This week the influence of the impending New Moon in the bold, brash sign of Aries intensifies as the week progresses. The new Moon aligns with Ceres indicating that this is a fertile moment for birthing something new, for cultivating and nurturing things along with consistent care and attention.
This is not nurturing in the traditional sense of the word – warm, fuzzy, protective, etc. It’s more the kind of nurturing that involves a “sink or swim” sense of urgency. You might need to light a fire under yourself to “get the ball rolling” or to ensure the survival of a promising idea.
Under this new Moon we’ll be dealing with a powerfully complicated Venus/Pluto square. This will require some courageous soul-searching and a confrontation with yourself. Revealing your true motives or exposing the deeper source of a conflict with another seems important. Jealousy or secretive attempts to undermine another may be involved. Betrayal and manipulation is a possibility. This feels mostly like a betrayal of the self.
Mars in Gemini, the forceful communicator and ruler of this new Moon chart, opposes Juno in Sagittarius while squaring Neptune. This is an attempt to evade and avoid an opportunity that has important implications for your future. You might need to find a way to compromise or to confront fear of the unknown. What’s at stake seems to be your ability to keep yourself interested and enthused about the kind of life you’re living and future prospects for growth, adventure, and an optimistic outlook.
Chiron in Aries is “front and center” under this New Moon. Our source of vulnerability (the result of previous wounding) involves fear and a lack of confidence when it comes to making a strong statement – putting ourselves “out there,” or initiating something risky.
We have a choice to retreat. Neptune seems poised to allow us to make excuses for inaction. In the long run this won’t fly. This week it’s time to make some fundamental decisions that will support your desire to succeed or to take the lead.
Saturn in Aquarius suggests your most promising direction will involve breaking some old rules and presenting the group withsomething that reflects your most unique interests, talents, or unusual areas of expertise.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
The New Moon fires up your 5th house of love, romance, and creative self-expression. There’s lots of potential for welcoming more joy into your life by taking the lead, taking some risk, and unapologetically going after what you desire. Within the deepest recesses of your mind and heart something habitual, obsessive, or compulsive could take hold. It’s important that you do some work to uncover a source of fear or the repetitive impact of an old wound. You might need to “forget” what you know or “forget” where you’ve been in order to be able to cultivate something promising and fresh. Self-awareness is key.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This wild and potentially disruptive new Moon activates old memories, secret desires, what you’ve kept hidden, and maybe never acknowledged or revealed. This can mess with your peace of mind or motivate you to expose the truth. You may be nurturing something promising behind the scenes that needs to survive and thrive. A sense of urgency or fear might prevail. Meditation and alone time may be necessary to grow and expand something will make your life and your future more interesting and promising. Venus squaring Pluto involves the prospect of some kind of personal betrayal. Issues involving travel, legalities, publishing, or fear of the unknown require you dig deep to expose what’s true. Intensity builds throughout the week.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This new Moon can deliver something potentially ideal – a new social chapter in your life, work with groups, friends, and allies, or the cultivation of support for the development of a unique inborn talent. You might be “going public” with a promising, courageous idea or announcement. Your best asset may be your understanding of, or alignment with the genuine master plan of your life. You might grasp the specifics of what needs to be cultivated. Financial partnerships may be complicated. Possibly you’ll have to deal with the more unsavory, obsessive, darker aspects of yourself or another. What needs to be cultivated and what needs to be released may be clarified.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This fiesty and courageous new Moon is placed in your 10th house of your professional life and what you’re aiming to achieve. It looks promising. A new opportunity or chance to cultivate something that allows you to infuse more of your soul into your work seems likely. Now you might be freer to cultivate within the public realm what you most want to contribute to the world. The Venus/Pluto aspect could trigger some dark or desperate responses from competitors or those envious of your success. Stay focused on being both loving and shrewd. It’s wise to never bet against a Cancer when it comes to cultivating success and making progress.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
