The Libra full Moon effects intensify as the week progresses, culminating on Sunday in the form of a relationship clarification, culmination, or ending that opens the door to a new beginning. Values, priorities and money are always involved when Venus rules as it does under a Libra Moon. The Sun in Aries opposition to the full Moon entails an effort to bring the situation into a better balance. Over – compromise may need to be reined in or reconsidered in light of results that may become obvious. A “peace at any price” strategy could be called into question.
At the beginning of the week Mercury in Pisces squares the North and South Nodes. What’s fading or no longer as interesting as it once was may be exposed and possibly cast aside. A promising opportunity is waiting in the wings to be discovered or noticed. In any case an old focus or life direction is likely to have “run it’s course” no longer holding the promise it once did. Accepting the rewards you’ve earned while setting your sites in a new direction might be wise.
A Sun-Venus conjunction in Aries is likely to put you in the limelight. You could benefit from bold/risky, self-centered actions that keep the focus on you. It pays to throw something fascinating into the mix.
It’s worth mentioning, though, that Chiron in Aries, the asteroid of pain, vulnerability, fear of self-assertion, or lack of confidence plays a role in putting and keeping you in the spotlight. You might need to take the courageous action you’re most afraid to take. Pushing through rather than backing down is a personal victory with wide-ranging, positive implications for the future.
Saturn trines the full Moon providing structure and support for success and the part of yourself that’s approaching “full bloom” status.
Jupiter sextiles Juno – the asteroid of committed relationships. Something more liberating, expansive, and encouraging is thrown into the mix. But this could amount to nothing if you fail to say what needs to be said, refuse to share your dreams, deepest thoughts, or fall into something resembling victimization.
Every aspect and planet has a more powerful effect under a lunation. Initiating communication this week within the realm of a parent/child relationship tends to work strongly in your favor as you attempt to cultivate something better.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This full Moon emphasizes the current nature of the relationship you have with yourself. A blind spot is illuminated and exposed in ways that clarify and open new doors. A challenge may be thrown in your direction. You might need to push through doubts or a lack of confidence to fully embrace new opportunities centering around communication and connections. It’s likely you’ve recently gained some new insights within the realm of relationships and your chosen area of expertise that could be shared with the public. That could make you vulnerable. You might feel like backing down when you need to push through. The challenge involves putting into words an idea that’s hard to convey. There are rewards in the form of strengthening self-confidence for pushing through rather than backing down. What you have to teach or convey may be sensitive, personal, hard to put into words, or understand. You may have barely grasped the fragile or confusing essence of what you have to share. But there’s something fascinating you have to share that could enrich the general conversation. It’s time to move on from an old story or playbook. It’s time to begin cultivating what you’ve dreamed of cultivating. Most promising are mother/child or parent/child relationships and mentoring opportunities that tend to benefit from communication efforts. Listening for “the feeling behind the words” seems important.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Mars/North node in your sector of personal resources and money could have you newly focused on financial matters, joint finances, or an old way of relating to a financial partner. It might be time to let go of anything unrealistically optimistic or untruthful. It might be time to be honest with a partner, to tell the truth, or to devise a new financial plan based on your personal values and priorities. Under this full Moon your 12th house is “loaded.” There’s a lot you’re keeping to yourself, hiding from view – maybe some lies you’re telling yourself, or genuine confusion and misunderstanding. It might be time to focus on your promising path forward which seems to relate to fortifying and developing your personal assets. Under this full Moon the source of your anger may be illuminated, newly empowering you in ways you haven’t previously been. You might see more clearly the source of a vulnerability that keeps you isolated, unavailable, in hiding, or clinging to your privacy. There’s a fascinating mysterious aura that surrounds you within the public realm. Others may sense your unusual and liberating leadership style elevating you as a role model. You might want to “play that up” as you unravel an “old story” characterized by mistrust, financial complications, intimacy issues, and fear of confronting the truth. Moving away from a vulnerability related to being victimized or rejected seems wise. Reaching out moves you in a promising direction.