Dominating the scene this week is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically “like a dead end.”
On Friday, August 7th, Venus finishes her transit through the mentally active sign of Gemini transiting into the more emotionally focused sign of Cancer. Feelings of love flow easily. Domestic/financial issues (safety, security, home and family concerns) may be eased or supported. Beautification in all it’s forms – but especially when applied at home – soothe the soul. Results move you back and away from the brink. Anxiety subsides. Relaxation is possible.
On Sunday, August 9th, messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move past an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. Acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution is possible. Facing the “dragon” and “pushing through” is cause for celebration – everytime you manage it.
On Monday, Aug. 10th Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question.
On Tuesday Aug 11th the Sun in Leo inconjuncts Jupiter retrograding in Capricorn. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules are misaligned with emerging creative impulses or your ability to infuse more joy into your life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be awkward, uncomfortable, or fear-inducing proposition. Adjusting or updating your beliefs might be the issue.
Also on Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love to shape leadership decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to achieve more or to initiate a “movement” around your strategies and what you’ve created.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Pushing past old vulnerabilities related to taking (disruptive) action or initiating something new is the dominant theme this week. Asserting yourself in ways that can mimic a “fake it till your make it” strategy might be especially effective. If you’re a healer you might be advising others to do the same. The Venus North node conjunction in your 3rd house overrides old, comforting, outdated beliefs or expectations for the future. What you learn – or what you may be newly receptive to hearing – is a message related to your life purpose and most promising life direction.
Venus transits into your 4th house supporting the beautification of your home, relaxation, and “calming the emotional waters” where family relationships, security, and the past are concerned. Next Monday long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth. A sudden release from old traditions, values, habits, and sources of comfort that once supported you is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could initiate something resembling a full blown identity crisis. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time.
On Tuesday uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses or your ability to enjoy life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be an awkward, uncomfortable, or fear-inducing proposition. Doing it anyway can feel like an important victory.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Dominating the scene this week for Taurus is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically “like a dead end.” Another important development that was initiated on May 16th of 2018 is your tendency to embody the truth and to comfort (or drastically disrupt) the lives of those you come in contact with. The truth is rarely appreciated when it shakes another out of their (debilitating) comfort zone.
Timeless truths flow through you comforting and sustaining those receptive to it. This could be a complicating factor within partnerships depending on whether or not a partner prefer to sustain “comforting lies” or is willing to become more receptive to the unusual/enlightening gift you’re offering. Venus finishes her transit through mentally active sign of Gemini and transits into the more emotionally focused sign of Cancer this week. Feelings of love flow easily. Domestic/financial issues (safety, security, home and family concerns) are eased and supported. Beautification efforts directed toward the home soothe the soul.
Results move you back and away from the “brink.” Relaxation is possible.
On Sunday Mercury in Leo trines Chiron retrograding in Aries. Messages, discussions, and encouraging information can move you past areas of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. (Your vulnerabilities are hidden making it harder for you to work with them). But acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution is possible. Facing the “dragon” and pushing through is cause for celebration. But for you defining your vulnerability might be the challenge.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week you embody a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, or somewhat stagnant. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Others benefit from making a contact with you and the information you pass on (through “osmosis”) if they’re receptive to what you embody and and emanating.
Partners may benefit most if they’re willing to discard some old limiting beliefs related to life purpose. You benefit most if your able to discard old beliefs about partnerships or a tendency to project “know-it-all-ness.” Mercury (your chart ruler) in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth coming from an invisible source. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you’ve traditionally supported is possible.
The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could initiate something resembling a full blown identity crisis. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time. Depending on your perspective it could feel refreshing or a come as a relief. Mercury’s move into the sign of Leo accelerates the flow of creative idea ideas. Your brain and “it’s thoughts” are highly entertaining through August 20th. It’s likely a few of your ideas between now and then will be well worth pursuing.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
The week begins with a passionate devotion the future, expansion, and liberation. Parenting/caregiving issues may be relevant to the kind of future you’re able to foresee for yourself. It could be worth cultivating a vision related to higher education in a philosophical field – to publishing, traveling, and doing some practical things to make the future you envision a reality. Juno in your 4th house of home, family, security, and past issues suggests commitments and loyalties that beg to be nurtured despite some serious challenges involving limited partners (or partnerships) or career aspirations that may be disrupted.
