The Sun has officially transited into the sign of Libra as of yesterday. The Sun’s Libra ingress marks the Autumnal Equinox- a point of balance that reflects the hours of daylight and darkness equalizing. A pivotal turning point is reached.
After six months of adapting to increasing light and a more outward focus we now prepare to “go within,” – to hibernate, instinctively navigate through the dark, connect with memory, and use our intuitive faculties to find our way.
When the Sun transits Libra our focus changes from providing service, making improvements, and seeking perfection – to issues of justice, fairness and balance within the realm of relationships. Venus rules the sign of Libra. Money, resource management, values, priorities, and beautification efforts are energized.
This week starts out with a bang. Today Saturn squares Mercury severely restricting communication, information, negotiation, and a fair compromise. Justice and fairness is at stake. Parties and partners may have to follow rules they don’t want to follow. Relationship “discussions” may be strained. (A couple days ago Mercury squared Pluto suggesting the need to navigate through some darker motivations or manipulations). Superficially things may not be as they seem.
On Thursday Mercury opposes Mars in Aries retrograde. This looks like an out-of-control or explosive argument. Words spoken in anger may reveal a harsh truth or clarify the nature of “the enemy.” Courage is required.
Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Scorpio on September 27th triggers a deep dive into what lies beneath the words that are spoken and the information you receive.( Mercury’s impending retrograde on October 13th ensures an extended process of exposure as secrets and true motivations come to light.)
There may be lots of internal angst or confusion that requires more than the usual amount of internal adjusting (focusing and re-focusing) to maintain our balance.
Ceres retrogrades back into the sign of Aquarius. This is the mother who rebels against expectations and the standard recommendations for mothering. This may also involve a rebellion against the kind of parenting your received, a sudden break or disconnection from parents or parenting styles.
On Sunday Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio. The news is complicated, more intense and most likely has us feeling like our survival is at stake in some regard. Secrets are exposed.
But also on Sunday Venus and the North Node Node align to hand us an opportunity to move in the most promising direction.
Venus trines Mars on Monday – another bright spot. Venus is rewarded for taking some risk, boldly expressing her love and her artistry, for making a strong, beautiful, dramatic impression, and for taking good care of herself. A hot new romance is a possibly.
At the end of the Week Saturn turns direct after moving in retrograde motion for the past five months. Now is when we can finally gain some traction and make some progress.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The Sun has officially transited into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus changes from work, self-improvement, practicalities and health routines into the realm of questioning whether something is fair, balanced, and equitable. Communication, compromise and negotiation may be highlighted. Mars (your chart ruler,) is action-oriented, courageous or maybe angry and defensive – but fully engaged. It could be hard to keep discussions within relationships civil and polite. Something potentially explosive is a possibility. But on Monday Venus in Leo trines Mars. What you desire you attract. You’re pretty irresistible this week and good things could easily flow in your direction. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct on on Tuesday. Delays and reconsiderations related to your career or life direction will come to a close as progress is newly possible. You’ll gain traction and gradually notice that success comes more easily as forward momentum builds. Saturn doesn’t find his stride immediately. You may still experience some vulnerability or self-doubt until Saturn begins to accelerate. Be patient and know you’ll be progressing in the direction you want to go soon.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Sun in Libra has officially moved into your 6th house of routines, responsibilities, self-improvement, and service-orientation. There may be more emphasis on keeping it just, fair, and equitable on the home-front or with regard to family interactions, creating peace within the home, etc. You may need to integrate some ideas re: practical things that can do to improve efficiency, health, or to lighten your workload. A partner or another might be called upon to do their part. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more “authentically you” and connected to mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). Inner adjustments may need to be made where your own internal comfort is concerned. Confident expressions of love may be more confusing. You might be second-guessing what used to feel right. Sensing some underlying manipulation or exploitation complicates the equation. Anger you’ve been hiding or suppressing may result in an explosion that’s been a long time coming. Saturn turns direct in your 9th house of expansion, freedom, or something related to your future and the ability to elevate yourself above the fray. Within the realm of relationships a purge is most likely required. Now may be your chance.