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week Mercury, your chart ruler, is offering you a challenging choice related to your profession or highest goals and aspiration. You may need to consider the support, lack of support, words, and actions of a partner. Being grounded in something realistic and solid seems important. At the same time an old story is coming to close. What seems most promising is taking bold action that increases your independence, allows you to teach, learn, and share ideas. Being willing to cultivate what makes you fascinating to yourself and others seems wise. Many Gemini’s feel victimized by a career choice, their status, life direction, lack of a supportive career environment, or the feeling that nothing solid or long-lasting will take hold. A healing, spiritual, or illusion-creating and influencing career focus may be the exception. It’s possible under this full Moon to create a better relationship with yourself. Identifying a source of vulnerability or anger that may relate to feeling unaccepted by the group seems important as does being more comfortable with your most unique talents. Now is a time to come to terms with your talents and to humbly align yourself more closely with what you love. Telling yourself the truth about issues related to fitting in and social support/rejection is pivotal.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Mercury in Pisces in your 9th house of future expansion, liberation, and truth-telling is challenging you to choose a direction. Your home, family, and sense of security is illuminated in ways that may have a direct effect on your career or standing in the world. You may be outgrowing an old story or challenge related to health, wellness, work, habitual routines, or a service you support or provide. Moving in the direction of something more highly refined, mysterious, or spiritually focused might attract your attention and the attention of others. Working behind the scenes or in a research capacity might seem like an area ripe for development. Something futuristic or foreign may be under consideration. Your relationship with yourself might move in the direction of something more balanced especially if your willing to acknowledge the truth regarding an area of vulnerability or anger involving your career, Your ability to assert authority over your own life, or the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity. Maybe you could push harder to become famous – to become a force to be reckoned with, or someone well-known (for the ages) as a courageous pioneer in their chosen field.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The focus under this full Moon may be decisions that involves the transformation of an old psychological sticking-point – dealing with joint financial issues, trust, intimacy, and complications you’d prefer to ignore or at least not have exposed for all to see. You may be confronted with a delicate/messy issue that needs to be worked through. Honesty seems non-negotiable. On a different note, promising developments emerge related to groups, communities, your social life, and/or activist type activities. A brilliant, expansive influence in your 9th house of travel, exploration, higher education, legal fields, and publishing emerge. Making your world bigger in some regard is given a push. International opportunities might flow in your direction. This full Moon illuminates the communication sector of your chart. You may need to clarify, deal with the details of a negotiation, compromise. or take an option/issue “off the table” if it no longer holds any promise. Honest, straight-forward communication is critical and well supported under this full Moon. Saturn in Aquarius in your 7th house of relationships opens the door to an opportunity to release old beliefs that make expansion and growth within the realm of relationships impossible – if not very difficult. A commitment to love might encourage a confrontation with what’s been over looked or carefully avoided.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Under this full Moon you may be mulling over the messages you’re receiving from a partner or “other realms of influence that clarify the quality of the relationship you have with yourself. A tendency to evade and avoid, possibly through busyness or overwork, may be the “blind spot” that keeps your soul from taking flight into transcendent realms with the power to renew, restore, heal, and inspire. Saturn in Aquarius triggers the south node in your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Making a move, releasing something that’s felt secure and comforting – yet limiting -may be timely. Building a new and different kind of foundation for a launch in a new direction could be involved. Opportunities for success within the public realm – for accomplishing your most cherished goals, upgrading your status, taking on a leadership role, or embracing your life’s central purpose depends on letting go of what’s no longer viable or relevant. The full Moon illuminates the sector of your chart associated with your personal stash of resources, talents, and accumulated wisdom. Natural talent may be associated with relationships, negations, compromise, keeping things balanced, and in harmony with your most natural way of being. An area of vulnerability involves “sore spots” related to fear of the future, uncertainty, the possibility that you will miss an important detail or ultimately be overwhelmed by a mistake. There’s always risk in deciding on a course of action. A belief that you won’t be overwhelmed frees you from paralyzing fear.