Black Moon Lilith in Aries presents a serious challenge to old, exploitative, unconscious, or controlling energies within the realm of relationships. Action may need to be taken to bring an end to what’s not working – or to insist on a better balance. Your security seems to depend on it. Fortunately a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play. New information from secret or invisible sources further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction.
What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically like a “dead end.” The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Being alone or in a meditative state is most likely when guidance in the right direction will be revealed to you. Releasing old beliefs about partnerships and your role within them clarifies the new message and your life’s central purpose.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This week the Sun in Leo inconjuncts Jupiter retrograding in Capricorn. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses or your ability to enjoy life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to more fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, the value of playfulness, and approaches that prioritize the infusion of more joy into your life.
Showcasing what you have created (or may be creating) may be resisted, awkward, or uncomfortable in some regard. Old strategies in the workplace or with regard to work may need to be adjusted. Your pride may “take a hit” but you’ll rapidly recover if you take responsibility and move on. On Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love and kindness to shape leadership decisions feels important.
Your passion and devotion may inspire others to employ your strategies, to achieve more, or to initiate a joyful movement around what you’ve created. This week begins with a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini in the 11th house of community concerns. Highlighting your uniqueness and outsider status within the group might be important – from a personal growth standpoint – or for the sake of “group progress.” Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically like a dead end. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Something you believe about work, perfection, and self-sacrifice needs to be released.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week your chart ruler, Mercury, is placed in the sign of creative Leo in your artistically inspired 12th house. Mercury’s move into the sign of Leo accelerates the flow of creative ideas. Your brain and “its thoughts” fascinate, entertain, and inspire through August 20th. It’s likely a few of your ideas between now and then will be well worth practically pursuing.
Finding time to be alone and quiet to “turn up the volume” on the inspiration flowing in your direction seems important. The boundaries between you and the invisible world of possibilities are very thin this week. Guides may speak to you in images that can be transmuted or “alchemized” into works of art – despite the feeling that you’re artistically or creatively limited or vulnerable in some regard. The week begins with a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically a dead end.
The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. This may relate to your vocation or “life calling.” What needs to be released are old beliefs related to limitations or a lack of freedom to pursue a creative life direction. There’s a very wide range of “creative pursuits” that fit under a very big umbrella. What you contribute to the community in the form of something healing, practical, and useful may involve further development of the natural (writing, communicating) talents you possess.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Something you’ve been mulling over since April 4th of this year – your future, a future direction, advanced learning, publishing, or making it legally official bears fruit. You may be drawing some conclusions based on a thorough four-month assessment of your relationships, talents, and most natural gift to the world. How you can use your ideas to promote something more utopian within the community is an area of focus. Contacts you’ve made since early April may be advantaging you now – or the meaning and value of those contacts may be made clear. A lighter, more playful, and loving approach advances your ideals.
A beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and lacking in new possibilities. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you. Beliefs about communication, truth telling, and the philosophies you promote are up for review. Long standing values are challenged by a shocking dose of truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time disrupts old thinking patterns.
You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs and the rules are outdated or misaligned. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love to shape (leadership) decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to achieve more or to initiate a “movement” around what you’ve created.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Healing, disruption, personal responsibility, and routines are highlighted this week. Messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move past an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, or fear. Acceptance of chronic fear, self-doubt, or a challenging condition for which there is no cure – without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution – is possible. Facing the “dragon” and “pushing through” is cause for celebration – every time you push through. The workplace, co-workers, or the work you do to provide the service you provide may involve the kind of challenges you need to confront and push through.
Black moon Lilith may be attempting to overturn or disrupt something deeply embedded within your mindset or memory. Old rules regarding “truth telling” limitations,” may be outdated and ripe for change. Past environments that shaped your mindset may have relied on lies to keep things afloat and stable. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth this week. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. Undermining an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt old thinking patterns. You may have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – and never thought to question.
