Gemini Lunar Eclipse Nov. 30, 2020


This Gemini Lunar Eclipse occurs on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:30 AM EST

Lunar eclipses signify a culmination and something that has been taken as far as it can go. A focus that once held much promise and was once worth pursuing has been taken as far as it can go in it’s current form. During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. In the case of a Gemini eclipse information is pivotal. We might receive the information we need to change focus or to launch ourselves in a new direction.

The influence of an eclipse lasts approximately two weeks either side of the actual event.

By December 14th the next step along the road of something more expansive or liberating takes hold. Duality plays a role in a Gemini eclipse with an emphasis on holding two opposing ideas or feelings at once. The door opens for the formation of a new kind of partnership, or new focus, after the dissolution of what has run it’s course.

The eclipse and the North Node (your most promising path forward) – are both ruled by Mercury in the sign of Scorpio. Integrating hard truth’s supports your ability to develop a shrewd, effective, successful strategy. Big changes are in play fueled by the Sagittarian Sun’s expansive energy. The mental framework and support required to immerse you further in the direction of your life’s purpose quickly evolves. Past experience gives you the wisdom you need to make important changes.

Over the next couple weeks Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. You may be lifted and carried in the direction of a life-long dream that involves a transformation of your approach to relationships. A fair exchange, negotiation, or compromise seems important.

On Dec.4th Mercury trines Chiron in Aries. Old wounds empower you to empathize and to heal – yourself and others. Discussions related to old wounds tigger turning points. Pushing through old fears and limitations frees you to progress and to “get on with it.”