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Information related to your health, work, or usual routines clashes with something promising and expansive related to travel, higher education, publishing, and the legal or official aspects of a situation. Maybe you aren’t prepared to expand into a bigger platform or onto a more interesting playing field. There could be more to do before you’re ready to explore distant horizons. You may need to be officially qualified, completely healed, or totally certain the you will not experience or repeat a humiliating defeat. It might take some time to get things in order. Advancement might depend on your ability to release an old story or mindset associated with love, romance, creativity, and exuberant self-expression. What’s most limiting exists within the confines of an old mindset or belief system. Part of your preparation for expansion and liberation may involve more flexibility, an open mind, and the expectation of success. An area of vulnerability within relationships (a relationships with another or relationship with yourself) needs to be confronted and pushed through. There’s lots of potential residing in your 7th house of relationships. Make sure you’re not relying on another to make decisions for you or to determine whether or to give you permission to be happy. The responsibility falls on you to move forward in ways that may be brilliantly creative and personally strengthening.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Mercury in elusive, non-committal Pisces squares Mars, your chart ruler, in Gemini in the 8th house of a “personal, transformative confrontations with the truth.” Avoidance is a strategy that seems to protect you from exposure and vulnerability. But Scorpio tends revert back to square when failing to muster the courage to fully align themselves with what or whom they love. You may insist on having a “net” beneath you to “catch your “inevitable” fall. But Mars retains his integrity by being willing to risk it all when the fear factor is high because you can trust yourself and your instincts. The issue here is the relationship you have with yourself, a lack of trust, and a “blind spot” where keeping relationships stable and in balance is a challenge. A critical emotional choice may need to be made involving intimacy, joint ownership, debt, or other secret, delicate, or complicated issues. Controlling everything always is exhausting. You might need some help to sustain and improve your daily routines or issues related to your work. The full Moon illuminates your 12th house of what invisible, unknown, mysterious, and gestating behind the scenes. Staying efficient, healthy, and organized may involve a gift from the universe in the form of some reliable, trusted help. Trust your instincts when help arrives and take advantage of a chance to relax, rest, recover, and clarify.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Currently Mercury, the ruler of your 7th house of relationships is pushing against something non-committal, vague, and evasive where home, family, and the things you need to feel secure are concerns. You may not know where you stand. You may not know when you’ll know. A lack of trust born of difficult past experience complicates the picture. But you might be getting some clarification or contemplating your options. Conflict may be stirred up as you push for a commitment, an answer, a reason, or more insightful and truthful explanation. If this is truly a partnership you have a voice and a say in the matter. Advancement and progress under this full Moon seems likely. Your most promising options involves partnerships, growth, and ripening potential within the realm of a balanced “give and take” dynamic. Conversations and negotiations can open doors. Disagreements need to be dealt with. A bold new attraction or area of interest may consume you. Something profoundly creative within the realm of what you love most can be successfully pursued. This full Moon illuminates clarifying influences that come through friends, groups, or your social circle. It may be time to confront your vulnerabilities in ways that are especially creative, playful, and fascinatingly effective. Taking risky or courageous action seems wise. It’s likely you’ve done it before with positive results. The wisdom of direct past experience guides you.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The main effects of this Libra full Moon will most likely involve future plans and a simultaneous confrontation with an old wound that continues to restrict you and your relationships in painful ways. Mercury in your 3rd house of communication brings you to a pivotal decision point. Repeating the past is an option. It might feel comfortable to evade and avoid, to remain non-committal, or to bask in the glow of something that feels safe. A blissful lack of self-awareness might feel familiar and preferable to the alternative. But it may also be be time limited as partnerships can now benefit from something more responsible and respectful within the realm of relationships. Your health may benefit from a deliberate confrontation with the truth. A purge of the current status quo and a willingness to explore what lies beneath the surface of consciousness opens the door to something more promising. Psychosomatic illnesses are prevalent where mind/body relationships are misaligned or off-balance. Health issues, routines, and work relationships can improve under the influence of the impending full Moon. The Sun Venus conjunction in your 4th house of home and family encourages you to take a new and different kind of action toward your need for safety and security. Confronting and pushing through an old vulnerability builds strength and character.