Dominating the scene this week is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini in your 8th house of transformative. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. Something empowering takes hold. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and outdated. Beliefs that may need to change will involve financial stability or instability, self-worth/net-worth, issues, and finding ways to move yourself more deeply into your own most natural way of being.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Dominating the scene this week is information that further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and no longer relevant. This may involve partnerships, compromise, something more balanced and equitable. Some old beliefs about expansion, immediate gratification, expectations, and travel may need to be released. Restrictions with regard to materializing future plans may need to be understood from a deeper, more personal perspective.
Black Moon and Chiron are busy disrupting what has been deeply ingrained and fairly comfortable a long time. You might be stuck and you might sense the need to ask yourself better questions – or to be more receptive to different kinds of answers. Vesta, in Cancer is passionately devoted to diving beneath the surface to get to the root of the problem. On Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo and your 9th house where it’s possible “the answer” will be illuminated.
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of truth. A sudden release from traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question. Uncomfortable adjustments may need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses and your ability to create the kind of future you envision. Self-understanding empowers you.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Uncomfortable adjustments may need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules are misaligned with emerging creative impulses or your ability to infuse more joy into your life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be awkward, uncomfortable, or a fear-inducing proposition. Adjusting or updating your beliefs and expectations might be the issue. Harsh judgements (self-judgement) and self-doubt may need to be worked through so you can the forward momentum energized.
Beautiful/harmonious professional partnerships may be complicated by self-doubt. But messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move through an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. Acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without diminishing your creative contribution or retreating from the pursuit of your goals is possible. Pushing through self-doubt is cause for celebration – every time you manage it.
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by the truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question. But dominating the scene this week is the Venus/North Node conjunction in Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue (work and self-improvement most likely) elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and outdated. Old beliefs about the “optional nature” of caring for and protecting yourself may need to be released.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus triggering relationships and issues involving home, family, and security. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns and encourage you to ask better questions of yourself. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time.
Vesta (deep devotion and focus) in the sign of Cancer influences work/health issues in the direction of something potentially concerning, less stable, or secure. Working from home may be especially challenging this week. There’s a vague feeling that things may not be ok – or moving in the wrong direction. There maybe nothing definitive or obvious to support those feelings. Vesta’s move into your 7th house of partnerships might allow a partner (or objective observer) to clarify, provide some much needed support, or reassurance. Alone time to work through with the assistance of personal guides might be especially effective. Reinforcing boundaries around something or someone you’re deeply devoted to (or susceptible to) seems wise.
Fortunately the Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play this week. Information clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what’s repetitive, familiar, outdated, or no longer interesting. Developing a different take on cherished dreams, hopes, and wishes, group involvement, and communities seems important. Old beliefs may no longer be useful. Self-doubt regarding your ability to stay true to your vision for the future needs to be managed. Now is not the time to give up. Better questions will give you better answers.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week a spiritual mandate or willingness to allow your intuition to take the lead creates an opportunity. Accessing hidden information is helpful. Practical solutions may be clarified. By next Tuesday a passionate devotion to creating something joyful for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love and internal guidance to shape leadership/life decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to employ your strategies and to become more receptive to love/joy playfulness/ and an artistically refined approach.
Long standing values and priorities involving communication and making connections are challenged by an inconveneient truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, ideas, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea or entrenched thought could disrupt your usual thinking patterns or decision-making approach. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – and never thought to question.
This week the Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play. Information and flashes of insight clarify your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, outdated, and un-interesting. Old beliefs about the general consensus of what constitutes success may be discarded. A new definition or new belief about what kind of success might be most meaningful to you may require more attention. Moving past self-doubt to materialize your vision for the future seems important this week.
New Horoscopes for the Week of Aug. 5th – 11th
Dominating the scene this week is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically “like a dead end.”
On Friday, August 7th, Venus finishes her transit through the mentally active sign of Gemini transiting into the more emotionally focused sign of Cancer. Feelings of love flow easily. Domestic/financial issues (safety, security, home and family concerns) may be eased or supported. Beautification in all it’s forms – but especially when applied at home – soothe the soul. Results move you back and away from the brink. Anxiety subsides. Relaxation is possible.
On Sunday, August 9th, messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move past an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. Acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution is possible. Facing the “dragon” and “pushing through” is cause for celebration – everytime you manage it.
