Jupiter’s recent transit into the sign of Capricorn changes your focus and the nature of emerging opportunities. A year long cycle of expansion and growth extends from Dec. 2nd, 2019 through Dec. 19, 2020.
You’ve previously experienced this transit during the time period between Dec. 19, 2007 and Jan. 6, 2009. If you remember what was happening then you’ll have a general outline of what to expect.
Capricorn is reliable. The opportunities you’ll be presented with are real and substantial. Opportunities you’re offered over the next year may seem to be a stretch in light of your capabilities or current skill level. Opportunities that come your way might be accompanies by a steep learning curve, more work, a time commitment, or sacrifice. But they may be irresistibly appealing in terms of potential growth and abundant (financial) reward.
The “joy of success” possibilities that come your way could offer you a chance to exert greater authority and control over your life. Over the next year it is likely you’ll have a chance to get organized, hone your skills, and expand your beliefs – especially your belief in yourself and what’s is possible for your future. A clean break from what you routinely rely upon sets you free to grow and expand.
Jupiter is a giant planet associated with freedom and abundance but also with getting “carried away,” over-reaching, and overdoing. The sign of Capricorn represents governments, father-figures, rules, and inflexible structures. A progression into extremes of authoritarian or autocratic control is a Jupiter/Capricorn possibility. Fear (also symbolized by Capricorn) might increase.
Alternately the more hopeful message is that governments are capable of alleviating lots of human misery and under Jupiters rule they may have the opportunity to do so.
Jupiter in Capricorn is likely to give you an opportunity to show what you’re made of – to be more self-reliant, to strengthen your managerial skills, and to fortify existing faith in yourself.
Jupiter’s first aspect is a square to Chiron. Expansion and and freedom could be accompanied by something that leaves you feeling vulnerable – especially if confident action or clarity regarding what you desire is required.
On Sunday, Dec. 8th, the Sagittarius Sun (an expansive, energizing force of it’s own) squares Neptune. There is something confusing or uncertain associated with a future plan, foreign influence, or getting the information you need.
Something you hoped for or counted on is diluted or evaporates. Action is required but you may feel you lack the confidence you need to present yourself in a self-assured way. This is a very temporary challenge to getting yourself on track and moving forward with pride and confidence.
Also on December 8th, Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. Leaning into something reliable and consistent (a partnership maybe) allows you to relax and feel stabilized. Something inflexible softens as you begin to feel safer and more in control.
On Monday (Dec. 9th) Mercury leaves the sign of Scorpio to enter the sign of Sagittarius. Thoughts and considerations have been pretty intense since the beginning of October when making sense of anything required a deep dive into the dark underworld. Locating an elusive truth took some courage.
Mercury’s move into the sign of Sagittarius could feel like a breath of fresh air as you step out of darkness into the light. Deeper levels of understanding and a more optimistic frame of mind takes hold.
Juno in Libra squares Venus in Capricorn. Relationship inflexibility or restriction challenges your ability to stay committed for the long haul. Action is required. Something more balanced involves a compromise. You may need to assert your authority.
But now you might be newly free to consider what you haven’t previously been able to and to make a decision that feels risky or adventurous. You may have the information you need to expand into new territory with a sense of confidence. Your definition of what is possible for you expands.