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Mercury in Libra, the planet of communication, negotiation, balance, and fairness AND the ruler of your chart is challenged this week. Placed in your 5th house, the point of contention may be love, romance, children or possibly childishness. Mars retrograding in Aries may provide a social, sexual, or norm-breaking challenge. (Black Moon Lilith – “the other woman” may be disrupting the status quo or something routine. Saturn in Capricorn limits polite, civil discussion from the “mine-field” that is your 8th house. Information and communication may be limited or restricted. This looks messy. But Saturn turns direct next Tuesday after five months in retrograde motion. You’ve likely had time to reconsider and re-evaluate. As Saturn moves direct and begins to accelerate it looks like you’ll be moving in the direction of freedom, expansion, something more joyful, or ideal. As you let go of old beliefs about relationship your true path opens up. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more “authentically you” and connected to your own natural mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). A passion for learning, teaching, or “communicating love” ignites.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
The Sun has officially transited into your 4th house highlighting issues related to security, home, family, safety and comfort. A challenge may come in the form of issues re: justice, fairness, and balance. Disruptions and challenges related to your public life, profession, or current life direction may threaten your security in some regard. Anger makes polite civil discussion re: the home, security, and safety difficult this week. A relationship, a partner, or “relationship concerns” may limit the amount of accurate information you may be receiving. For the past five months you may have been involved in a period of reconsideration or re-evaluation re: relationships in general. Saturn turns direct next Tuesday. The review process ends and issues related to love/ relationships begin to progress. Commitments in love or with regard to children can be more decisive. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius and the “mine-field” that is your 8th house. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more authentically “you” and deeply connected to your own natural mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). Following a passion for stability in love, with regard to financial partnerships, and on the home-front leads you in the right direction. You most likely receive information re: your true life path when you’re alone and undistracted.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The Sun’s move into your 3rd house focuses you on issues involving communication, compromise, justice, fairness, and doing your part. You may have a low tolerance to venturing into territory that’s potentially disruptive or combative this week. Good luck with that. It may be impossible this week. Issues related to expansion, liberation, travel, higher education, or having to elevate yourself “above the fray” may be loaded with anger or impatience. You might need to be more courageous when it come to “hashing it out,” engaging with conflict, or addressing the actual imbalances within a relationship. The warmth, love, and passion you feel may lead you in a heroic direction. On a different note after five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct your 6th house of health, work, and routines. Within those areas you may begin to make some practical, measurable progress. Mercury’s move into Scorpio and your 4th house emphasizes the need to dig deeper for answers related to old psychological conditioning, the family, communication issues and relationship commitments. Issues related to conflict with neighbors or siblings may arise.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Mercury (your chart ruler) is placed in the sign of Libra and your 2nd house of self-worth and net-worth. What you contribute vs. what another contributes within the realm of financial partnerships may be an issue. This sector of your chart is highly energized for the next month. It’s a minefield you may need to navigate in terms of old psychological conditioning and motivations and fears of which you’re not aware. Discussions involving money, resource management, your own worth and value, and financial stability will be highlighted. You may struggle to prevent anger or conflict from infecting important discussions. Keeping it civil may require self-control. A force for disruption challenges your diplomatic skills. It could be that a financial partner is driven by dark underlying motivations that make anything resembling justice and fairness difficult. It’s likely you’ve been intensely reconsidering issues related to love for the past five months. The review period is over next Tuesday and progress can be made based on what you’ve concluded. Beliefs passed onto you by the mother or family or origin may need to be updated or discarded in order for your true path to fully open up to you.