrough for the sake of setting love free may be an issue. Venus in Virgo trines Uranus. We may be strongly supported in our efforts to make some improvements, to move beyond where we are, and rely less on what’s traditional. It’s time to free yourself from an old script.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
You might feel a perplexing issue coming to a head. A cycle that began on Jan. 9th, 2021 is over. A culmination, clarification, course correction, or end point may be timely. The fog might clear. The answers might come. The question is what’s most foundational, or what’s the defining issue that seems to be “coming to a head.” A release of something you’ve been holding onto for awhile – maybe for too long – is timely. When all is said and done what do you want to remember about the solutions you chose, the problems you faced, and the decisions you made. What would you be proud of. Most importantly how did you separate truth from fiction and choose to face the truth. It seems important to have the support of friends, allies, and discussion groups – though this may be an area of vulnerability for you. It’s important for the world to hear what you have to say about values and priorities. Your actions speak loudest and inspire the most.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
For Cancer the second house of money, earned income, values, priorities, and the condition of your “sense of self worth is highlighted.” Financial independence and what you contribute may be highlighted. A turning point may be reached. A clarification, culmination, or re-balance may be in order as Saturn opposes Mercury. Since January of 2021 current issues may have bubbled beneath the surface. Saturn may ask you to delve deeper for the kind of answers you need as you consider the past, what worked and what didn’t. A return what worked in the past is a possibility. But Uranus is demanding a breakthrough and a change when it comes to your social life, the group, or what specifically will be the “master work” or most important powerful contribution to the world. Balance is key to your sense of security and stability. Something promising is gestating behind the scenes that could change the nature of your work.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The Sun/Venus conjunction in your 1st house highlights your style and approach to life and the role you play within the realm of relationships. A culmination point may be reached as Uranus implies a radical change or breakthrough in your professional life, or a new approach to achieving your goals. Partners might resist your point of view or the conclusions you’ve settled on. A release of old beliefs re: love, self-expression, or the way you balance your public vs private life could be an issue. Emotionally something needs to be released in preparation for a new beginning. It seems wise to refuse to resist the flow of a disruption that’s likely to work in your favor. The Sun’s trine to Chiron provides healing support. Your own physical health could improve or those you’re trying to serve could notice an improvement. Taking action that involves more trust in the future – or trust in the future of a relationship – may be highlighted. Prepare for a new beginning by releasing an old attachment.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week your 12th house of what’s invisible, subconscious, mysterious, or confusing, is highlighted. Something that’s perplexed you since January of 2021 could be clarified in a flash of insight or through what you realized during a meditation session, when things were quiet, and you were alone with your thoughts. It might be wise to consider the connections you’ve made and the insight you’ve gained that seems to “fly in the face” of traditional formulas for success. You may be challenged to be the one who “steps out of line” or dissents based on what your soul is communicating, or some deeper wisdom you’ve tapped into. Saturn’s opposition encourages you to go back to basics, to return to what works for you, to protect your health, and to be humble and receptive when it come to using the information you’ve gained through alternative/higher sources. You might stumble on a way to apply what you know to restructuring you work routines.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This week an area of vulnerability (or significant unrealized healing talent) within the realm of one-on-one relationships, marriage, or commitment is highlighted. You might be taking some courageous action to ” balance the scales” as you focus on something you’re deeply devoted to in a way that encourages a release from old attachments and habits. A new beginning is suggested in your 11th house of your public/social life. Deliberately veering off course, changing the script, or insisting on “stating your your case” is a possible outcome. Saturn challenges you go back to clarify what has and hasn’t worked within the realm of love and relationships. Something confusing may be clarified. A release of old beliefs re: communication or making connections is timely.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This week the public aspects of your life are highlighted. Success and achievements you’re proud of as well as more attention to what and how you communicate could be an issue. A cycle is closing that began on Jan 9th of this year. At that time you were reviewing, reconsidering, and rethinking your path forward. That cycle is complete. Saturns opposition to the Sun is a culmination – a decision-point, a turning point, a chance to bring something back into balance, or to end what’s run it’s course. Saturn brings the focus back to your home life, your foundations, and the past. You might consider a different arrangement that “veers off script and sets you free to accomplish what’s most important to you. Mars and Black Moon Lilith challenge one another this week. Mars is especially critical now, acutely aware of the imperfections related to your social life, who you choose to be your allies, or what you sacrifice in order to be useful to the group. Black Moon Lilith broadcasts an deeper truth that conflicts with all or some of that. You might need hear what the most powerful part of you is broadcasting through mysterious sources.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
A focus on making improvements- on teaching, publishing, traveling, or expanding your future influence may require your attention. Exciting new ideas and new beginnings might involve one-one relationships, a more intense/concentrated connection with others, and a desire to make your life experiences meaningful in unselfish, generous ways. Saturn suggests a review of the past to identify what worked for and what didn’t. Your current goal may be to empower others to do what you have learned how to do – and maybe mastered. It could be time to realize some old beliefs about your relationship with the public as well as the vulnerability and pain that intensifies whenever you need to make a significant move or change that could “lock you in or tie you down” to a future that feels restrictive in some regard. If you want to move forward the courageous decision involves believing in yourself and trusting your instincts.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
A new beginning is in play. It relates to bold ideas, new talent, and new opportunity. A culmination is signified. Something has progressed as far as it can in its current form. A change, re-balance, turning point, or ending may be timely. Saturn suggests a return to something that was deeply satisfying and highly successful in the past. A course correction or reversal might be required. All of this could relate to a financial partnership or intimate partnership – to trust, what you owe, and what another might owe you. A release related to old beliefs and commitments might disrupt what’s always been. An old vulnerability related to foundational change or risk may be activated. But Venus trines Uranus in your 9th house of expansion. Something fortunate related to travel and exploration could change future plans or move you in the direction something promising as it relates to health, work routines, achievement, and success.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
Pluto’s transit through Aquarian’s 12th house puts lots of pressure on you to detach from work you may be deeply attached to. At the same time you’re challenged to begin something fresh and new. A lack of confidence in your ability to build a new framework, to manifest something unique, individualized, unprecedented, or unusually useful could be frustrating. Difficulty letting go of what you’re comfortable with – but tired of just the same – may be an issue – especially if you have a new idea you’d like to pursue. Something experimental may be necessary. Risk is inevitable. Uranus is squaring Mercury. A shake-up to your foundational base, your source of security, old habits/routines and sources of comfort is critical. It’s time to release old beliefs about “being loved vs. being authentic.” Do what you love and the rest will follow, as they say.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
The Sun and Mercury in your 6th house of healing and practical improvement suggests a release of something emotionally heavy and restrictive. A new beginning in love is indicated. It might relates to routines, your health, or your work life. Beliefs about relationships may have changed over time. A “letting go” process may be newly in play that could involve loss, a disruption to an old source of security, and maybe some disorientation. At the same time something “enlightened, shocking, and always unpredictable (Uranus) forms a trine aspect with Venus. This could be a lightening fast “re-group,” relationship recovery, or surprising development that requires challenging, deeply private, or personal adjustments. A devotion to purging yourself of unhealthy cravings and alignments seems especially important. Saturn in your 12th house implies the need for new, invisible, stronger structures that support the difficult losses or deliberate releases you’ve managed to orchestrate.
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