Thanks, as always, for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Jupiter in your 10th house of success and your highest aims for yourself offers new opportunities that may initially trigger some old wounds and vulnerabilities. Being in a publicly visible or leadership position may be uncomfortable for you. But it appears you’re being challenged with opportunities to lead, to organize, to provide structure, nourishment, and maybe to be the (financial) power behind the throne. A cycle of deep introspection is coming to a close this week. You may know yourself better than you did at the beginning of October of this year. You may be in touch with a personal truth that will greatly enhance your ability to move into the kind of ideal future you envision for yourself. As Mercury moves into the sign of Sagittarius will soon feel that you can breathe the fresh air that is blowing into your life. You may be focused for the next few weeks on expansion freedom and cultivating a more uplifting, unshakeable faith in yourself and your ability to succeed.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Jupiter is placed in your 9th house of the future, expansion, and opportunity. There are lots of new ideas, inspirations, goals, hope, and optimism surrounding what may be headed in your direction. Foreign travel and foreign influences play a role in encouraging growth or the cultivation of what you’d like to have more of (love). Mars in Scorpio in your 7th house can make relationships intense. But in trine aspect to the North Node it appears that new information or an honest conversation smoothes things over and moves you to a more emotionally satisfying space. A partnership may enter the solidification phase when it’s time to throw your entire lot in with another – nothing held back. It’s may be a challenge and an opportunity to trust that you’ll both benefit from commitment, truthfulness, generosity, and the faith that makes you strong unshakeable unit.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Mercury, your chart ruler, changes signs this week – from the deeply introspective, somewhat compulsive sign of Scorpio ,into the uplifting and expansive sign of Sagittarius. A breath of fresh air flows into your mind and into your life. You may have a few complicated problems to wade through this week. But you’re basically on the cusp of being in touch with the truth and some new-found wisdom that seems to be stabilizing and reassuring. Partnerships are energized. A square to Neptune adds to some confusion or uncertainty surrounding the future and possibly something financial or career/focused. Jupiter brings lots of opportunity to grow and expand within the realm of financial partnerships. Trust and an expansion of faith in yourself, a partner, and the future is key. Something deeply transformative is in play in the most sensitive, deeply private area of your life. A hidden part of you benefits from the changes and adjustments you’ve made and from the coping skills and self-discipline you’ve applied to a complicated situation. It seems you’ve earned a reward. Jupiter is good at delivering those.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Your area of focus is represented by your 5th house of love, attraction, children, self-expression, and showcasing your talents. Something complicated and intense surrounds the part of you that just wants to be happy and to be able to do what you love. New opportunities for expansion involve partnerships, your role within the realm of committed partnerships, balance, give and take, sharing, and compromise. Partners are your biggest assets this year – for many reasons. They reflect back to you the things you cannot see when left to your own devices. Partners who tell you what they observe in you are goldmines of information you need. The qualities you love in a partner may be qualities you own but don’t see or appreciate in yourself. If you’re looking to improve you work environment, health, or usefulness within the bigger scheme you’re going to like the opportunities that flow in your direction. It’s important to move in the direction of wholeness.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Opportunities coming your way this year involve a more enjoyable daily routine, health improvements, and success in the workplace. Lucrative opportunities flow in your direction. Expansive projects give you the chance to showcase your organizational skill and near perfect preparedness. Overconfidence needs to be avoided but you may not be tempted in that direction with a loaded Capricorn 6th house. It’s more likely you’ll exaggerate your mistakes and flaws and worry a lot. There will be many opportunities for you to address your approach to your work in healthier ways, a few wake-up calls, the obvious need for more down time, and something more realistic that makes you fit for the long haul. Mars in Scorpio keeps things complicated and intense on the home-front. Mercury has been searching for a deeper truth can alleviate some of the fear surrounding your security and deep attachment to home, family, the past – and controlling it all. The uplifting forecast is that you may find something you can trust to stabilize you. A new, uplifting state of mind takes hold by the end of the week. You may be in the mood for more entertainment and socializing.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Opportunities to develop your organizational, creative, business, or financial talents may flow in your direction this year. It’s likely you’ll have the chance to make money doing what you love and that your audience or customers will provide you the kind of feedback or satisfaction that deeply nourishes a part of you in need of more nourishment. Capricorn opportunities often come in the form of a challenge that benefits you. You may be challenged to feel that you deserve a level of success that seems to come your way this year. Virgos are naturally hard workers. But something new and different outside of your usual routine may open the floodgates to inspiration and new ideas. Home and family are likely to inspire you to move beyond current limits.