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Mercury in your 2nd house has you considering your options when it comes to using your resources – your income, wealth, investment, talent, or belief in the manifestation of a dream – to restore the balance of power. Acting in a more independent capacity or relying on yourself to make progress may be an option you’re contemplating. It might bring your deepest fears and vulnerabilities to the surface. Values and priorities come into play. Anxiety may be an issue under this full Moon as you attempt to reach an agreement or better balance. A creative peak is signified. Issues related to love and romance are most promising. The world may revolve around you and your personal preferences for awhile. Courageous action may come in the form of your writings, what you say, how you communicate, a message that seems risky, courageous, or filled with doubt as to how it will be received. Pushing through vulnerabilities related to having your say and making an impact makes you stronger. The full Moon illuminates your 9th house of travel, expansion, liberation, publishing, and higher education. In these areas of life, you’re given a gift that is of utmostl value to you.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Under this full Moon there is a palpable need for change – sooner rather than later. It’s likely to coincide with increased anxiety or fear. The feeling that you can’t wait much longer for change is emphasized. Mercury in your 2nd house of values, priorities, and sense of self-worth triggers a pivotal choice that may be destabilizing in some regard. What’s run its course and no longer holds much promise may relate to allies you’ve cultivated in the past to advance your career, to the ideals you cherish, connections to the group, or social concerns that have lost their ability to inspire. Social connections from the past may be losing their appeal. Having to choose between family and career may be an issue. But what seems most important is a better balance or re-alignment with what feels most authentic and important to you within the scheme of your life. Mars in your 5th house of creativity and love is ready to take action – impulsively or otherwise. At this point any type of action might seem be a relief. A soul-searching journey might deliver the clarity or results you need. Your options may be wide open as financial concerns may not be a focus. Still something sensitive that’s been hidden behind a fear is illuminated under this full Moon. Foreign travel might give you the distance and space you need to more deeply connect while charting a better course for the future.
Libra Full Moon Horoscopes for the Week of March 24th – 30th
The Libra full Moon effects intensify as the week progresses, culminating on Sunday in the form of a relationship clarification, culmination, or ending that opens the door to a new beginning. Values, priorities and money are always involved when Venus rules as it does under a Libra Moon. The Sun in Aries opposition to the full Moon entails an effort to bring the situation into a better balance. Over – compromise may need to be reined in or reconsidered in light of results that may become obvious. A “peace at any price” strategy could be called into question.
At the beginning of the week Mercury in Pisces squares the North and South Nodes. What’s fading or no longer as interesting as it once was may be exposed and possibly cast aside. A promising opportunity is waiting in the wings to be discovered or noticed. In any case an old focus or life direction is likely to have “run it’s course” no longer holding the promise it once did. Accepting the rewards you’ve earned while setting your sites in a new direction might be wise.
A Sun-Venus conjunction in Aries is likely to put you in the limelight. You could benefit from bold/risky, self-centered actions that keep the focus on you. It pays to throw something fascinating into the mix.
It’s worth mentioning, though, that Chiron in Aries, the asteroid of pain, vulnerability, fear of self-assertion, or lack of confidence plays a role in putting and keeping you in the spotlight. You might need to take the courageous action you’re most afraid to take. Pushing through rather than backing down is a personal victory with wide-ranging, positive implications for the future.
Saturn trines the full Moon providing structure and support for success and the part of yourself that’s approaching “full bloom” status.
Jupiter sextiles Juno – the asteroid of committed relationships. Something more liberating, expansive, and encouraging is thrown into the mix. But this could amount to nothing if you fail to say what needs to be said, refuse to share your dreams, deepest thoughts, or fall into something resembling victimization.