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The Sun in the first sector of your chart indicates energetic new (relationship) beginnings. The role you play within the realm of relationships may be highlighted. You may want to make more of an impact or to bring more balance into a current “relationship equation.” In terms of getting on the same page with yourself a few awkward internal adjustments may be required this week. You may need to be open to a change in perspective. Neptune is making things uncertain or confusing causing you to second guess yourself, focus, and refocus. Issues related to your security, home, family, and the past may be restrictive and complicated. Something contentious involving a partnership may explode into the open. You may need to push through a chronic relationship vulnerability or sore spot. Most likely an act of courage is required. Mercury’s move into the “financial and shared resources” sector of your chart puts the focus on something complicated or hidden that may affect your sense of self-worth. The good news is that Saturn turns direct this week after five months in retrograde motion. You’ll begin to gain some traction and make progress in areas that have felt restricted for a couple years. Venus hands you directions to your most promising path forward. She might also heat things up in a new or established relationship.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Committed relationships or marriage may be the prominent theme of your life for the next year. It’s complicated. But there’s a suggestion that you could simplify if you reverse or let go of something having having to do with parents or parenting. You may feel overwhelmed or that you need to rebel against parental expectations, cultural definitions of what defines “good mothering,” the “status quo,” and what you’ve thus far committed yourself to. The Sun’s recent move into Libra energized the hidden 12th sector of your chart. Information you may be intuitively receiving and related to relationships and success could oppose what you desire in terms of independence, feeling competent, being courageous, and using your skills to make it on your own. Information, communication, and truthful revelations may be restricted or limited in some regard. The private conversation you may be having with yourself (or a guide) might reveal a middle path or the cause an explosion that’s a long time coming. A commitment to self-care, organization, decision-making, and taking the practical action that needs to be taken seems wise. Unraveling old psychological conditioning and cultivating trust in your own competence is a promising path for you these days.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
You may be making some nice progress in areas that involve financial stability, building your assets, feeling a greater sense of self-worth, or that the future you’ve envisioned will be supported as a result of your focus, self-discipline, and probably a bit of good luck. Saturn will turn direct after five months in retrograde motion removing remaining fears or limitations related to building a sense of (financial) stability. Old values and priorities may have been rearranged. But its like there’s more to be done in this regard. Saturn in direct motion allows you to gain more traction and to progress. It’s likely any remaining limitations or fears will slowly disappear. What remains though may be some old psychological conditioning related to financial fears or a lack of trust in financial partnerships.
More information or the ability to discuss something of a sensitive nature could diffuse anger and a sense of frustration that’s been building. Saturn might be making compromise impossible. An explosion may be the result. The good news is that Venus trines your Mars. Venus is rewarded for taking some risk, boldly expressing her love or artistry, or for making a strong, beautiful impression. A door opens and an opportunity to follow your true path may be handed to you – by some accident of fate or along the course of your routine. Your passion for the future you’ve envisioned and cultivated inspires.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The sector of your chart related to your success, reputation, and the achievement of your highest goals is newly energized by the Sun’s move into the sign of Libra. Initially though, communication, balance, and achieving what you’re aiming for seems “off.” Saturn (fear, restriction, and inflexibility) is the culprit. You may be second guessing yourself or trying to make some needed adjustments in your perspective and outlook. Internally it may feel awkward. An “ease and flow” may be missing. What allowed you “strut your stuff” has been (temporarily) taken away. But the more powerful influence relates to Saturn – your chart ruler. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn is turning direct on Tuesday. The roadblocks, fears, and restrictions that have been holding you back are technically removed. It becomes possible for you to gain some traction that you haven’t been able gain for five months. But it takes awhile for the momentum to shift and begin to build. Hopefully during the past five months you’ve been reviewing, reconsidering, re-working, reversing, re-evaluating, etc. Just before Saturn turns direct on Tuesday anger and frustration may reach a peak. An explosive eruption or argument may clear the air and your path to success will be unobstructed.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
