(Sorry these horoscopes are coming out late. Technological snafu)
This week we’re under the influence of an impending total Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius. It occurs on Monday, Dec. 14th, at 11:16 AM EST.
The Gemini full Moon eclipse of Nov. 30th continues to provide more clarification, to encourage emotional “housecleanings, re-calibrations, and endings that provide space for expansive new beginnings. (I’ll write more on this eclipse later in the week.)
Today, the Sagittarian Sun trines Mars in Aries. Actions trigger progress – also a sense of purpose, optimism, easy expansions, and a deliberate, fortunate move forward. This is relatively effortless.
A quiet opportunity is presented on Thursday related to Venus’s sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. The doors open to something more deeply satisfying and honest within the realm of relationships. Doing the hard thing, telling the truth, following the rules, and refusing to skip any important steps is rewarded with feelings of liberation.
On Friday the Sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Aries. Taking aim and taking action aligned with your beliefs and purpose is relatively easy. Something promising is delivered. Future planning or envisioning seems wise. Hope and optimism prevail. In some regard this represents the culmination of a process that began in late August.
By the weekend you may be taking concrete action to move in a forward direction . New opportunities are highlighted.
At the same Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. This is a challenge. The truth may be undermined in some regard. You may be tempted to avoid having the conversation or speaking your truth especially if the future, a level of risk, or the “unknown” is involved.
The week winds down with support for something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships. (Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn) You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
An ongoing challenge related to your professional life, a life direction decision, or the cultivation of your reputation, is winding down. It’s time to wrap up an old point of focus and to clear the decks for something new – before Dec. 18th. Old beliefs re: success and “standard formulas” can be released. For you a new role or strategy is likely to involve (community) activism – something more disruptive, controversial, enlightened, revolutionary, and interesting. It might be time to become committed to working on what will become your most valuable contribution to the world. Actions aligned with your beliefs, and what you envision for the future are especially fortuitous and supportive of progress. Your most promising direction may involve broadcasting more broadly what you know (through direct experience and learning) to be true. Something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships creates an opportunity. You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
What has challenged you most since Dec 21st 2017 is losing steam. You’re on the home stretch in terms of working your way through something that once threatened your future vision for “life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness.” Over the next 10 days it’s time to focus in a new direction, with a new strategy. You can’t not create, particularly when it comes to allowing your dramatic, creative, attention-getting instincts to fuel a disruptively brilliant public contribution. You are the one the public looks to act out what they themselves cannot express. The power comes from your natural ability to exuberantly express a wide range emotions that inspires and “makes others whole” while making yourself more whole. You might thrive over the next couple years playing a disruptive, truthful, over-the-top, theatrical role within the public realm. A relationship transformation – the result of hard work, keeping the faith, and staying committed – is newly liberating. Continue to push through vulnerabilities related to trusting your instincts and relying on what you love to lead you in the right direction.
What has been especially challenging for you since the winter solstice of 2017 is related to financial partnerships, restrictions, a lack of trust, dependence, and possibly limited freedoms. It seems you’re on the home stretch when it comes to “slaying the dragon.” Rising to the challenge, doing the hard work, following the rules, and tolerating the restrictions and delays has made you stronger and wiser. Over the next 10 days it will be time to wind things down, release, and re-focus. A decision may need to be made that involves home, family relationships, and the domestic sphere. Something related to a personal sacrifice or release may be involved. Your new role and your new strategy is likely to involve something disruptive but expansive and enlightening, alienating but mind-expanding, and freeing. You may generate big ideas that align with your beliefs at an accelerated rate. Or you may learn something that undermines old beliefs. It’s possible you may set the stage for contributing to the world the masterwork of your life. Focus on releasing or conquering anything that remains heavy and emotionally undermining between now and Dec. 18th. Stay closely aligned with what’s practical, useful, purifying, efficient, and healthy.
