New Horoscopes for the Week of March 18th – 24th

Tomorrow, just before the Sun exits the hazy, shadowy sign of Pisces, Saturn in Pisces kicks in to infuse the rules and regulations with a degree of compassion. Saturn is not particularly compassionate. But he is reality-based. Compassion may simply be the most realistic way to to contain a loss, stem the tide, or slow the progression of what’s debilitating.

Last minute efforts to save the “game” or to “save face” may be in play. Desperate actions may be insufficient to stem the tide of long-term neglect. A wash-out phase may be in play in preparation for something healthier and less damaging to the whole of humanity and the planet.

What’s been outdated and unworkable for awhile may not survive. Seeds of a new beginning are sown as the Sun transits into the sign of Aries on Thursday. The Aries Sun ignites old vulnerabilities related to group acceptance, justice, and fairness. The courage to express our own point of view, desires, or demands while maintaining our “respected” image or “protected status” may be impossible. A catch-22 is in play. Not advocating for the group, our point of view, and ourselves could trigger a significant personal/global set-back.

A sense of urgency accompanies attempts to stem the tide of cascading events related to financial instability and the foundational stability of a way of life.

From both a personal and public standpoint our role within the realm of relationships re-ignites a fire within. The importance of human relationships and the support they provide renews an age-old, deeply ingrained, instinctive need for human connection. Our fate is tied to our ability to remember how to nurture and cultivate our relationships with the entire “human family.”

Mounting evidence reveals that rampant competitiveness in the absence of compassion is essentially a failed experiment. The value of fairness and cooperation will most likely be reconsidered from a new and different perspective.(Juno retrograding in Libra in the 11th house).

Most significantly on Saturday, March 21st Saturn moves out of the sign of Capricorn where he’s resided for the past 15 months – into the sign of Aquarius.

Saturn in Aquarius is a strong and fortunate placement especially considering the fact that he’ll trine Vesta (passion) and exactly sextile the Sun as he moves into a new sign. This transit energizes new opportunities that serve to bring you back to life by changing your focus and taking your interests, opinions, and (political/global) points of view more seriously. The door opens to an opportunity to gain traction within a different, more exciting realm of experience.

The Sun in Aries squares the North node this week. It’s time to take some personally challenging action to move yourself in the direction of what you actually desire. This is a mandate for strong self-assertion and for healing the part of yourself that feels more comfortable underestimating your potential impact than taking a strong stand, and unapologetically advocating for yourself, your interests, and point of view.

Globally Saturn in Aquarius is the beginning of a challenging, revolutionary time when the insidious forces that damage human connection and health are strongly rebuked. A war of differing ideologies and points of view is more intense and consequential than it’s previously been. We’re reminded that we rise and fall together.