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Commitments to a loving approach to life – and to a loving role within the realm of relationships – may be challenged this week. Painful moments with a partner strike at the heart of some old vulnerabilities. Jupiter into your domestic sector defines a year of expansion and opportunity on the home front. Relocation to a bigger space is a possibility. But restrictive tendencies you’ve inherited from your family may be re-ignited. You may be reminded of rigid expectations that didn’t take into consideration your emotional needs. Money, status, and the “appearance of things” may have been emphasized at the expense of something more loving and nourishing. You may have the dubious distinction of being able to survive in environments where emotional nourishment is very scarce. But the opportunities coming your way this year give you a chance to break free. Uranus has unsettled the “forgotten underworld” part of your life allowing for more room to change. You’ll have many opportunities this year to release the past and to expand beyond current limits in love. Lucrative opportunities may be connected to home, family, the past – and rewards you’ve earned.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Opportunities coming your way this year involve direct experience of foreign influences that have the kind of shock value you need to expand your mind beyond it’s current limits. There are many more possibilities for your future than you previously assumed. The truth seeps through old resistance as relationships and your role within them expands and evolves. Opportunities to identify and enhance the powers of the mind come your way. Lucrative opportunities to share or to speak publicly about what you know and what you’ve experienced present themselves. There is a guru-like quality associated with the wisdom you’ve attained concerning the connection between thought and actual expanded (or diminished) possibilities for the future. Change your mind. Change your life. The possibilities and connections are endless and they’ll flow in your direction this year.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Opportunities coming your way this year may involve financial partnerships, financial support, a chance to accumulate wealth, and to benefit from the generosity of others. There may be many opportunities to grow and expand your sense of self-worth and to understand the true value of what you contribute. This is the year to appreciate yourself more, to settle into your own natural rhythm, to feel more solid, less wavering, or tempted to accommodate and compromise when opportunities encourage you to expand into the role of being the stabilizing force. This is a year to be more self-possessed – to take ownership of yourself and your vision for your life, and to be persistent, stubborn, and relentlessly determined. The universe is sending you an abundance of grounding energy and opportunities to more fully realize exactly what it is you need to survive and thrive.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Jupiter’s recent move into your 1st solar house brings opportunities to be more effective and to make a greater impact through a more expansive, organized, courageous approach to life. You may have opportunities to expand the role you play within the realm of relationships. Something more supportive and emotionally connected is possible. Changing values and periodic challenges to your old assumptions about love and what will stands the test of time have been destabilized. What’s been fairly settled for a long time is being unsettled. A lucrative opportunity (maybe many) will likely come your way giving you more financial freedom. But expanding freedoms could set off alarm bells for you. You may feel more vulnerable with a wider array of choices and more room to move around. You’re an expert at dealing with scarcity. Dealing with abundance may be the new frontier. It seems aligned with where you’re headed.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Jupiter’s move into your solar 12th house suggests expansion into highly refined, artistic, meditative, healing realms. Opportunities worth considering ultimately challenge you to develop a greater level of mastery over yourself. More alone time may be required. You may be given the time you need to discover the hidden gifts that lie beneath the surface of consciousness. Jupiter’s move into Capricorn has the potential to re-unite you with yourself and ground you in spiritual realms. If you have the opportunity to develop psychic/healing/meditative skills this would be a great year to do it. Tuning out the usual noise and distraction expands your power and moves you forward, This year you may easily gain access to deeper levels of wisdom that inspire and inform your (healing) work.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. His transition into the sign of Capricorn is extra significant for all Pisces. Expansion opportunities may involve the chance to rebel against the rules and expectations “normal” people live by, and to assert more control over your life as you protect your own cherished dreams. A new opportunity to choose a life direction that breaks the usual rules feels promising. Embracing an outsider status gives you the freedom you need to alter your life direction, and to do it with a greater degree of assurance and authority. Issues of commitment within the realm of relationships may be evolving. Old rules and limitations undergo a process of dissolution. Growth opportunities worth considering are those that expand your capacity to love and to disrupt.