What you may be cultivating during this bold and courageous new Moon involves liberation, expanding your reach, travel, publishing, furthering your education, or diving head first into the unknown. This may feel like an exciting or risky time for you. Silencing the mind might be an important exercise for you as the intensity increases. For fire signs like you, I recommend staring into a flame until a plan for your future begins to come together in ways that promote inner peace. Health or work issues may be a continual challenge. Cultivating a broader, more expansive foundation for your life seems right. But you may have to interact with or release some old, personal, familiar demons.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The New Moon in your sector of shared resources, financial partnerships, and power imbalances can become complicated. Pressures may be more intense as you deal with debt, loans coming due, joint ownership, or the complications associated with “throwing your entire lot in with another.” Trust and intimacy issues may surface. Obsessions, compulsions, and fear for your own survival may take center stage. Now may be the right time to ask for help in uncovering old issues related to mistrust and betrayal. Under pressure some personal hidden patterns and truths will likely be revealed. You may see what you previously could not The cultivation of something promising that settles you more deeply into yourself can be the focus that returns your power back to you.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This fiery new Moon brings new energy to your 7th house of relationships. Something hot and instinctual ignites a new chapter. It’s wise to take hold of something new and promising within the realm of relationships, and to nurture it along. Nurturing and cultivation will likely take the form of something courageous. Maybe you muster the courage to ask the one pivotal question you’ve previously been afraid to ask. That could trigger the launch of something exciting and new. The possibility of a restoration of balance may be an opportunity that renews your interest in the future. Something is clarified as intensity, power struggles, and old vulnerabilities are dealt with in new ways.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This fiery, potentially explosive new Moon offers you something resembling redemption. Rising from the ashes or retreating from the brink might be a theme. Something involving urgency related to your health, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, your routines, or self-care might offer you the means to begin anew. Something profoundly honest – a public acknowledgement possibly – could turn the tide in a healing direction. New opportunities are likely to emerge that have the potential to make your life and future more interesting. Something habitual – possibly the need for a “life or death” form of intensity on a daily basis might be clarified in ways that promote a healing change.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
The New Moon in your sector of self-expression activates a desire to be recognized as a stand-out, uniquely talented, phenomenally creative, generous, and full of courageous ideas you’re seeking to cultivate. An opportunity to teach or to share you wisdom in ways that ignite intrigue and some new interest are in play. A new romantic attraction is a possibility. Expanding your reach or achieving your goals may involve complicated issues, obsessions, or compulsions within a relationship. To avoid pushback it seems wise to avoid a tendency to overwhelm, overdo, or over-state your case. Your ideas are intriguing enough to prevail without exaggeration. Something obsessive or dark could arise if others suspect you’re not being truthful. Stick to the facts. Those alone will highlight you as a stand-out.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Now may be the time to “lay down your arms” and to flow with grace and flexibility through hurdles and complications thrown across your path. You may find that resistance to the natural flow is debilitating in ways that are unnecessary. You may be in the process of cultivating something new related to your home, family, or the birth of a new kind of freedom. The foundations you’ve built to support your current success may need to change in ways that are creative and advantageous. A courageous new approach to the past and your family opens doors to a future that feels more interesting – provided you don’t wear yourself out fighting what you can’t control. Refrain from setting limits that destroy dreams and discourage expansion and progress.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
The New Moon in your communication sector activates a promising new idea that requires a (risky) decision and some personal exposure. Obsessions and compulsions have the potential to delay your decisions until the thought of sharing your offering or idea is no longer relevant. Excitement may be high at the moment. Striking while the iron is hot seems wise. Aquarians tire quickly of an idea that been considered for too long – even when it holds great promise. Fear of a personal loss or humiliation might fuel obsessions and compulsions. Keep in mind that now is a time when you have the opportunity to ensure that the remainder of your life will be interesting to you.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Under this new Moon you have the opportunity to increase your income and sense of self-worth. Approaching your life in a way that reminds you of how precious your life actually is seems especially important. Setting limits on thoughts and influences that suggest otherwise seems critical and important. Clarifying your values and priorities and refusing to violate those as you cultivate something new is wise. Generating more income to the point that it’s never enough can result in obsessions and compulsions capable of sidelining you in ways that undermine your power. Having said that now is the time to “go for it” where building wealth could make your future life more interesting.
