Libra New Moon Horoscopes for the Week of Oct. 14th



On Friday, October 16th, there’s a new Moon in the sign of Libra. It opposes Mars and squares Jupiter and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. It’s challenging. A crisis point may be reached.

Something unfair or unbalanced is highlighted with explosive, angry, or combative results. An issue is pushed beyond the tipping point. A controlled, disciplined, or restricted response in the past has allowed for pressure to build. The situation may call for a safe outlet or reasonable alternative – and there may be no painless or easy answers.

Mars retrograde implies we’re dealing with old anger – similar to what we may have been dealing with late summer/early fall of 1988. The new Moon on Oct. 16th might trigger suppressed rage to a level of critical concern.

Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Scorpio this week. This retrograde phase lasts from Oct. 14th – Nov. 3rd) Behind the scenes strategies and investigations designed to reveal a dark secret, underlying rot, or corruption are pursued. We may need to recover something of value (our power) that has been hidden or gradually diminished in undetectable ways. We need to be willing to ask the hard question of ourself and others to reveal underlying motivations, intentions, and the actual truth. There’s something of great personal or public value that can be recovered. But we have to go back before we can go forward. We have to dig deeper before rising up. Secrets may be exposed and unraveled. A sixth sense might lead you to the truth.

Undoubtedly you’ll encounter “messy stuff” along the course of a detailed examination that makes you feel vulnerable. There’s something very liberating associated with knowing the truth.

Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. New hope and optimism is supported by something reality-based. An opportunity to infuse your most cherished dream into future plans or expansions are well-considered. Gradual, “slower than you’d like” progress is solid.

On Monday Oct 19th Venus in Virgo trines Jupiter in Capricorn. There’s lots of support for a future plan and well considered expansion that takes the small details into consideration. Attending to the details of a love affair, creative project, or a child’s welfare is grounding in beautiful ways.

Also on Monday Mercury retrograding in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograding in Taurus. An important, maybe sudden “liberation of the mind” is a possibility. An old mindset and old beliefs may suddenly be upended. Values and priorities change in ways that set you free. A more authentic version of yourself or your ideas can be expressed. An important personal breakthrough is possible.