New Horoscopes for the Week of Dec. 4th – 10th
Jupiter’s recent transit into the sign of Capricorn changes your focus and the nature of emerging opportunities. A year long cycle of expansion and growth extends from Dec. 2nd, 2019 through Dec. 19, 2020.
You’ve previously experienced this transit during the time period between Dec. 19, 2007 and Jan. 6, 2009. If you remember what was happening then you’ll have a general outline of what to expect.
Capricorn is reliable. The opportunities you’ll be presented with are real and substantial. Opportunities you’re offered over the next year may seem to be a stretch in light of your capabilities or current skill level. Opportunities that come your way might be accompanies by a steep learning curve, more work, a time commitment, or sacrifice. But they may be irresistibly appealing in terms of potential growth and abundant (financial) reward.
The “joy of success” possibilities that come your way could offer you a chance to exert greater authority and control over your life. Over the next year it is likely you’ll have a chance to get organized, hone your skills, and expand your beliefs – especially your belief in yourself and what’s is possible for your future. A clean break from what you routinely rely upon sets you free to grow and expand.
Jupiter is a giant planet associated with freedom and abundance but also with getting “carried away,” over-reaching, and overdoing. The sign of Capricorn represents governments, father-figures, rules, and inflexible structures. A progression into extremes of authoritarian or autocratic control is a Jupiter/Capricorn possibility. Fear (also symbolized by Capricorn) might increase.
Alternately the more hopeful message is that governments are capable of alleviating lots of human misery and under Jupiters rule they may have the opportunity to do so.
Jupiter in Capricorn is likely to give you an opportunity to show what you’re made of – to be more self-reliant, to strengthen your managerial skills, and to fortify existing faith in yourself.
Jupiter’s first aspect is a square to Chiron. Expansion and and freedom could be accompanied by something that leaves you feeling vulnerable – especially if confident action or clarity regarding what you desire is required.
On Sunday, Dec. 8th, the Sagittarius Sun (an expansive, energizing force of it’s own) squares Neptune. There is something confusing or uncertain associated with a future plan, foreign influence, or getting the information you need.
Something you hoped for or counted on is diluted or evaporates. Action is required but you may feel you lack the confidence you need to present yourself in a self-assured way. This is a very temporary challenge to getting yourself on track and moving forward with pride and confidence.
Also on December 8th, Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. Leaning into something reliable and consistent (a partnership maybe) allows you to relax and feel stabilized. Something inflexible softens as you begin to feel safer and more in control.
On Monday (Dec. 9th) Mercury leaves the sign of Scorpio to enter the sign of Sagittarius. Thoughts and considerations have been pretty intense since the beginning of October when making sense of anything required a deep dive into the dark underworld. Locating an elusive truth took some courage.
Mercury’s move into the sign of Sagittarius could feel like a breath of fresh air as you step out of darkness into the light. Deeper levels of understanding and a more optimistic frame of mind takes hold.
Juno in Libra squares Venus in Capricorn. Relationship inflexibility or restriction challenges your ability to stay committed for the long haul. Action is required. Something more balanced involves a compromise. You may need to assert your authority.
But now you might be newly free to consider what you haven’t previously been able to and to make a decision that feels risky or adventurous. You may have the information you need to expand into new territory with a sense of confidence. Your definition of what is possible for you expands.