The Sun is newly energizing your 9th house of liberation, expansion, travel, joy, and the ability to to elevate yourself above the fray. Unfortunately today Saturn squares Mercury. You may be waiting for important information you’re not receiving or haven’t yet received. Communication is delayed or blocked. Discussions are fraught with frustration, fear, anger, and impatience. Negotiations and diplomacy may fail. Reaching a compromise may not work. But the “Martian” part of you wants what he wants when he wants it – and he’s willing to fight for it. But privately you might increasingly be feeling the need to make some inner adjustments or compromises. Maybe your perspective needs to change. Something feels awkward or out of sync. You may begin to second-guess yourself and wonder if not attracting what you want to attract might have something to do with the nature of your role within relationships – or the partnership itself. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct on Tuesday. The roadblocks, fears, and restrictions that have been holding you back are technically removed. It becomes possible for you to gain some traction that you haven’t been able gain for the past five months. But it takes awhile for the momentum to shift. Hopefully during the past five months you’ve been reviewing, reconsidering, re-working, reversing, re-evaluating, etc. Just before Saturn turns direct on Tuesday anger and frustration may reach a peak. An explosive eruption or argument may clear the air and your path to success becomes unobstructed.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Yesterday the Sun transited into the sign of Libra. For the next month it will be energizing your 8th house – a psychological minefield and the place most likely to trigger a transformation that sets you free. Relationships and your relationship to health, work, and routines might be highlighted. Today Venus and Neptune conspire to make you uncomfortable with an inner alignment or imbalance. Internal adjustments may need to be made as a strong decision or the assertion of your right to care for yourself is questioned. Wavering may be a symptom of confusion, compassion, overwhelming love, or the magnitude of a sacrifice you’ve downplayed. Venus is also placed in an awkward alignment with Saturn. Ceres, the asteroid of mothering, parenting, what you choose to cultivate and “bring along” reverses course and returns to your 12th house. Something you let go from the most sensitive and mysterious area of your life (the 12th house) needs another chance. The 12th house is the “perfect place” if you haven’t completed a “gestational phase.” Maybe an idea needs to be more fully developed. Maybe you want to quietly rebel against a parenting style, a parent, your own style of parenting, or a previous decision regarding parenting. Venus hands you directions to your most promising path. Venus wants more passion and joy along the course of your work and routine. Saturn wants you to work harder. A happy medium or something more balanced is possible.
New Horoscopes for the Week of Sep. 23rd – 29th
The Sun has officially transited into the sign of Libra as of yesterday. The Sun’s Libra ingress marks the Autumnal Equinox- a point of balance that reflects the hours of daylight and darkness equalizing. A pivotal turning point is reached.
After six months of adapting to increasing light and a more outward focus we now prepare to “go within,” – to hibernate, instinctively navigate through the dark, connect with memory, and use our intuitive faculties to find our way.
When the Sun transits Libra our focus changes from providing service, making improvements, and seeking perfection – to issues of justice, fairness and balance within the realm of relationships. Venus rules the sign of Libra. Money, resource management, values, priorities, and beautification efforts are energized.
This week starts out with a bang. Today Saturn squares Mercury severely restricting communication, information, negotiation, and a fair compromise. Justice and fairness is at stake. Parties and partners may have to follow rules they don’t want to follow. Relationship “discussions” may be strained. (A couple days ago Mercury squared Pluto suggesting the need to navigate through some darker motivations or manipulations). Superficially things may not be as they seem.
On Thursday Mercury opposes Mars in Aries retrograde. This looks like an out-of-control or explosive argument. Words spoken in anger may reveal a harsh truth or clarify the nature of “the enemy.” Courage is required.
Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Scorpio on September 27th triggers a deep dive into what lies beneath the words that are spoken and the information you receive.( Mercury’s impending retrograde on October 13th ensures an extended process of exposure as secrets and true motivations come to light.)
There may be lots of internal angst or confusion that requires more than the usual amount of internal adjusting (focusing and re-focusing) to maintain our balance.
Ceres retrogrades back into the sign of Aquarius. This is the mother who rebels against expectations and the standard recommendations for mothering. This may also involve a rebellion against the kind of parenting your received, a sudden break or disconnection from parents or parenting styles.
On Sunday Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio. The news is complicated, more intense and most likely has us feeling like our survival is at stake in some regard. Secrets are exposed.
But also on Sunday Venus and the North Node Node align to hand us an opportunity to move in the most promising direction.
Venus trines Mars on Monday – another bright spot. Venus is rewarded for taking some risk, boldly expressing her love and her artistry, for making a strong, beautiful, dramatic impression, and for taking good care of herself. A hot new romance is a possibly.