Every aspect and planet has a more powerful effect under a lunation. Initiating communication this week within the realm of a parent/child relationship tends to work strongly in your favor as you attempt to cultivate something better.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This full Moon emphasizes the current nature of the relationship you have with yourself. A blind spot is illuminated and exposed in ways that clarify and open new doors. A challenge may be thrown in your direction. You might need to push through doubts or a lack of confidence to fully embrace new opportunities centering around communication and connections. It’s likely you’ve recently gained some new insights within the realm of relationships and your chosen area of expertise that could be shared with the public. That could make you vulnerable. You might feel like backing down when you need to push through. The challenge involves putting into words an idea that’s hard to convey. There are rewards in the form of strengthening self-confidence for pushing through rather than backing down. What you have to teach or convey may be sensitive, personal, hard to put into words, or understand. You may have barely grasped the fragile or confusing essence of what you have to share. But there’s something fascinating you have to share that could enrich the general conversation. It’s time to move on from an old story or playbook. It’s time to begin cultivating what you’ve dreamed of cultivating. Most promising are mother/child or parent/child relationships and mentoring opportunities that tend to benefit from communication efforts. Listening for “the feeling behind the words” seems important.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Mars/North node in your sector of personal resources and money could have you newly focused on financial matters, joint finances, or an old way of relating to a financial partner. It might be time to let go of anything unrealistically optimistic or untruthful. It might be time to be honest with a partner, to tell the truth, or to devise a new financial plan based on your personal values and priorities. Under this full Moon your 12th house is “loaded.” There’s a lot you’re keeping to yourself, hiding from view – maybe some lies you’re telling yourself, or genuine confusion and misunderstanding. It might be time to focus on your promising path forward which seems to relate to fortifying and developing your personal assets. Under this full Moon the source of your anger may be illuminated, newly empowering you in ways you haven’t previously been. You might see more clearly the source of a vulnerability that keeps you isolated, unavailable, in hiding, or clinging to your privacy. There’s a fascinating mysterious aura that surrounds you within the public realm. Others may sense your unusual and liberating leadership style elevating you as a role model. You might want to “play that up” as you unravel an “old story” characterized by mistrust, financial complications, intimacy issues, and fear of confronting the truth. Moving away from a vulnerability related to being victimized or rejected seems wise. Reaching out moves you in a promising direction.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week Mercury, your chart ruler, is offering you a challenging choice related to your profession or highest goals and aspiration. You may need to consider the support, lack of support, words, and actions of a partner. Being grounded in something realistic and solid seems important. At the same time an old story is coming to close. What seems most promising is taking bold action that increases your independence, allows you to teach, learn, and share ideas. Being willing to cultivate what makes you fascinating to yourself and others seems wise. Many Gemini’s feel victimized by a career choice, their status, life direction, lack of a supportive career environment, or the feeling that nothing solid or long-lasting will take hold. A healing, spiritual, or illusion-creating and influencing career focus may be the exception. It’s possible under this full Moon to create a better relationship with yourself. Identifying a source of vulnerability or anger that may relate to feeling unaccepted by the group seems important as does being more comfortable with your most unique talents. Now is a time to come to terms with your talents and to humbly align yourself more closely with what you love. Telling yourself the truth about issues related to fitting in and social support/rejection is pivotal.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Mercury in Pisces in your 9th house of future expansion, liberation, and truth-telling is challenging you to choose a direction. Your home, family, and sense of security is illuminated in ways that may have a direct effect on your career or standing in the world. You may be outgrowing an old story or challenge related to health, wellness, work, habitual routines, or a service you support or provide. Moving in the direction of something more highly refined, mysterious, or spiritually focused might attract your attention and the attention of others. Working behind the scenes or in a research capacity might seem like an area ripe for development. Something futuristic or foreign may be under consideration. Your relationship with yourself might move in the direction of something more balanced especially if your willing to acknowledge the truth regarding an area of vulnerability or anger involving your career, Your ability to assert authority over your own life, or the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity. Maybe you could push harder to become famous – to become a force to be reckoned with, or someone well-known (for the ages) as a courageous pioneer in their chosen field.