Thanks, as always, for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Jupiter in your 10th house of success and your highest aims for yourself offers new opportunities that may initially trigger some old wounds and vulnerabilities. Being in a publicly visible or leadership position may be uncomfortable for you. But it appears you’re being challenged with opportunities to lead, to organize, to provide structure, nourishment, and maybe to be the (financial) power behind the throne. A cycle of deep introspection is coming to a close this week. You may know yourself better than you did at the beginning of October of this year. You may be in touch with a personal truth that will greatly enhance your ability to move into the kind of ideal future you envision for yourself. As Mercury moves into the sign of Sagittarius will soon feel that you can breathe the fresh air that is blowing into your life. You may be focused for the next few weeks on expansion freedom and cultivating a more uplifting, unshakeable faith in yourself and your ability to succeed.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Jupiter is placed in your 9th house of the future, expansion, and opportunity. There are lots of new ideas, inspirations, goals, hope, and optimism surrounding what may be headed in your direction. Foreign travel and foreign influences play a role in encouraging growth or the cultivation of what you’d like to have more of (love). Mars in Scorpio in your 7th house can make relationships intense. But in trine aspect to the North Node it appears that new information or an honest conversation smoothes things over and moves you to a more emotionally satisfying space. A partnership may enter the solidification phase when it’s time to throw your entire lot in with another – nothing held back. It’s may be a challenge and an opportunity to trust that you’ll both benefit from commitment, truthfulness, generosity, and the faith that makes you strong unshakeable unit.
Mercury, your chart ruler, changes signs this week – from the deeply introspective, somewhat compulsive sign of Scorpio ,into the uplifting and expansive sign of Sagittarius. A breath of fresh air flows into your mind and into your life. You may have a few complicated problems to wade through this week. But you’re basically on the cusp of being in touch with the truth and some new-found wisdom that seems to be stabilizing and reassuring. Partnerships are energized. A square to Neptune adds to some confusion or uncertainty surrounding the future and possibly something financial or career/focused. Jupiter brings lots of opportunity to grow and expand within the realm of financial partnerships. Trust and an expansion of faith in yourself, a partner, and the future is key. Something deeply transformative is in play in the most sensitive, deeply private area of your life. A hidden part of you benefits from the changes and adjustments you’ve made and from the coping skills and self-discipline you’ve applied to a complicated situation. It seems you’ve earned a reward. Jupiter is good at delivering those.
Your area of focus is represented by your 5th house of love, attraction, children, self-expression, and showcasing your talents. Something complicated and intense surrounds the part of you that just wants to be happy and to be able to do what you love. New opportunities for expansion involve partnerships, your role within the realm of committed partnerships, balance, give and take, sharing, and compromise. Partners are your biggest assets this year – for many reasons. They reflect back to you the things you cannot see when left to your own devices. Partners who tell you what they observe in you are goldmines of information you need. The qualities you love in a partner may be qualities you own but don’t see or appreciate in yourself. If you’re looking to improve you work environment, health, or usefulness within the bigger scheme you’re going to like the opportunities that flow in your direction. It’s important to move in the direction of wholeness.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Opportunities coming your way this year involve a more enjoyable daily routine, health improvements, and success in the workplace. Lucrative opportunities flow in your direction. Expansive projects give you the chance to showcase your organizational skill and near perfect preparedness. Overconfidence needs to be avoided but you may not be tempted in that direction with a loaded Capricorn 6th house. It’s more likely you’ll exaggerate your mistakes and flaws and worry a lot. There will be many opportunities for you to address your approach to your work in healthier ways, a few wake-up calls, the obvious need for more down time, and something more realistic that makes you fit for the long haul. Mars in Scorpio keeps things complicated and intense on the home-front. Mercury has been searching for a deeper truth can alleviate some of the fear surrounding your security and deep attachment to home, family, the past – and controlling it all. The uplifting forecast is that you may find something you can trust to stabilize you. A new, uplifting state of mind takes hold by the end of the week. You may be in the mood for more entertainment and socializing.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Opportunities to develop your organizational, creative, business, or financial talents may flow in your direction this year. It’s likely you’ll have the chance to make money doing what you love and that your audience or customers will provide you the kind of feedback or satisfaction that deeply nourishes a part of you in need of more nourishment. Capricorn opportunities often come in the form of a challenge that benefits you. You may be challenged to feel that you deserve a level of success that seems to come your way this year. Virgos are naturally hard workers. But something new and different outside of your usual routine may open the floodgates to inspiration and new ideas. Home and family are likely to inspire you to move beyond current limits.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Commitments to a loving approach to life – and to a loving role within the realm of relationships – may be challenged this week. Painful moments with a partner strike at the heart of some old vulnerabilities. Jupiter into your domestic sector defines a year of expansion and opportunity on the home front. Relocation to a bigger space is a possibility. But restrictive tendencies you’ve inherited from your family may be re-ignited. You may be reminded of rigid expectations that didn’t take into consideration your emotional needs. Money, status, and the “appearance of things” may have been emphasized at the expense of something more loving and nourishing. You may have the dubious distinction of being able to survive in environments where emotional nourishment is very scarce. But the opportunities coming your way this year give you a chance to break free. Uranus has unsettled the “forgotten underworld” part of your life allowing for more room to change. You’ll have many opportunities this year to release the past and to expand beyond current limits in love. Lucrative opportunities may be connected to home, family, the past – and rewards you’ve earned.