Thanks as always for reading,


Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week represents a new beginning for you. To the extent you’ve let go of what’s outdated – tired, no longer challenging, realistic, interesting, or inspired – an exciting new beginning begins to take hold. Hopefully you’re feeling lighter and freer to make the kind of impact you want to make. Saturn’s move into the sign of Aquarius changes your focus away from the need to succeed in traditional ways toward something more innovative or ground-breaking within a group setting. You may be more interested in making a broader impact based on your own personal analysis of what the world needs now. Your greatest vulnerabilities are triggered as the Sun transits into the sign of Aries on Thursday. Those may relate to the feeling of being unable to make the kind of impact you want to make, fears of strongly advocating for yourself and what you desire most with heroic strength and confidence. On the other hand you may be able to heal others by enlivening within them the strength and confidence necessary to override fear. It’s a paradox. But now it seems you’ll be able to gain the kind of traction you need and the audience you desire to contribute your talents to a heart-felt community cause. You may choose to align with a revolutionary tribe that in some regard feels like coming home.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
For the past 15 months something that used to inspire you regarding your vision and future possibilities has been losing steam. The future is here. You may have manifested what you wanted to manifest. But something is tired, restless, and losing steam as Saturn in Aquarius gives oxygen to something new and more determined within the public realm. You could soon be gaining traction related to a broader public concern. Maybe you’ll be given a megaphone from which to broadcast your more emotionally sensitive and supportive thoughts and ideas. You may have some unusual notions about what it means to be successful – or some unorthodox ways of achieving your highest aims. Expect a change in focus, the infusion of new inspiration, and possibly a leadership role in shaping the future of public participation. Determination is back. The fire or passion within re-ignites.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Something you’ve grown tired of – something outdated and no longer inspiring gives way to something revolutionary, fresh, futuristic, unorthodox, and filled with expansive possibilities for the future. You may notice that your innate and acquired talents are a perfect match for calming and comforting the community. People feel vulnerable (you may have noticed). Nothing heals like beauty and the arts. Fifteen months in the making, it seems you’re finally free to gain some traction in a field related to higher education, the law, travel, publishing, or future expansion. Something mentally and spiritually inspiring lifts you up and over a hurdle. In fact you’re more likely to be seen as the authority or chief prognosticator when it comes to the future and the updated version of what humanity needs most at this point in time. A deep concern for the plight of humanity fuels your determination to make progress. Vesta, the goddess of the eternal flame, moves into the sign of Gemini this week. Learning something new or using what you know in newly innovative ways re-ignites your inner flame. It’s come dangerously close to being extinguished. You may be newly revived on Saturday and those under your influence may be as well.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Something related to relationships, your role within relationships or with clients may have been losing steam over the recent past. The feeling that you might be repeating yourself if you stick with what is is a distinct possibility. Commitments you’ve been determined to fulfill have been fulfilled. A role that was once meaningfully challenging may be fading in an attempt to make room for something more revolutionary and authentic. The door is opening for something new and exciting to arrive on the scene. It may relate to dealing with deeper layers of motivations, intimacy, magical healing, or the occult (astrology/tarot, etc). You may now be able to gain some traction in areas related wielding more (invisible) power. Forming lucrative/equitable financial partnerships for the purpose of promoting promising research or more humane/enlightened environments for the masses may feel newly exciting. Over the next year and a half expect your power and healing influence over the masses to expand – possibly into the application of self-created, unusual, nontraditional, alternative realms.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Over the past 15 months you may have burned yourself out in the field of experience related to work/over-work, health, handling heavy responsibilities, organizing daily routines, and maintaining high standards for the services you provide. What used to excite you may be waning. As Saturn transits into the sign of Aquarius and your 7th house of marriage and partnerships it’s time to shift your focus in that direction. It’s time to take partnerships and commitments more seriously. It’s time to recognize and benefit from the wisdom, foresight, and unorthodox intelligence a partner provides. Leos are good at arranging to take the lead and to have the world revolve around them in most cases. But that will represent a missed opportunity over the next 15 months. Partners are probably best prepared to move you into the kind of freer, more enlightened future you could love. An inner spark may re-ignite your most unorthodox, freedom-loving, revolutionary, innovative leanings. In some regard you’ll be coming back home to a part of yourself that’s come dangerously close to being extinguished.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Virgo is famous for being able to work with machine-like efficiency. You’re organized and determined to get the job done. Your work product meets the high standards you set for yourself. No one surpasses your ability to get three days of work done in a day. But as Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius something different and more humane within the workplace environment may be required. It may no longer feel deeply satisfying to organize a situation with multiple moving parts, to out-work everyone around you, and to be more valued by those whose opinions you respect. How you get it done will matter more. Compassion might be an issue. The welfare of those you work with you may need to be taken into consideration. Maybe the nature of your work will evolve into something more related to what interests/excites you – something more heart-felt or community-oriented. Maybe the overall working conditions (or the way people are treated within the workplace) would be something you could revolutionize or influence in ways that feel more human and compassionate. It is likely you will feel yourself capable of leading in a more futuristic direction. Possibly this will relate to your healing abilities or some independent service you provide. Leading with humility and/or in service of the group could re-ignite the flickering fire within