Thanks for reading,


Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week the new Moon in Libra highlights an imbalance or unjust situation within the realm of relationships. A crisis of some magnitude may be created. Mars has built up reserves of anger over time. His characteristic lack of patience, desire to make an impact and short fuse makes a confrontation likely or necessary. It’s wise to keep in mind that a potentially explosive situation has been “a long time coming.” It’s time to re-balance the scales. This may involve your career or life direction. Fortunately Jupiter sextiles Neptune. Pursuing a controlled, reasonable, and realistic plan for expansion takes a cherished dream into consideration. Something more hopeful and optimistic is thrown into the mix. You may feel newly energized. But Mercury in Scorpio moves into his retrograde phase this week. It’s time to uncover the truth. Something investigative and courageous is required. Digging into the past and asking lots of questions seems important. What you don’t know may diminish your power and sense of self worth. Financial partnerships may need to be more thoroughly examined. Issues involving intimacy may be responsive to healing.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This week the new Libra Moon highlights upsetting developments within the realm of health, routines, underlying heavy responsibilities and pressures that may be (unconsciously) self-imposed. An imbalance related to work and the allocation of responsibilities needs to be addressed. A hidden/secret reservoir of anger and guilt could be potentially explosive and fuel a confrontation. A crisis moment may be enlightening with regard to taking better care of yourself or pushing back against too many demands. Mercury retrogrades in your 7th house. A partner or partnership benefits from a deeper or closer look. It’s time to ask harder questions of yourself and a partner to discover the truth. Most likely it lies at a deeper level than you’ve previously been willing to examine. It’s hard to feel liberated before you’re willing to do what it takes to reveal what’s true. Conversations and all relationship interactions may be more intense. It’s possible to integrate cherished dreams into some realistic plans for the future or future expansions. Secrets, hidden anger, or fear may complicate issues related to higher education, travel, publishing, or legal entanglements. What you truly desire needs to be clarified and communicated so you can be satisfied that a result, answer, or end-point is fair and equitable.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
The impending full Moon highlights sectors of your chart that deal with exuberant self-expression and/or interactions within the public realm. In some regard friends and allies assist you in creating something motivated by a return to balance or more specifically making making things more fair and balanced within the realm of financial partnerships. Equal contribution seems motivating and encouraging. A sacrifice may be involved re: your home life or career. Mercury in Scorpio retrogrades in the work/health sector of your chart. A reversal, deeper look, or investigation may be required to learn the truth or the nature of a sticking point that may be diminishing your power or limiting your freedom. Dealing with complicated health and work issues promotes deep personal transformations especially now. But always and for your entire life entire life this is a fact. Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune presents you with an opportunity to be both realistic and dreamy – to seamlessly incorporate your dreams into any future plan for expansion. Doors previously closed may swing open with a new willingness to take action. Your most promising direction involves learning, communicating, and letting go of old beliefs. Beliefs about balance within the realm of relationships may be skewed. But a new willingness to take the more adventurous/less traveled road seems wise and full of promise.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Opportunities for expansion are related to previous opportunities presented last February and at the end of July. Unlike then it’s now possible to integrate your most cherished dreams into a realistic plans for the future – or future expansions. A small action may trigger a big result or new opportunity. Hope and optimism are fueled. A deep reservoir of inner wisdom may be discovered. An undermining ro confusing influence that’s incrementally diminished or diluted your power to speak out beautifully in support of the truth will begin to fade by the end of the week. The new Libra Moon activates the sectors of your chart that deal with your home/family life, sources of security, and the integrity of the foundations you have built to support your professional or public life. An imbalance has been created that could activate a crisis. Adjustments may need to be made. Anger rooted in the past, old vulnerabilities and insecurities add fuel to the fire. Something reasonable needs to be negotiated. Unfortunately Mars may be past the point of reason. It could be time for a decision. Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio today through Nov. 3rd. A search for the truth focused on romantic love, creative actions, or dealings with children might require you to ask some hard questions, or to go back to explore the deeper, darker levels of what’s true. Secrets and secret motivations are ripe for exposure. Instinctively this may feel like dangerous territory. Always complicated love/relationship equations will be the vehicle by which you are profoundly transformed. Letting go of what’s no longer supports growth may be an issue.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
You may be under extreme pressure during this Libra New Moon to address some anger or deep resentment involving the future, future plans, justice, fairness, balance, or a lack of agreement. Something evasive within the realm of financial partnerships is complicating. A preference for “peace at any price” on a day to day basis might prevent you from addressing hot-button issues related to beliefs, higher education, publishing, or legalities, before they reach the “crisis” stage. Fortunately something involving detailed work, thorough assessment, organization, and problem solving may work in your favor as you collect the information you need and solidify your will to negotiate with a partner in a serious way. Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune makes this the perfect time to combine cherished dreams and beliefs to arrive at a realistic/reasonable plan for expansion. Mercury moves into retrograde motion today. Issues related to home and family may become more complicated. It’s time to unravel the source of something dark, corrupt, unmentionable, or previously off-limits for discussion. It’s time to ask the hard questions of yourself and another to get to the root of what’s toxic and threatening to something you deeply cherish. Secrets and true motivations may be exposed between now and November 3rd. What’s playing out on political levels may be similar to what’s playing out on personal levels. Massive transformational reforms may be required to enable a return to balance.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Financial partnerships, issues of intimacy, self worth, net worth, or negotiating a settlement with underlying resentments or rage brewing beneath the surface could fuel an explosive confrontation. An imbalance, injustice, something in need of a decision, or closure “pushes the envelope.” A tendency to prefer peace at any price encourages you to settle for less than you deserve. This may relate to betrayals of trust, lack of intimacy, guilt, or some level of exploitation. A complicated situation may throw you off your rhythm or de-stabilize you in some regard. A delusional, corrupt, or misleading influence might undermine your health, courage, or confidence in your ability to create your characteristic brilliant solutions. Uranus is trying to liberate you from an old mindset that keeps you confined in an obsessively perfectionistic place. The impending new Moon allows for a new beginning that might involve a rebellion against the impossibly high standards set for you early on – or those you’ve set for yourself. Telling the truth, facing the truth, and integrating the truth activates a powerful and liberating personal transformation.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This week concludes with Venus in Virgo trining Jupiter in Capricorn. There’s lots of support for future plans and well considered, realistic expansion that takes small details into consideration. Attending to the details of a love affair, creative project, or a child’s welfare moves you forward in a potentially deeply satisfying direction. But earlier this week things are a little more challenging. The impending new Moon in Libra highlights something unfair or unbalanced with potentially explosive, angry, or combative results. An issue involving unfairness or imbalanced is pushed beyond the tipping point. A controlled, disciplined, or restricted response in the past has allowed pressure to build. The situation may call for a safe outlet or reasonable alternative and the answers are not easy. Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio in your 2nd house of money, values, priorities, self-worth and net-worth. Reconsiderations may involve financial partnerships, intimacy, and truth telling. Unearthing the truth requires a “deep dive” into territory that may be uncomfortable or terrifying. Financial partnerships, joint ownership, trust, and dealings with money and personal values are the vehicles by which you are profoundly transformed – this week – and in this lifetime. Taking a closer look at issues of self-worth may be ripe for deeper exploration between now and Nov. 3rd.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