At the end of the Week Saturn turns direct after moving in retrograde motion for the past five months. Now is when we can finally gain some traction and make some progress.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The Sun has officially transited into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus changes from work, self-improvement, practicalities and health routines into the realm of questioning whether something is fair, balanced, and equitable. Communication, compromise and negotiation may be highlighted. Mars (your chart ruler,) is action-oriented, courageous or maybe angry and defensive – but fully engaged. It could be hard to keep discussions within relationships civil and polite. Something potentially explosive is a possibility. But on Monday Venus in Leo trines Mars. What you desire you attract. You’re pretty irresistible this week and good things could easily flow in your direction. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct on on Tuesday. Delays and reconsiderations related to your career or life direction will come to a close as progress is newly possible. You’ll gain traction and gradually notice that success comes more easily as forward momentum builds. Saturn doesn’t find his stride immediately. You may still experience some vulnerability or self-doubt until Saturn begins to accelerate. Be patient and know you’ll be progressing in the direction you want to go soon.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Sun in Libra has officially moved into your 6th house of routines, responsibilities, self-improvement, and service-orientation. There may be more emphasis on keeping it just, fair, and equitable on the home-front or with regard to family interactions, creating peace within the home, etc. You may need to integrate some ideas re: practical things that can do to improve efficiency, health, or to lighten your workload. A partner or another might be called upon to do their part. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more “authentically you” and connected to mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). Inner adjustments may need to be made where your own internal comfort is concerned. Confident expressions of love may be more confusing. You might be second-guessing what used to feel right. Sensing some underlying manipulation or exploitation complicates the equation. Anger you’ve been hiding or suppressing may result in an explosion that’s been a long time coming. Saturn turns direct in your 9th house of expansion, freedom, or something related to your future and the ability to elevate yourself above the fray. Within the realm of relationships a purge is most likely required. Now may be your chance.
Mercury in Libra, the planet of communication, negotiation, balance, and fairness AND the ruler of your chart is challenged this week. Placed in your 5th house, the point of contention may be love, romance, children or possibly childishness. Mars retrograding in Aries may provide a social, sexual, or norm-breaking challenge. (Black Moon Lilith – “the other woman” may be disrupting the status quo or something routine. Saturn in Capricorn limits polite, civil discussion from the “mine-field” that is your 8th house. Information and communication may be limited or restricted. This looks messy. But Saturn turns direct next Tuesday after five months in retrograde motion. You’ve likely had time to reconsider and re-evaluate. As Saturn moves direct and begins to accelerate it looks like you’ll be moving in the direction of freedom, expansion, something more joyful, or ideal. As you let go of old beliefs about relationship your true path opens up. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more “authentically you” and connected to your own natural mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). A passion for learning, teaching, or “communicating love” ignites.