The Sagittarian Sun is currently energizing your 6th house of work, health, and routines. Something more expansive, liberating, and independent may be considered with regard to the work that you do. You may want to include something more. You may need more freedom and independence. In a broader sense you may be working on integrating aspects of yourself or making personal improvements that make you more whole and complete “in and of yourself.” Partnerships and marriages become less need-based and more honest when you don’t need anyone to complete you. It’s likely you’ll need to let go of old beliefs that relate to work and health. Advancing your education, your skills, and promoting health may be a consideration. Since the winter solstice of 2017 especially difficult relationship challenges have been thrown in your direction. That phase is winding down. You’re approaching the finish line. It’s likely you’ve “slain the dragon” through hard work, self-discipline, following the rules, staying committed, or letting go. You have about 10 days to resolve what’s left unresolved before you’re on to something new. The new focus and new strategy will involve something revolutionary and transformative related to financial partnerships, healing, and setting yourself free of old (psychological) conditioning. You may develop revolutionary transformational, enlightened methods to promote emotional breakthroughs.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Highly energized now is the fun-loving, expansively creative, playful, future-oriented aspects of your life. Your focus may be on envisioning the kind of future that would infuse the most joy into your life. Ideas you generate may expand beyond what you’ve previously been willing to consider. It may be time to cast aside old beliefs that restrain and limit your options. Taking action to expand your mind beyond where it’s previously been permitted to go will be relatively effortless over the next couple days. You’re approaching the end of a challenging phase that began on Dec. 21st of 2017, and ends on Dec. 18th of this year. It involved your work life and your health. You needed to take charge, rise to the challenge, follow the rules, accept responsibility for outcomes, and to do whatever it took to be successful. Constant vigilance, delays, and slow progress may have felt exhausting. It’s likely you’ve proven your worth and expanded your skill set. The new challenge involves making the needed adjustments to the revolutionary disruptive, changes in a partner’s style and approach. Partners will likely exert a more authoritative influence over the nature and direction of a relationship. Leo’s like the world to revolve around them. If you’re locked into that mindset the next two and half years might be rough. Something more enlightened and balanced is required. When old “structures” disintegrate you know how to build something better.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Virgo is at the end of of a three year challenge that has made it difficult to enjoy life, to permit love to flow freely, and to infuse more joy into your life. Creative projects may have been difficult to start or to complete. Children may have required more from you. This week the Sun trines Mars. It’s time to be pro-active and to take action on your own behalf to expand future options. The nature and quality of the challenges you’ve faced over the past three years changes on Dec. 18th of this year. For the next couple years you may focus on securing more independence within the workplace. Within the realm work, health, and routines you might be challenged to advance your skills and to promote something enlightened, futuristic, and revolutionary within the workplace. Getting credentialed and becoming an authority or leader in your field seems advantageous. Stay aligned with your instincts to expand beyond what is currently possible. There is support for something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships. (Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn) You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
It’s likely the scope of your challenge since the winter solstice of 2017 has been dealing with domestic disruptions, the undermining of your security, a change in personal status, or the disruption of a significant relationship. The adjustments you needed make, the nature of the work, or the pain and restriction involved may be resolved or close to it. Over the next 10 days it’s time to close the books and to prepare for the next life challenge. For you this is related to your 5th house of love, creativity, playfulness, and feelings of liberation when it comes to expressing your most authentic self. You might have time to do what you love most. Whatever that is it’s most likely outside the mainstream – disruptive, enlightened, futuristic or ancient. Astrology and any of the divination arts fit the bill. It could be time for you to take on your authority as an expert in an unusual field or to turn a “hobby” into your life’s work. Whatever your current area of interest you might find ways to “push the envelope” and advance your “art” into the next realm. You might be ready to fall in love again – this time maintaining a sense of independence. Stick close to your instinctive tendency to produce works of excellence.