Aries New Moon Horoscopes for the Week of April 7th – 13th
This week the influence of the impending New Moon in the bold, brash sign of Aries intensifies as the week progresses. The new Moon aligns with Ceres indicating that this is a fertile moment for birthing something new, for cultivating and nurturing things along with consistent care and attention.
This is not nurturing in the traditional sense of the word – warm, fuzzy, protective, etc. It’s more the kind of nurturing that involves a “sink or swim” sense of urgency. You might need to light a fire under yourself to “get the ball rolling” or to ensure the survival of a promising idea.
Under this new Moon we’ll be dealing with a powerfully complicated Venus/Pluto square. This will require some courageous soul-searching and a confrontation with yourself. Revealing your true motives or exposing the deeper source of a conflict with another seems important. Jealousy or secretive attempts to undermine another may be involved. Betrayal and manipulation is a possibility. This feels mostly like a betrayal of the self.
Mars in Gemini, the forceful communicator and ruler of this new Moon chart, opposes Juno in Sagittarius while squaring Neptune. This is an attempt to evade and avoid an opportunity that has important implications for your future. You might need to find a way to compromise or to confront fear of the unknown. What’s at stake seems to be your ability to keep yourself interested and enthused about the kind of life you’re living and future prospects for growth, adventure, and an optimistic outlook.
Chiron in Aries is “front and center” under this New Moon. Our source of vulnerability (the result of previous wounding) involves fear and a lack of confidence when it comes to making a strong statement – putting ourselves “out there,” or initiating something risky.
We have a choice to retreat. Neptune seems poised to allow us to make excuses for inaction. In the long run this won’t fly. This week it’s time to make some fundamental decisions that will support your desire to succeed or to take the lead.
Saturn in Aquarius suggests your most promising direction will involve breaking some old rules and presenting the group withsomething that reflects your most unique interests, talents, or unusual areas of expertise.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The New Moon fires up your 5th house of love, romance, and creative self-expression. There’s lots of potential for welcoming more joy into your life by taking the lead, taking some risk, and unapologetically going after what you desire. Within the deepest recesses of your mind and heart something habitual, obsessive, or compulsive could take hold. It’s important that you do some work to uncover a source of fear or the repetitive impact of an old wound. You might need to “forget” what you know or “forget” where you’ve been in order to be able to cultivate something promising and fresh. Self-awareness is key.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This wild and potentially disruptive new Moon activates old memories, secret desires, what you’ve kept hidden, and maybe never acknowledged or revealed. This can mess with your peace of mind or motivate you to expose the truth. You may be nurturing something promising behind the scenes that needs to survive and thrive. A sense of urgency or fear might prevail. Meditation and alone time may be necessary to grow and expand something will make your life and your future more interesting and promising. Venus squaring Pluto involves the prospect of some kind of personal betrayal. Issues involving travel, legalities, publishing, or fear of the unknown require you dig deep to expose what’s true. Intensity builds throughout the week.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This new Moon can deliver something potentially ideal – a new social chapter in your life, work with groups, friends, and allies, or the cultivation of support for the development of a unique inborn talent. You might be “going public” with a promising, courageous idea or announcement. Your best asset may be your understanding of, or alignment with the genuine master plan of your life. You might grasp the specifics of what needs to be cultivated. Financial partnerships may be complicated. Possibly you’ll have to deal with the more unsavory, obsessive, darker aspects of yourself or another. What needs to be cultivated and what needs to be released may be clarified.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This fiesty and courageous new Moon is placed in your 10th house of your professional life and what you’re aiming to achieve. It looks promising. A new opportunity or chance to cultivate something that allows you to infuse more of your soul into your work seems likely. Now you might be freer to cultivate within the public realm what you most want to contribute to the world. The Venus/Pluto aspect could trigger some dark or desperate responses from competitors or those envious of your success. Stay focused on being both loving and shrewd. It’s wise to never bet against a Cancer when it comes to cultivating success and making progress.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