Opportunities coming your way this year involve direct experience of foreign influences that have the kind of shock value you need to expand your mind beyond it’s current limits. There are many more possibilities for your future than you previously assumed. The truth seeps through old resistance as relationships and your role within them expands and evolves. Opportunities to identify and enhance the powers of the mind come your way. Lucrative opportunities to share or to speak publicly about what you know and what you’ve experienced present themselves. There is a guru-like quality associated with the wisdom you’ve attained concerning the connection between thought and actual expanded (or diminished) possibilities for the future. Change your mind. Change your life. The possibilities and connections are endless and they’ll flow in your direction this year.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Opportunities coming your way this year may involve financial partnerships, financial support, a chance to accumulate wealth, and to benefit from the generosity of others. There may be many opportunities to grow and expand your sense of self-worth and to understand the true value of what you contribute. This is the year to appreciate yourself more, to settle into your own natural rhythm, to feel more solid, less wavering, or tempted to accommodate and compromise when opportunities encourage you to expand into the role of being the stabilizing force. This is a year to be more self-possessed – to take ownership of yourself and your vision for your life, and to be persistent, stubborn, and relentlessly determined. The universe is sending you an abundance of grounding energy and opportunities to more fully realize exactly what it is you need to survive and thrive.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Jupiter’s recent move into your 1st solar house brings opportunities to be more effective and to make a greater impact through a more expansive, organized, courageous approach to life. You may have opportunities to expand the role you play within the realm of relationships. Something more supportive and emotionally connected is possible. Changing values and periodic challenges to your old assumptions about love and what will stands the test of time have been destabilized. What’s been fairly settled for a long time is being unsettled. A lucrative opportunity (maybe many) will likely come your way giving you more financial freedom. But expanding freedoms could set off alarm bells for you. You may feel more vulnerable with a wider array of choices and more room to move around. You’re an expert at dealing with scarcity. Dealing with abundance may be the new frontier. It seems aligned with where you’re headed.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Jupiter’s move into your solar 12th house suggests expansion into highly refined, artistic, meditative, healing realms. Opportunities worth considering ultimately challenge you to develop a greater level of mastery over yourself. More alone time may be required. You may be given the time you need to discover the hidden gifts that lie beneath the surface of consciousness. Jupiter’s move into Capricorn has the potential to re-unite you with yourself and ground you in spiritual realms. If you have the opportunity to develop psychic/healing/meditative skills this would be a great year to do it. Tuning out the usual noise and distraction expands your power and moves you forward, This year you may easily gain access to deeper levels of wisdom that inspire and inform your (healing) work.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. His transition into the sign of Capricorn is extra significant for all Pisces. Expansion opportunities may involve the chance to rebel against the rules and expectations “normal” people live by, and to assert more control over your life as you protect your own cherished dreams. A new opportunity to choose a life direction that breaks the usual rules feels promising. Embracing an outsider status gives you the freedom you need to alter your life direction, and to do it with a greater degree of assurance and authority. Issues of commitment within the realm of relationships may be evolving. Old rules and limitations undergo a process of dissolution. Growth opportunities worth considering are those that expand your capacity to love and to disrupt.
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