On Monday, Aug. 10th Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question.
On Tuesday Aug 11th the Sun in Leo inconjuncts Jupiter retrograding in Capricorn. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules are misaligned with emerging creative impulses or your ability to infuse more joy into your life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be awkward, uncomfortable, or fear-inducing proposition. Adjusting or updating your beliefs might be the issue.
Also on Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love to shape leadership decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to achieve more or to initiate a “movement” around your strategies and what you’ve created.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Pushing past old vulnerabilities related to taking (disruptive) action or initiating something new is the dominant theme this week. Asserting yourself in ways that can mimic a “fake it till your make it” strategy might be especially effective. If you’re a healer you might be advising others to do the same. The Venus North node conjunction in your 3rd house overrides old, comforting, outdated beliefs or expectations for the future. What you learn – or what you may be newly receptive to hearing – is a message related to your life purpose and most promising life direction.
Venus transits into your 4th house supporting the beautification of your home, relaxation, and “calming the emotional waters” where family relationships, security, and the past are concerned. Next Monday long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth. A sudden release from old traditions, values, habits, and sources of comfort that once supported you is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could initiate something resembling a full blown identity crisis. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time.
On Tuesday uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses or your ability to enjoy life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be an awkward, uncomfortable, or fear-inducing proposition. Doing it anyway can feel like an important victory.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Dominating the scene this week for Taurus is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically “like a dead end.” Another important development that was initiated on May 16th of 2018 is your tendency to embody the truth and to comfort (or drastically disrupt) the lives of those you come in contact with. The truth is rarely appreciated when it shakes another out of their (debilitating) comfort zone.
Timeless truths flow through you comforting and sustaining those receptive to it. This could be a complicating factor within partnerships depending on whether or not a partner prefer to sustain “comforting lies” or is willing to become more receptive to the unusual/enlightening gift you’re offering. Venus finishes her transit through mentally active sign of Gemini and transits into the more emotionally focused sign of Cancer this week. Feelings of love flow easily. Domestic/financial issues (safety, security, home and family concerns) are eased and supported. Beautification efforts directed toward the home soothe the soul.
Results move you back and away from the “brink.” Relaxation is possible.
On Sunday Mercury in Leo trines Chiron retrograding in Aries. Messages, discussions, and encouraging information can move you past areas of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. (Your vulnerabilities are hidden making it harder for you to work with them). But acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution is possible. Facing the “dragon” and pushing through is cause for celebration. But for you defining your vulnerability might be the challenge.
This week you embody a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, or somewhat stagnant. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Others benefit from making a contact with you and the information you pass on (through “osmosis”) if they’re receptive to what you embody and and emanating.
Partners may benefit most if they’re willing to discard some old limiting beliefs related to life purpose. You benefit most if your able to discard old beliefs about partnerships or a tendency to project “know-it-all-ness.” Mercury (your chart ruler) in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth coming from an invisible source. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you’ve traditionally supported is possible.
The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could initiate something resembling a full blown identity crisis. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time. Depending on your perspective it could feel refreshing or a come as a relief. Mercury’s move into the sign of Leo accelerates the flow of creative idea ideas. Your brain and “it’s thoughts” are highly entertaining through August 20th. It’s likely a few of your ideas between now and then will be well worth pursuing.
The week begins with a passionate devotion the future, expansion, and liberation. Parenting/caregiving issues may be relevant to the kind of future you’re able to foresee for yourself. It could be worth cultivating a vision related to higher education in a philosophical field – to publishing, traveling, and doing some practical things to make the future you envision a reality. Juno in your 4th house of home, family, security, and past issues suggests commitments and loyalties that beg to be nurtured despite some serious challenges involving limited partners (or partnerships) or career aspirations that may be disrupted.
Black Moon Lilith in Aries presents a serious challenge to old, exploitative, unconscious, or controlling energies within the realm of relationships. Action may need to be taken to bring an end to what’s not working – or to insist on a better balance. Your security seems to depend on it. Fortunately a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play. New information from secret or invisible sources further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction.