What you may be cultivating during this bold and courageous new Moon involves liberation, expanding your reach, travel, publishing, furthering your education, or diving head first into the unknown. This may feel like an exciting or risky time for you. Silencing the mind might be an important exercise for you as the intensity increases. For fire signs like you, I recommend staring into a flame until a plan for your future begins to come together in ways that promote inner peace. Health or work issues may be a continual challenge. Cultivating a broader, more expansive foundation for your life seems right. But you may have to interact with or release some old, personal, familiar demons.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The New Moon in your sector of shared resources, financial partnerships, and power imbalances can become complicated. Pressures may be more intense as you deal with debt, loans coming due, joint ownership, or the complications associated with “throwing your entire lot in with another.” Trust and intimacy issues may surface. Obsessions, compulsions, and fear for your own survival may take center stage. Now may be the right time to ask for help in uncovering old issues related to mistrust and betrayal. Under pressure some personal hidden patterns and truths will likely be revealed. You may see what you previously could not The cultivation of something promising that settles you more deeply into yourself can be the focus that returns your power back to you.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This fiery new Moon brings new energy to your 7th house of relationships. Something hot and instinctual ignites a new chapter. It’s wise to take hold of something new and promising within the realm of relationships, and to nurture it along. Nurturing and cultivation will likely take the form of something courageous. Maybe you muster the courage to ask the one pivotal question you’ve previously been afraid to ask. That could trigger the launch of something exciting and new. The possibility of a restoration of balance may be an opportunity that renews your interest in the future. Something is clarified as intensity, power struggles, and old vulnerabilities are dealt with in new ways.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This fiery, potentially explosive new Moon offers you something resembling redemption. Rising from the ashes or retreating from the brink might be a theme. Something involving urgency related to your health, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, your routines, or self-care might offer you the means to begin anew. Something profoundly honest – a public acknowledgement possibly – could turn the tide in a healing direction. New opportunities are likely to emerge that have the potential to make your life and future more interesting. Something habitual – possibly the need for a “life or death” form of intensity on a daily basis might be clarified in ways that promote a healing change.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
The New Moon in your sector of self-expression activates a desire to be recognized as a stand-out, uniquely talented, phenomenally creative, generous, and full of courageous ideas you’re seeking to cultivate. An opportunity to teach or to share you wisdom in ways that ignite intrigue and some new interest are in play. A new romantic attraction is a possibility. Expanding your reach or achieving your goals may involve complicated issues, obsessions, or compulsions within a relationship. To avoid pushback it seems wise to avoid a tendency to overwhelm, overdo, or over-state your case. Your ideas are intriguing enough to prevail without exaggeration. Something obsessive or dark could arise if others suspect you’re not being truthful. Stick to the facts. Those alone will highlight you as a stand-out.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Now may be the time to “lay down your arms” and to flow with grace and flexibility through hurdles and complications thrown across your path. You may find that resistance to the natural flow is debilitating in ways that are unnecessary. You may be in the process of cultivating something new related to your home, family, or the birth of a new kind of freedom. The foundations you’ve built to support your current success may need to change in ways that are creative and advantageous. A courageous new approach to the past and your family opens doors to a future that feels more interesting – provided you don’t wear yourself out fighting what you can’t control. Refrain from setting limits that destroy dreams and discourage expansion and progress.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
The New Moon in your communication sector activates a promising new idea that requires a (risky) decision and some personal exposure. Obsessions and compulsions have the potential to delay your decisions until the thought of sharing your offering or idea is no longer relevant. Excitement may be high at the moment. Striking while the iron is hot seems wise. Aquarians tire quickly of an idea that been considered for too long – even when it holds great promise. Fear of a personal loss or humiliation might fuel obsessions and compulsions. Keep in mind that now is a time when you have the opportunity to ensure that the remainder of your life will be interesting to you.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Under this new Moon you have the opportunity to increase your income and sense of self-worth. Approaching your life in a way that reminds you of how precious your life actually is seems especially important. Setting limits on thoughts and influences that suggest otherwise seems critical and important. Clarifying your values and priorities and refusing to violate those as you cultivate something new is wise. Generating more income to the point that it’s never enough can result in obsessions and compulsions capable of sidelining you in ways that undermine your power. Having said that now is the time to “go for it” where building wealth could make your future life more interesting.
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