The Sun has officially transited into your 4th house highlighting issues related to security, home, family, safety and comfort. A challenge may come in the form of issues re: justice, fairness, and balance. Disruptions and challenges related to your public life, profession, or current life direction may threaten your security in some regard. Anger makes polite civil discussion re: the home, security, and safety difficult this week. A relationship, a partner, or “relationship concerns” may limit the amount of accurate information you may be receiving. For the past five months you may have been involved in a period of reconsideration or re-evaluation re: relationships in general. Saturn turns direct next Tuesday. The review process ends and issues related to love/ relationships begin to progress. Commitments in love or with regard to children can be more decisive. Ceres in Pisces backtracks into the sign of Aquarius and the “mine-field” that is your 8th house. It may be time to do things your own way when it comes to parenting and asserting leadership. Something more authentically “you” and deeply connected to your own natural mothering instincts seems wise. (You may be on the verge of waging a rebellion where parenting issues are concerned). Following a passion for stability in love, with regard to financial partnerships, and on the home-front leads you in the right direction. You most likely receive information re: your true life path when you’re alone and undistracted.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)

The Sun’s move into your 3rd house focuses you on issues involving communication, compromise, justice, fairness, and doing your part. You may have a low tolerance to venturing into territory that’s potentially disruptive or combative this week. Good luck with that. It may be impossible this week. Issues related to expansion, liberation, travel, higher education, or having to elevate yourself “above the fray” may be loaded with anger or impatience. You might need to be more courageous when it come to “hashing it out,” engaging with conflict, or addressing the actual imbalances within a relationship. The warmth, love, and passion you feel may lead you in a heroic direction. On a different note after five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct your 6th house of health, work, and routines. Within those areas you may begin to make some practical, measurable progress. Mercury’s move into Scorpio and your 4th house emphasizes the need to dig deeper for answers related to old psychological conditioning, the family, communication issues and relationship commitments. Issues related to conflict with neighbors or siblings may arise.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Mercury (your chart ruler) is placed in the sign of Libra and your 2nd house of self-worth and net-worth. What you contribute vs. what another contributes within the realm of financial partnerships may be an issue. This sector of your chart is highly energized for the next month. It’s a minefield you may need to navigate in terms of old psychological conditioning and motivations and fears of which you’re not aware. Discussions involving money, resource management, your own worth and value, and financial stability will be highlighted. You may struggle to prevent anger or conflict from infecting important discussions. Keeping it civil may require self-control. A force for disruption challenges your diplomatic skills. It could be that a financial partner is driven by dark underlying motivations that make anything resembling justice and fairness difficult. It’s likely you’ve been intensely reconsidering issues related to love for the past five months. The review period is over next Tuesday and progress can be made based on what you’ve concluded. Beliefs passed onto you by the mother or family or origin may need to be updated or discarded in order for your true path to fully open up to you.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The Sun in the first sector of your chart indicates energetic new (relationship) beginnings. The role you play within the realm of relationships may be highlighted. You may want to make more of an impact or to bring more balance into a current “relationship equation.” In terms of getting on the same page with yourself a few awkward internal adjustments may be required this week. You may need to be open to a change in perspective. Neptune is making things uncertain or confusing causing you to second guess yourself, focus, and refocus. Issues related to your security, home, family, and the past may be restrictive and complicated. Something contentious involving a partnership may explode into the open. You may need to push through a chronic relationship vulnerability or sore spot. Most likely an act of courage is required. Mercury’s move into the “financial and shared resources” sector of your chart puts the focus on something complicated or hidden that may affect your sense of self-worth. The good news is that Saturn turns direct this week after five months in retrograde motion. You’ll begin to gain some traction and make progress in areas that have felt restricted for a couple years. Venus hands you directions to your most promising path forward. She might also heat things up in a new or established relationship.
Committed relationships or marriage may be the prominent theme of your life for the next year. It’s complicated. But there’s a suggestion that you could simplify if you reverse or let go of something having having to do with parents or parenting. You may feel overwhelmed or that you need to rebel against parental expectations, cultural definitions of what defines “good mothering,” the “status quo,” and what you’ve thus far committed yourself to. The Sun’s recent move into Libra energized the hidden 12th sector of your chart. Information you may be intuitively receiving and related to relationships and success could oppose what you desire in terms of independence, feeling competent, being courageous, and using your skills to make it on your own. Information, communication, and truthful revelations may be restricted or limited in some regard. The private conversation you may be having with yourself (or a guide) might reveal a middle path or the cause an explosion that’s a long time coming. A commitment to self-care, organization, decision-making, and taking the practical action that needs to be taken seems wise. Unraveling old psychological conditioning and cultivating trust in your own competence is a promising path for you these days.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
You may be making some nice progress in areas that involve financial stability, building your assets, feeling a greater sense of self-worth, or that the future you’ve envisioned will be supported as a result of your focus, self-discipline, and probably a bit of good luck. Saturn will turn direct after five months in retrograde motion removing remaining fears or limitations related to building a sense of (financial) stability. Old values and priorities may have been rearranged. But its like there’s more to be done in this regard. Saturn in direct motion allows you to gain more traction and to progress. It’s likely any remaining limitations or fears will slowly disappear. What remains though may be some old psychological conditioning related to financial fears or a lack of trust in financial partnerships.