Neptune’s square to the Sagittarian Sun today may encourage you to overspend or to overdo in a way that damages your sense of self-worth. Mars trining the Sun implies that practical actions taken with regard to health, work, or routines can rather effortlessly move you in the direction of a significant improvement. You’re approaching the end of a phase that began at the winter Solstice of 2017. That phase comes to a close on Dec. 18th. You’ve likely learned a lot over the past three years through hard lessons specifically designed for you. Most likely those involved powerful communication strategies, when to reveal what you want to reveal, how to listen, when to hold back, when it’s time to tell the truth, how to connect, etc. In the next ten days it’s time to summarize and review. You may be on the cusp of a personal or public revolution. This may relate to the domestic sphere of your life. You may take on more authority over your life and family interactions. Something about your living arrangements may be enlightened or unusual – maintaining a second home where you go to develop your enlightened ideas, for example. Sticking close to instinctive need to be your most brilliant and authentic self is important regardless of public reaction. Old habits, values, and priorities continue to be undermined. Jupiter trines your marriage/commitment asteroid today. Support for something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships is empowered. You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
The end of a three year Saturn phase involving financial restrictions, delays, and the need take on more responsibility for managing your time and resources well is coming to a close. Specifically designed hard lessons most like resulted in significant progress with regard to finances and financial freedom. You may feel more confident effectively managing your resources and what you own. You sense of self-worth may have improved as a result. Dec. 18th signals a new beginning where you may be newly challenged to be an authoritative voice for unusual, futuristic, cutting edge strategies re: the welfare of communities or something more humane. Technological advances that facilitate unlikely connections may be a focus. Disrupting the current messages being broadcast into the world may be important. You may innovate high level ways of communicating or write a book that shocks the senses for the purpose of healing. The week winds down with support for something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships. (Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn) You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
For almost three years you’ve been challenged to assert yourself in an authoritative, leadership position. Your responsibilities might have felt overwhelming. You might have wondered if you could handle the magnitude, the intricacies, and the unpredictable nature of what was thrown in your direction. Keeping it profitable was essential. You’re at the end of a phase where developing an authoritative presentation of yourself was critical. Most likely you’ve advanced your skills and learned al lot. On Dec 18th a new challenge will be in play for the following two and a half years. This will most likely involve achieving financial freedom for yourself. But it may also involve accumulating wealth to support communities or a focus on a mission/project larger than yourself. Strategies you develop may be unusual, enlightened, futuristic, and progressive. Efforts involving the home and domestic sphere will progress smoothly. Tension that’s been building for awhile may be released. What remains unconscious or what you seek to evade and avoid can distort your reality and make it difficult for you to channel your energy in the direction of achieving your dream. aking direct courageous action aligned with what’s most needed keeps you aligned and in tune with yourself. You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Since Dec. 21st of 2017 you’ve been challenged to address your hidden fears, to work in solitude, to get your obsessions and compulsions under control through indirect means, and to sustain a hopeful optimistic mindset. Divination tools that revealed what lies beneath the surface of consciousness may have been helpful. A challenge to forgive others may have been especially difficult. You have 10 more days to complete what remains unfinished of Saturns trek through the sign of Capricorn. After that you’re on to a new and different challenge. It’s likely to involves the development of an unusual, courageous, and effective strategy or approach. It may require you to be a more confident initiator – the one who’s willing to take some risk to achieve a life long dream. Expressing your power of choice or making a decision may be important. Taking action and making an impact may need to become your default position. Be patient (but not too patient) with partners who are trying to adjust to your more intense expressions of independence, authority, disruption, and revolutionary leanings. (Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn) You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported (relationship) transformation will likely follow. Staying aligned with your foundation involves keeping your mind nourished and active.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
A beautiful trine aspect between Mars and the Sun ensures that direct action aligned with your values and priorities and supportive of your sense of self-worth will result in an expansion or new freedoms. Efforts to fortify your financial base or to manage your resources well will bring rewards beyond what you had anticipated. Since Dec. 21st of 2017 you’ve been provided with serious challenges related to socializing freely. Friendships in general might have presented more difficulties than usual. It’s been hard to not feel alienated in some regard. A search for your tribe or a supportive group may have taken lots of efforts. Staying connected may have been exhausting. In fact you might have been alone with yourself a lot – needing to figure out how you could be your own supportive best friend. On Dec. 18th a new beginning related to Saturn and the unfinished karmic work that needs to be done begins. New brilliant strategies and plans might involve research and discoveries that contribute to, or disrupt, existing bodies of work – or the established limits of what is possible. Brilliant ideas may be cultivated behind the scenes. You might be motivated to commit to a masterwork – an important contribution that changes the world for the better in some regard. The week winds down with support for something more realistic, grown-up, focused, or responsible within the realm of relationships. (Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn) You may begin to take your relationship with yourself and your responsibility to yourself more seriously. A relatively smooth and well-supported transformation will likely follow.
Amen! Happy the 3 year window is closing of learning, releasing, financial strife is ending (sag-cap-aquarian)!
I hope you’re doing great Holly!
Glad the hard stuff is coming to a close. Nice to hear from you Sarah 🙂