The impending Libra New Moon may be deeply felt and somewhat confusing. You may be using extra time and delays to take a deeper look at what may be very challenging with regard to pressurized routines, health vulnerabilities, productivity, or feeling that you’re not making progress you’d like to make. A new chapter in your life involves deep introspection and private questioning re: current methods and possibly your overall approach to life. Mars, your chart ruler, moved into retrograde motion on Sep. 9th and will not turn direct until Nov. 13th. This may be the right time to re-assess or to reverse something that’s been set in motion – as far back as 1988. It may be the right time to re-assess your ability to break with old patterns and to take more risk.Mercury turns retrograde today (Oct. 14th) through Nov. 3rd. It’s a perfect time to delve beneath the surface to get to the root of something that may be sapping your strength or undermining your power – especially within the realm of relationships. The good news is that Mars retrograde is sextiling your North Node. Reversing what’s become routine, automatic, or unquestionable for a long time opens doors to a future that looks very promising. What feels promising could relate to writing, communicating, or learning in areas that require you to descend into emotionally vulnerable territory to connect with a treasure trove of creative power.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Jupiter, your chart ruler – currently residing in your 2nd house of personal resources and self-worth – is ripe with opportunity. Something is reactivated from last February or late July of this year that inspires growth and strengthens your belief in your ability to manage assets wisely or to create the wealth you need to move with confidence into the future. A cherished dream or vision for the future combines with a reality-based plan for achieving what you want to achieve. A time-table might be motivating. Still there’s some uncertainty involving your home, family, or sense of security. The actual value of your home may be important as it relates to achieving your goals. Letting go of old beliefs related to financial dependency or self-worth issues moves you in a more promising and interesting relationship direction. A decision may need to be made with regard to relationships, the restoration of balance, or negotiating an ending. Mercury in 12th house of secrets, things that are hidden, or beneath your current level of awareness may be quietly undermining your power. It’s time dig deeper for honest answers or to expose what’s hidden in the interest of lightening your “psychological load.” It’s likely you will be dealing with dark material and information that makes you vulnerable or afraid through Nov. 3rd. Being honest. Asking the questions you’re afraid to ask might be very liberating. Don’t underestimate Uranus’s ability to improve, upgrade, and enlighten your routines, your work life, and your overall health.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Jupiter and Neptune align in ways that fuel structured planning, realistic optimism, and ultimately the manifestation of a dream. This week marks the reactivation of an idea, a continuation of a discussion, or the next bit of some influential information that initially broke through in February or late July of this year. Your perspective may be changing or becoming more flexible with regard to the future. On Friday, October 16th, there’s a new Moon in the sign of Libra. It’s challenging. A crisis point may be reached. Something unfair or unbalanced is highlighted with explosive, angry, or combative results. An issue might be pushed beyond the tipping point. A controlled, disciplined, or restricted response in the past has allowed pressure to build. The situation may call for a safe outlet or reasonable alternative – and there may be no easy answers. For you this New Moon affects the sectors of your life that deal with solid foundations, reliable structures, and the routine maintenance that supports the professional/public sector of your life. A new chapter focused on something more balanced within the realm of relationships may be initiated. Mercury turns retrograde in the social/community/friends sector of your life. Taking a deeper look at the nature of your interactions, being more honest, or more circumspect could be an issue with regard to family. Uranus may be trying to liberate you from obligations or interactions that aren’t nourishing- or from celebrations that aren’t worth the risk involved. It’s ok to think in self-centered, self-protective terms.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
On Friday, October 16th, there’s a new Moon in the sign of Libra. It’s challenging. A crisis point may be pushed. Something unfair or unbalanced is highlighted with explosive, angry, or combative results. An issue is pushed beyond the tipping point. A controlled, disciplined, or restricted response in the past has allowed pressure to build. The situation may call for a safe outlet or reasonable alternative – and there may be no easy answers. For you the new Moon affects the “present/future” sector of your life. Imbalances or unfairness within the realm of relationships are highlighted. The future you desire may not be supported by what’s happening on the ground now, on the world stage, or within your relationships. Adjustments are required. Forcing your will on another may be tempting but ineffective. Mercury moves through it’s retrograde phase in the sign of Scorpio from today (Oct. 14th ) through Nov. 3rd. Between now and then is a time to look beneath the surface of what you see. It may be impossible to advance forward without a deeper investigation into underlying motivations or the root cause of a chronic “sticking point.” A deeper understanding of the emotions involved in relationship issues may be necessary. For you this may involve an imagined lack of power or control over the direction of your life. There may be value in exposing a secret or secret fear for the sake of setting yourself free.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
It appears that a fortunate, well-considered expansion – a new connection and the revival of a cherished dream – are melding together seamlessly to move you forward or to support some real progress. You may feel newly optimistic and encouraged. This development is related to something you were made aware of or focusing on in February or late July of this year. Fridays Libra New Moon looks challenging. A crisis point may be reached. Something unfair or unbalanced is highlighted with explosive, angry, or frustrating results. A relationship issue is pushed beyond the tipping point. A controlled, disciplined, or restricted response in the past has allowed pressure to build. The situation may call for a safe outlet or reasonable alternative – and there may be no easy answers. For you this New Moon affects the nature of a financial partnership, an area of vulnerability related to intimacy and trust, and possibly some frustration related to managing your personal resources or sustaining a strong sense of self-worth. This may be a time for digging deeper into personally vulnerable realms for answers. Routine responses or tendencies may need to be consciously called into question. Mercury moves through it’s retrograde phase in the sign of Scorpio from today (Oct. 14th ) through Nov. 3rd. Between now and then it’s time to look beneath the surface of what you see. It may be impossible to advance forward without a deeper investigation into underlying motivations and the root cause of a chronic personal “sticking point.” What you discover sets you free to embrace your future with compassion, sensitivity, and confidence.

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