What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically like a “dead end.” The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Being alone or in a meditative state is most likely when guidance in the right direction will be revealed to you. Releasing old beliefs about partnerships and your role within them clarifies the new message and your life’s central purpose.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This week the Sun in Leo inconjuncts Jupiter retrograding in Capricorn. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses or your ability to enjoy life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to more fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, the value of playfulness, and approaches that prioritize the infusion of more joy into your life.
Showcasing what you have created (or may be creating) may be resisted, awkward, or uncomfortable in some regard. Old strategies in the workplace or with regard to work may need to be adjusted. Your pride may “take a hit” but you’ll rapidly recover if you take responsibility and move on. On Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love and kindness to shape leadership decisions feels important.
Your passion and devotion may inspire others to employ your strategies, to achieve more, or to initiate a joyful movement around what you’ve created. This week begins with a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini in the 11th house of community concerns. Highlighting your uniqueness and outsider status within the group might be important – from a personal growth standpoint – or for the sake of “group progress.” Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically like a dead end. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. Something you believe about work, perfection, and self-sacrifice needs to be released.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This week your chart ruler, Mercury, is placed in the sign of creative Leo in your artistically inspired 12th house. Mercury’s move into the sign of Leo accelerates the flow of creative ideas. Your brain and “its thoughts” fascinate, entertain, and inspire through August 20th. It’s likely a few of your ideas between now and then will be well worth practically pursuing.
Finding time to be alone and quiet to “turn up the volume” on the inspiration flowing in your direction seems important. The boundaries between you and the invisible world of possibilities are very thin this week. Guides may speak to you in images that can be transmuted or “alchemized” into works of art – despite the feeling that you’re artistically or creatively limited or vulnerable in some regard. The week begins with a beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and basically a dead end.
The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you as what you value most is clarified. This may relate to your vocation or “life calling.” What needs to be released are old beliefs related to limitations or a lack of freedom to pursue a creative life direction. There’s a very wide range of “creative pursuits” that fit under a very big umbrella. What you contribute to the community in the form of something healing, practical, and useful may involve further development of the natural (writing, communicating) talents you possess.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Something you’ve been mulling over since April 4th of this year – your future, a future direction, advanced learning, publishing, or making it legally official bears fruit. You may be drawing some conclusions based on a thorough four-month assessment of your relationships, talents, and most natural gift to the world. How you can use your ideas to promote something more utopian within the community is an area of focus. Contacts you’ve made since early April may be advantaging you now – or the meaning and value of those contacts may be made clear. A lighter, more playful, and loving approach advances your ideals.
A beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and lacking in new possibilities. The outline of something more exciting, adventurous, and soul-satisfying is handed to you. Beliefs about communication, truth telling, and the philosophies you promote are up for review. Long standing values are challenged by a shocking dose of truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time disrupts old thinking patterns.
You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time. Uncomfortable adjustments need to be made where inflexible beliefs and the rules are outdated or misaligned. A passionate devotion to creating something for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love to shape (leadership) decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to achieve more or to initiate a “movement” around what you’ve created.
Healing, disruption, personal responsibility, and routines are highlighted this week. Messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move past an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, or fear. Acceptance of chronic fear, self-doubt, or a challenging condition for which there is no cure – without retreating from your goals or diminishing your creative contribution – is possible. Facing the “dragon” and “pushing through” is cause for celebration – every time you push through. The workplace, co-workers, or the work you do to provide the service you provide may involve the kind of challenges you need to confront and push through.
Black moon Lilith may be attempting to overturn or disrupt something deeply embedded within your mindset or memory. Old rules regarding “truth telling” limitations,” may be outdated and ripe for change. Past environments that shaped your mindset may have relied on lies to keep things afloat and stable. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of the truth this week. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. Undermining an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt old thinking patterns. You may have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – and never thought to question.
Dominating the scene this week is the beautiful Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini in your 8th house of transformative. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. Something empowering takes hold. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and outdated. Beliefs that may need to change will involve financial stability or instability, self-worth/net-worth, issues, and finding ways to move yourself more deeply into your own most natural way of being.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Dominating the scene this week is information that further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and no longer relevant. This may involve partnerships, compromise, something more balanced and equitable. Some old beliefs about expansion, immediate gratification, expectations, and travel may need to be released. Restrictions with regard to materializing future plans may need to be understood from a deeper, more personal perspective.