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This week significant adjustments may need to be made involving financial partnerships, values, your role within relationships, and within the personal relationship you have with yourself. The ongoing need for a deep (as opposed to superficial) personal transformation where relationships and finances are concerned may be in order. But Saturn’s move into your 5th house of self-expression and love seems especially fortunate. You may have done the necessary work to crawl out from under a harsh or complicated family history. Now is the time to move away from something old and tired in the interest of re-focusing your energies. This new fifth house emphasis can be sheer joy related to the freedom and authority you now have to express yourself unapologetically. You may be set free of some old restriction involving the need to carefully consider the words you choose. The burden of having to obsessively interpret for others what someone means when they make a specific statement is lifted. Something more spacious and interesting related to language, learning, your mindset, beliefs, the law, or publishing re-ignites a smoldering fire within. Creations involve something innovative along the lines of parenting, nurturing, and cultivating new freedoms. Something revolutionary may be possible. Lovers may be rebels or expressions of love (self-love) may represent something revolutionary. A break for freedom is timely.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Saturn’s move into the sign of Aquarius allows you to rewind and re-interpret old family messages playing in the background. At issue is the reliance on a message from family or dependence on the feedback they provided as to whether you’re acceptable and “on track” or not is old and tired. It may be time to re-focus and to set yourself free of the conclusions you draw or the decisions you make based on the feedback of others. One problem is you might misinterpret the message. People are erratic and changeable when they’re figuring out what they want. They need space to work through things that are important to them. And so do you. So now, as Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius, is a time when you could distance yourself from another’s needs and your own habit of taking your cues from others rather than internal guidance. It is likely you will soon be going through a period of figuring out what you want and needing some space for yourself – an assurance that you won’t be judged harshly for moving through what you need to move through. Respect is key. It’s time to undo an old (psychological) foundation characterized by intensity, control, restriction, and lots of drama – especially with regard to parenting issues and the inevitable up and down cycles of life. Enlightening/hidden/ mysterious information, a (tribal) secret or something truthful ignites a fire within and brings you back to life and back to yourself.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
You may be growing tired of tolerating the restrictions – financial or practical considerations that logically seem to trump your basic need for something more inspiring, interesting, and adventurous. As Saturn transits into the sign of Aquarius and your third house of communication it may be time for you to strongly advocate for yourself and to speak up for what you need and desire. You may stage a rebellion in the form of an oral argument that makes sense from a justice/fairness point of view. “Is something practical more important than something equitable” may be the kinds of quandaries you consider as you change your focus and take your place as the revolutionary voice of authority. Parental issues or the usual up and down cycles of loss and rebirth may be intricately involved. You may learn something new as you approach a discussion with a partner with a sense of your own value as the voice of wisdom and foresight rather than logical reasoning. A conversation might re-ignite a fire within When Saturn in Aquarius rules, dissent is the voice of reason. Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.(MLK)

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
For awhile you may have accepted the idea that your job was to build the frameworks, to be the voice of authority, to make the rules, take responsibility, shape the organization, employ the best strategies, enhance your reputation, achieve wealth and your highest personal aspirations for yourself. Maybe you’ve done all of that and find yourself moving into a softer, more personally satisfying place. The inflexibility that once characterized your choices may be dissolving. Something that involves something other than work may be opening your eyes to new possibilities. As Saturn moves into Aquarius something freer takes hold. There’s a sweet spot that involves the freedom emotional independence provides. Capricorns are rarely emotionally dependent on others and the “important others” in their life intuitively understand that. Your connection with others is more about a respect for who they are and a deep appreciation for what they bring to the table. It may be time to appreciate more what partners and others provide to assist in making you whole. It’s probably related to their insistence on an infusion of support for fairness and cooperation. Now is a time when you could and should take that more seriously.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
For you a restlessness took hold during the years 1991-1994. Then you might have had a sense that you were confined to living a life that was not your own. Someone or something was holding you back. Of course it was you holding yourself back or maybe the expectations of family, ingrained (subconscious) habits, and imagined/irrational fears. It’s taken a long time to wash that out of your psyche, but now it seems you’re on the verge of breaking free into the space that belongs to you. Trust what you crave. Something will be repeated forever in the form of an underlying unmet need, craving, or personal struggle/contradiction until you make a heroic move. Maybe it’s time to rebel against the “inner or outer authority” who always seems to know better than you what you want. An inner voice (demon) might continue to push you in the direction of something safe and practical. It’s time to depose him. He wants you to keep yourself in line. It may be your deepest desire to crown your life with a victory over fear and a move into the person you’ve always known yourself to be. If your potential new life looks bohemian, courageous, nervy, strange, and somewhat risky that’s a good sign. People will be inspired by your actions. Your victory is a victory for the masses.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
So you’ve achieved what you can achieve within the social realm. You know how to dedicate yourself to a cause bigger than yourself, to amass allies, friends, and fellow travelers, to cooperate and to push for the resolution of community problems. In a word you know how to wield your talents in service of creating a consensus. You know how to be what others need you to be. So where do you go from here? You might have little patience left for practicing what you’ve already mastered. Something tiring needs to be washed away. As Saturn in Aquarius enters your 12th house endings, enhanced intuition, ancestral wisdom, and mysterious, secret sources of information born of lifetimes of direct personal experience, you might trust yourself to be the voice of authority without actually having to integrate many different viewpoints before coming to that conclusion. You might just feel a soft internal sense of authority, that you know what you know and it’s of particular value at this point in time. What you’ve accumulated over the past year that is no longer useful to you dissolves into something that can be cleaned and cleared. What will be most satisfying is being alone, sitting with your thoughts, learning from yourself the depths of what you know, and gestating/protecting something of importance needed to advance humanity in the direction it needs to go.

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