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The focus under this full Moon may be decisions that involves the transformation of an old psychological sticking-point – dealing with joint financial issues, trust, intimacy, and complications you’d prefer to ignore or at least not have exposed for all to see. You may be confronted with a delicate/messy issue that needs to be worked through. Honesty seems non-negotiable. On a different note, promising developments emerge related to groups, communities, your social life, and/or activist type activities. A brilliant, expansive influence in your 9th house of travel, exploration, higher education, legal fields, and publishing emerge. Making your world bigger in some regard is given a push. International opportunities might flow in your direction. This full Moon illuminates the communication sector of your chart. You may need to clarify, deal with the details of a negotiation, compromise. or take an option/issue “off the table” if it no longer holds any promise. Honest, straight-forward communication is critical and well supported under this full Moon. Saturn in Aquarius in your 7th house of relationships opens the door to an opportunity to release old beliefs that make expansion and growth within the realm of relationships impossible – if not very difficult. A commitment to love might encourage a confrontation with what’s been over looked or carefully avoided.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Under this full Moon you may be mulling over the messages you’re receiving from a partner or “other realms of influence that clarify the quality of the relationship you have with yourself. A tendency to evade and avoid, possibly through busyness or overwork, may be the “blind spot” that keeps your soul from taking flight into transcendent realms with the power to renew, restore, heal, and inspire. Saturn in Aquarius triggers the south node in your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Making a move, releasing something that’s felt secure and comforting – yet limiting -may be timely. Building a new and different kind of foundation for a launch in a new direction could be involved. Opportunities for success within the public realm – for accomplishing your most cherished goals, upgrading your status, taking on a leadership role, or embracing your life’s central purpose depends on letting go of what’s no longer viable or relevant. The full Moon illuminates the sector of your chart associated with your personal stash of resources, talents, and accumulated wisdom. Natural talent may be associated with relationships, negations, compromise, keeping things balanced, and in harmony with your most natural way of being. An area of vulnerability involves “sore spots” related to fear of the future, uncertainty, the possibility that you will miss an important detail or ultimately be overwhelmed by a mistake. There’s always risk in deciding on a course of action. A belief that you won’t be overwhelmed frees you from paralyzing fear.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Information related to your health, work, or usual routines clashes with something promising and expansive related to travel, higher education, publishing, and the legal or official aspects of a situation. Maybe you aren’t prepared to expand into a bigger platform or onto a more interesting playing field. There could be more to do before you’re ready to explore distant horizons. You may need to be officially qualified, completely healed, or totally certain the you will not experience or repeat a humiliating defeat. It might take some time to get things in order. Advancement might depend on your ability to release an old story or mindset associated with love, romance, creativity, and exuberant self-expression. What’s most limiting exists within the confines of an old mindset or belief system. Part of your preparation for expansion and liberation may involve more flexibility, an open mind, and the expectation of success. An area of vulnerability within relationships (a relationships with another or relationship with yourself) needs to be confronted and pushed through. There’s lots of potential residing in your 7th house of relationships. Make sure you’re not relying on another to make decisions for you or to determine whether or to give you permission to be happy. The responsibility falls on you to move forward in ways that may be brilliantly creative and personally strengthening.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Mercury in elusive, non-committal Pisces squares Mars, your chart ruler, in Gemini in the 8th house of a “personal, transformative confrontations with the truth.” Avoidance is a strategy that seems to protect you from exposure and vulnerability. But Scorpio tends revert back to square when failing to muster the courage to fully align themselves with what or whom they love. You may insist on having a “net” beneath you to “catch your “inevitable” fall. But Mars retains his integrity by being willing to risk it all when the fear factor is high because you can trust yourself and your instincts. The issue here is the relationship you have with yourself, a lack of trust, and a “blind spot” where keeping relationships stable and in balance is a challenge. A critical emotional choice may need to be made involving intimacy, joint ownership, debt, or other secret, delicate, or complicated issues. Controlling everything always is exhausting. You might need some help to sustain and improve your daily routines or issues related to your work. The full Moon illuminates your 12th house of what invisible, unknown, mysterious, and gestating behind the scenes. Staying efficient, healthy, and organized may involve a gift from the universe in the form of some reliable, trusted help. Trust your instincts when help arrives and take advantage of a chance to relax, rest, recover, and clarify.