Thanks for reading,


Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The current most promising area of your life involves information, discussions, clarifications that change the game, and allow you to expand your reach as you “clear the decks” for progress. During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings may need to be activated. Over the next week it may be important to discuss old wounds as those relate to liberation, travel, higher education, publishing, legalities, and a more unshakeable belief in yourself. Something more encouraging and optimistic may take hold. Freedom to expand beyond current limits is favored. A more realistic, smart strategy for success cane created and implemented. Your ability to recognize patterns gives you insight into dealings with siblings, new information, or to “hold your own” and negotiate in good faith. Ending the discussion or exposing the truth of the “two-faced” or two-faceted nature of what you may be dealing with seems important.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Emotionally something has ripened and reached a culmination point. It’s likely to involve money, what you own, a sense of self-worth, and possibly the financial aspects of a partnership. Sensitive issues may be difficult to discuss. During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings may need to be activated. In a partnership situation related to old habits or tendencies may contribute to an imbalance. Areas of extreme vulnerability may need to be exposed and discussed. A resolution may not reveal itself without a change in routine, or a refusal to engage in something that feels self-denying our self-sacrificial. Financial tensions involving values and priorities may be resolved. Fortunately the wisdom involved in relying on the facts, telling the truth, and talking it through, is likely to result in an important transformation. Acknowledging the secrets, anger, or impotence you feel heals.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. This eclipse highlights relationships, information, learning, and liberation. Something new is triggered through the release of old beliefs about your role you play within the realm of relationships. A discussion or new information re: sharing the workload or keeping routines flowing efficiently may be important. This “topic” may touch on something highly sensitive or potentially transformative. Avoiding what’s dark or quietly undermining relies on keeping the channels of communication open and honest. Realistic strategizing for the success of financial partnerships or issues related to intimacy – are likely to be successful as an infusion of optimism and good fortune is thrown into the mix. A chronic area of vulnerability involves feeling unsupported or being “too much of an outsider” to be loved. If you push through you may notice the facts undermining this belief on a regular basis.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. Beliefs involving habits, routines, your work life, health, improvements, and self-sacrifice are highlighted. Information you receive from a “higher spiritual realms” may have a profound influence over how navigate through your daily life in the future. Meditation clarifies the unfolding story, areas that have burned themselves out, and areas that hold great promise. On Dec. 17th an alignment involving love, children, and your most creative impulses may present you with a new opportunity. Effortless progress is indicated where dreams of travel, expansion, publishing, pursuing higher education, breaking free, or making it legal is concerned. Security/domestic issues (as always) are important considerations. Addressing an old wound or area of chronic vulnerability involves success, achievement, effectiveness and ambition. Pushing through the fear is possible. Releasing the residual effects an old wound involves self-awareness and creates space for healing.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings may need to be activated. This eclipse highlights the public role you’ve created for yourself, community involvement, your social life, and maybe some surprising consequences as a result of what you’ve chosen to make public in the past or among friends. Your dreams or visions for the future may be restricted or limited as a result of an old wound. An area of chronic vulnerability or fear may keep you from setting future goals, creating a detailed vision for your life, or believing that you can manifest an enticing reality. Under this eclipse an important clarifying piece information may assist you in pushing past a habit of allowing past disappointments to limit your ability to dream or to imagine a happy, deeply satisfying future. Belief in yourself is key. Self-awareness is “more” key. If partners, teachers, or discussions related to the power of “believing or imagining something into being” make you nervous or deeply skeptical it could be time to reflect on why that is. Mercury’s move into your 5th house on Dec. 5th supports your ability to empower the envisioning/dreaming/imaginative/creative aspects of your life – with promising results.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. Under this eclipse there’s a focus on the career/life direction/foundational sectors of your chart. New information regarding a change in direction is revealed. An old personal wound involves betrayal, lack trust, or fear of making the necessary “transformative leap” that keeps things from devolving into the predictable stagnant or toxic phase. Disrupting a traditional cultural belief – or your own belief system – may be an issue or a necessity. There’s a strong indication things may get easier as a result of new optimism, cooperation, or a future plan for something supportive and stabilizing within the domestic sphere. The maintenance of continuity and support despite a disruptive change is likely. Discussions get more honest as they relate to marriage, commitment, and topics once considered “out of bounds” or too sensitive to initiate.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. The nature of the information you receive may have a bigger impact than would ordinarily be expected – especially with regard to the future, travel, legal issues, and publishing. Something secondary, unexpected, or concurrent is thrown into the mix as future plans include something more that was initially considered. This could relate to an old wound that distorted your path through relationships, and/or marriage, or made you afraid of taking a risk that could result in something more deeply satisfying. What’s new may be the belief that you don’t have to agree to something self-sacrificial that seems tolerable but not ideal. You can aim for something life-enhancing. A change in your mindset fuels a change in old habits, and possibly the release of something old or abusive that fueled a sense of powerlessness, inevitability, or a lack of belief in yourself and/or attractiveness. Self-sacrifice is a choice. You can decide to think differently.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This eclipse falls in your 8th house – a highly sensitive, uncomfortable, and transformational area of life. Information coming in relates to intimacy, debts, taxes, death (in all it’s forms), and a lack of trust. It also relates to your source of power especially within the realm of financial partnerships. During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. An ending may need to be initiated. Things beyond your control may need to be addressed. Something hidden or research-oriented may need to be factored in. A new option may be revealed. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages you to believe that you can move past fear and the limitations and restrictions they create. Old wounds may relate to feeling financially exploited or devalued where an area of personal competency and skill allowed others to seek an advantage through your efforts and achievements. The message might have been you’re not really valued or loved unconditionally. You might put an end to an old obligation or address the truth related to your sense of self-worth. Belief in yourself and the value of your contribution expands. A course correction is activated.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. This eclipse falls in the relationship sector of your chart. An end-point, culmination, or final decision is reached. Incoming information may have clarified what you needed know and had previously been unable to clarify or discuss. Mercury’s move into the sign of Sagittarius opens doors, and enhances feelings of optimism, anticipation, positivity, and the feeling that you’re free to take advantage of more promising future options. Old vulnerabilities related to a lack of hope, fear of initiating, or of being disempowered may be directly addressed. What’s been holding you back can be confronted and released. Venus trines Neptune making it easier to let go or to lighten your load. Issues related to anything addicting and disempowering can be most effectively addressed with compassion and love. Expanding your capacity for self love is more effective than anything punitive, demeaning, or harsh.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
New information arrives that clarifies and highlights additional areas for improvement. This may involve old habits, mental/emotional health, the release of personal limitations for the purpose of fulfilling your obligations to another. During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. Corrections need to be made that may be subtle but life-changing. If you’ve been cursing the past, pretending it didn’t happen, or telling yourself it doesn’t matter, you may be missing an opportunity to heal and to move in a more promising direction. It’s time to consider pushing through a limitation or area of vulnerability head-on. Capricorns are usually good at that but this is personal and emotional so it may be somewhat challenging. The timing is right to come to terms with a wound that occurred as a result of family interactions and “bad examples.” Beliefs were formed then can be changed. A tendency toward pessimism or cynicism can be transcended. Self-awareness and focus is required. A more joyful approach to life can expand with a willingness to consistently cultivate a loving and enjoyable vision for the future.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. Endings need to be activated. New information or a more substantial, honest, fact-based, discussion regarding plans for the future are in play. Belief in your ability to move groups or the mindset of a group in a positive, productive direction depends on your ability to actually feel the authenticity of what you’re saying or trying to convey. There’s a close interaction between your own goals and the goals of a group. A different kind of decision or calibration may need to be made. In the case of a Gemini eclipse information and communication is pivotal and clarifying. The “light bulb” comes on. Believing what you’re saying is especially important. From that perspective an opportunity to heal by pushing through an old area of vulnerability involving risk and the courage to be your most integrated self may be the issue. Maybe you don’t really believe what you’re claiming is true. Your might be under pressure to have all the answers. Self-aligning adjustments are doable under this eclipse. You might have to take yourself out of the game temporarily to adjust and re-group.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
During Lunar eclipses a recalibration, re-alignment, or “re-balancing of the scales” is indicated. Decisions need to be made. This eclipse falls in your domestic sector. Changes may be required the involve relocation, a second home, or a different foundational choice. Something might be clarified regarding finance, stabilization, security, the future, or a major transformtive change. Something more honest may need to be revealed. Talking “around the issue” needs to end. Venus in your 9th house liberates you to engage in an exciting romance, love, to travel, believe more strongly in yourself and your ability to manifest the kind off future you desire. Old wounds relate to financial losses, the loss of stability, your ability to manifest a cherished dream, or to o prove yourself to yourself. It’s time to push through the pain and fear of loss and to make some space to move back into your most natural rhythm. Something personally comforting relates to recapturing the trust that was lost. It’s transformative and may involve re-ordering your priorities. Notice when you’re putting the needs of other’s before yourself in ways that allow you to evade and avoid your obligation to yourself.

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