More information or the ability to discuss something of a sensitive nature could diffuse anger and a sense of frustration that’s been building. Saturn might be making compromise impossible. An explosion may be the result. The good news is that Venus trines your Mars. Venus is rewarded for taking some risk, boldly expressing her love or artistry, or for making a strong, beautiful impression. A door opens and an opportunity to follow your true path may be handed to you – by some accident of fate or along the course of your routine. Your passion for the future you’ve envisioned and cultivated inspires.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The sector of your chart related to your success, reputation, and the achievement of your highest goals is newly energized by the Sun’s move into the sign of Libra. Initially though, communication, balance, and achieving what you’re aiming for seems “off.” Saturn (fear, restriction, and inflexibility) is the culprit. You may be second guessing yourself or trying to make some needed adjustments in your perspective and outlook. Internally it may feel awkward. An “ease and flow” may be missing. What allowed you “strut your stuff” has been (temporarily) taken away. But the more powerful influence relates to Saturn – your chart ruler. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn is turning direct on Tuesday. The roadblocks, fears, and restrictions that have been holding you back are technically removed. It becomes possible for you to gain some traction that you haven’t been able gain for five months. But it takes awhile for the momentum to shift and begin to build. Hopefully during the past five months you’ve been reviewing, reconsidering, re-working, reversing, re-evaluating, etc. Just before Saturn turns direct on Tuesday anger and frustration may reach a peak. An explosive eruption or argument may clear the air and your path to success will be unobstructed.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)

The Sun is newly energizing your 9th house of liberation, expansion, travel, joy, and the ability to to elevate yourself above the fray. Unfortunately today Saturn squares Mercury. You may be waiting for important information you’re not receiving or haven’t yet received. Communication is delayed or blocked. Discussions are fraught with frustration, fear, anger, and impatience. Negotiations and diplomacy may fail. Reaching a compromise may not work. But the “Martian” part of you wants what he wants when he wants it – and he’s willing to fight for it. But privately you might increasingly be feeling the need to make some inner adjustments or compromises. Maybe your perspective needs to change. Something feels awkward or out of sync. You may begin to second-guess yourself and wonder if not attracting what you want to attract might have something to do with the nature of your role within relationships – or the partnership itself. After five months in retrograde motion Saturn turns direct on Tuesday. The roadblocks, fears, and restrictions that have been holding you back are technically removed. It becomes possible for you to gain some traction that you haven’t been able gain for the past five months. But it takes awhile for the momentum to shift. Hopefully during the past five months you’ve been reviewing, reconsidering, re-working, reversing, re-evaluating, etc. Just before Saturn turns direct on Tuesday anger and frustration may reach a peak. An explosive eruption or argument may clear the air and your path to success becomes unobstructed.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Yesterday the Sun transited into the sign of Libra. For the next month it will be energizing your 8th house – a psychological minefield and the place most likely to trigger a transformation that sets you free. Relationships and your relationship to health, work, and routines might be highlighted. Today Venus and Neptune conspire to make you uncomfortable with an inner alignment or imbalance. Internal adjustments may need to be made as a strong decision or the assertion of your right to care for yourself is questioned. Wavering may be a symptom of confusion, compassion, overwhelming love, or the magnitude of a sacrifice you’ve downplayed. Venus is also placed in an awkward alignment with Saturn. Ceres, the asteroid of mothering, parenting, what you choose to cultivate and “bring along” reverses course and returns to your 12th house. Something you let go from the most sensitive and mysterious area of your life (the 12th house) needs another chance. The 12th house is the “perfect place” if you haven’t completed a “gestational phase.” Maybe an idea needs to be more fully developed. Maybe you want to quietly rebel against a parenting style, a parent, your own style of parenting, or a previous decision regarding parenting. Venus hands you directions to your most promising path. Venus wants more passion and joy along the course of your work and routine. Saturn wants you to work harder. A happy medium or something more balanced is possible.
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