Black Moon and Chiron are busy disrupting what has been deeply ingrained and fairly comfortable a long time. You might be stuck and you might sense the need to ask yourself better questions – or to be more receptive to different kinds of answers. Vesta, in Cancer is passionately devoted to diving beneath the surface to get to the root of the problem. On Tuesday Vesta enters the sign of Leo and your 9th house where it’s possible “the answer” will be illuminated.
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by a shocking dose of truth. A sudden release from traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question. Uncomfortable adjustments may need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and rules no longer fit with emerging creative impulses and your ability to create the kind of future you envision. Self-understanding empowers you.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Uncomfortable adjustments may need to be made where inflexible beliefs, old ideologies, and the rules are misaligned with emerging creative impulses or your ability to infuse more joy into your life. Current beliefs may be too confining to allow you to fully engage in a romantic love affair, to change your mind about issues involving children, or to focus exclusively on yourself. Showcasing what you have created may be awkward, uncomfortable, or a fear-inducing proposition. Adjusting or updating your beliefs and expectations might be the issue. Harsh judgements (self-judgement) and self-doubt may need to be worked through so you can the forward momentum energized.
Beautiful/harmonious professional partnerships may be complicated by self-doubt. But messages, discussions, and encouraging information supports efforts to move through an area of vulnerability, self-doubt, and fear. Acceptance of chronic fear or a challenging condition without diminishing your creative contribution or retreating from the pursuit of your goals is possible. Pushing through self-doubt is cause for celebration – every time you manage it.
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by the truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – or never thought to question. But dominating the scene this week is the Venus/North Node conjunction in Gemini. Information further clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue (work and self-improvement most likely) elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, and outdated. Old beliefs about the “optional nature” of caring for and protecting yourself may need to be released.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus triggering relationships and issues involving home, family, and security. Long standing values and priorities are challenged by truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea your ego has been firmly attached to for a long time could disrupt your usual thinking patterns and encourage you to ask better questions of yourself. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time.
Vesta (deep devotion and focus) in the sign of Cancer influences work/health issues in the direction of something potentially concerning, less stable, or secure. Working from home may be especially challenging this week. There’s a vague feeling that things may not be ok – or moving in the wrong direction. There maybe nothing definitive or obvious to support those feelings. Vesta’s move into your 7th house of partnerships might allow a partner (or objective observer) to clarify, provide some much needed support, or reassurance. Alone time to work through with the assistance of personal guides might be especially effective. Reinforcing boundaries around something or someone you’re deeply devoted to (or susceptible to) seems wise.
Fortunately the Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play this week. Information clarifies your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what’s repetitive, familiar, outdated, or no longer interesting. Developing a different take on cherished dreams, hopes, and wishes, group involvement, and communities seems important. Old beliefs may no longer be useful. Self-doubt regarding your ability to stay true to your vision for the future needs to be managed. Now is not the time to give up. Better questions will give you better answers.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week a spiritual mandate or willingness to allow your intuition to take the lead creates an opportunity. Accessing hidden information is helpful. Practical solutions may be clarified. By next Tuesday a passionate devotion to creating something joyful for yourself – or a desire to be known as the one who allowed love and internal guidance to shape leadership/life decisions feels important. Your passion and devotion may inspire others to employ your strategies and to become more receptive to love/joy playfulness/ and an artistically refined approach.
Long standing values and priorities involving communication and making connections are challenged by an inconveneient truth. A sudden release from the traditions, values, ideas, and priorities you used to support is possible. The undermining of an idea or entrenched thought could disrupt your usual thinking patterns or decision-making approach. You may be shaken out of an old mindset or have second thoughts about something you’ve been “certain of” for a very long time – and never thought to question.
This week the Venus/North Node conjunction in the sign of Gemini is in play. Information and flashes of insight clarify your understanding of your life’s central purpose and frees you to move in a more promising direction. What you choose to pursue elevates you above what feels repetitive, familiar, outdated, and un-interesting. Old beliefs about the general consensus of what constitutes success may be discarded. A new definition or new belief about what kind of success might be most meaningful to you may require more attention. Moving past self-doubt to materialize your vision for the future seems important this week.
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