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Currently Mercury, the ruler of your 7th house of relationships is pushing against something non-committal, vague, and evasive where home, family, and the things you need to feel secure are concerns. You may not know where you stand. You may not know when you’ll know. A lack of trust born of difficult past experience complicates the picture. But you might be getting some clarification or contemplating your options. Conflict may be stirred up as you push for a commitment, an answer, a reason, or more insightful and truthful explanation. If this is truly a partnership you have a voice and a say in the matter. Advancement and progress under this full Moon seems likely. Your most promising options involves partnerships, growth, and ripening potential within the realm of a balanced “give and take” dynamic. Conversations and negotiations can open doors. Disagreements need to be dealt with. A bold new attraction or area of interest may consume you. Something profoundly creative within the realm of what you love most can be successfully pursued. This full Moon illuminates clarifying influences that come through friends, groups, or your social circle. It may be time to confront your vulnerabilities in ways that are especially creative, playful, and fascinatingly effective. Taking risky or courageous action seems wise. It’s likely you’ve done it before with positive results. The wisdom of direct past experience guides you.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The main effects of this Libra full Moon will most likely involve future plans and a simultaneous confrontation with an old wound that continues to restrict you and your relationships in painful ways. Mercury in your 3rd house of communication brings you to a pivotal decision point. Repeating the past is an option. It might feel comfortable to evade and avoid, to remain non-committal, or to bask in the glow of something that feels safe. A blissful lack of self-awareness might feel familiar and preferable to the alternative. But it may also be be time limited as partnerships can now benefit from something more responsible and respectful within the realm of relationships. Your health may benefit from a deliberate confrontation with the truth. A purge of the current status quo and a willingness to explore what lies beneath the surface of consciousness opens the door to something more promising. Psychosomatic illnesses are prevalent where mind/body relationships are misaligned or off-balance. Health issues, routines, and work relationships can improve under the influence of the impending full Moon. The Sun Venus conjunction in your 4th house of home and family encourages you to take a new and different kind of action toward your need for safety and security. Confronting and pushing through an old vulnerability builds strength and character.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Mercury in your 2nd house has you considering your options when it comes to using your resources – your income, wealth, investment, talent, or belief in the manifestation of a dream – to restore the balance of power. Acting in a more independent capacity or relying on yourself to make progress may be an option you’re contemplating. It might bring your deepest fears and vulnerabilities to the surface. Values and priorities come into play. Anxiety may be an issue under this full Moon as you attempt to reach an agreement or better balance. A creative peak is signified. Issues related to love and romance are most promising. The world may revolve around you and your personal preferences for awhile. Courageous action may come in the form of your writings, what you say, how you communicate, a message that seems risky, courageous, or filled with doubt as to how it will be received. Pushing through vulnerabilities related to having your say and making an impact makes you stronger. The full Moon illuminates your 9th house of travel, expansion, liberation, publishing, and higher education. In these areas of life, you’re given a gift that is of utmostl value to you.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Under this full Moon there is a palpable need for change – sooner rather than later. It’s likely to coincide with increased anxiety or fear. The feeling that you can’t wait much longer for change is emphasized. Mercury in your 2nd house of values, priorities, and sense of self-worth triggers a pivotal choice that may be destabilizing in some regard. What’s run its course and no longer holds much promise may relate to allies you’ve cultivated in the past to advance your career, to the ideals you cherish, connections to the group, or social concerns that have lost their ability to inspire. Social connections from the past may be losing their appeal. Having to choose between family and career may be an issue. But what seems most important is a better balance or re-alignment with what feels most authentic and important to you within the scheme of your life. Mars in your 5th house of creativity and love is ready to take action – impulsively or otherwise. At this point any type of action might seem be a relief. A soul-searching journey might deliver the clarity or results you need. Your options may be wide open as financial concerns may not be a focus. Still something sensitive that’s been hidden behind a fear is illuminated under this full Moon. Foreign travel might give you the distance and space you need to more deeply connect while charting a better course for the future.
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