Sagittarius New Moon Horoscopes

New Moon at 15 Degrees of Sagittarius on Thursday Dec. 6th at 11:20 PM PST and on Friday, Dec. 7th at 2:20 AM EST

From now until December 9th Mercury in Scorpio trines Chiron Rx in Pisces AND the North Node in Cancer. This is a grand water trine – a sign of healing that takes place rather effortlessly, though talking through some recent trauma may trigger and energize it. What you share through writing, speaking or in conversation has a powerful positive impact. What you share may be deeply personal and painful.

Tomorrow Mercury finishes a retrograde phase that began on Nov. 16th. Today we’re in the midst of the “storm period” where the planet gets “riled up” and restless in preparation for a change in the direction of momentum. So we have a highly energized Mercury currently placed in the sign of Scorpio as part of the existing, healing grand trine. We’re on the verge of coming to some consequential conclusions that may change things in a big way.

Retrograding Chiron, currently in the intuitive sign of Pisces, turns direct on Sunday. Wounding and healing since July 5th when Chiron officially turned retrograde, has been the result of renewed contact with an old story that hasn’t yet concluded. But you may be on the verge of a decision to end something. All of this plays into the future-oriented, forward looking, fortunate North Node who encourages emotional honesty and decisions that move you in a more satisfying and authentic direction.


New Moons and new beginnings thrive in a space that’s been cleaned, cleared, and detoxified. Now may be the time to say goodbye, burn the sage, and aim yourself in a new direction.

A harsh truth is evident – possibly the result of a process that has systematically removed the untruths that surrounded it. Coming into view may be what was long suspected but excused, denied, evaded, or too tangled up with false hope and fear to be addressed and eliminated.

Venus currently squares Vesta. The nature of a relationship tests your ability to maintain your devotion. This may be indicative of “dying devotion” within the realm of relationships. It may signal the beginning of the end followed by the beginning of a beginning.

Because Neptune and Mars square this New Sagittarian Moon, agreeing to put an end to a train of thought, traditional mindset, or a tendency to downgrade what we feel seems necessary. Allowing an old focus, old delusion, or old story to conclude seems to supported by a new opportunity waiting in the wings.

Changing perspectives may prioritize the need to protect yourself – from liars who tell you what you want to hear and from those who simply aren’t capable of being truthful with themselves. It may take awhile and some practice for self-protection to become second nature. In the meantime caution is advised.

There is nothing quite as effective as a “Sagde” New Moon to set you free – and to bring some real joy and optimism into your life. Now is the time when the universe supports your adventurous streak, your sense of humor, and some newly expansive future goals. Agreeing to embrace and honor the truth of who you are and what you need is the key message. A clean break from something debilitating opens the door to something authentic and therefore very promising.

(Reminder: Reading horoscopes for your Ascendent sign is usually most accurate. Under a New Moon, though, sometimes it’s interesting and more relevant to read the horoscope for your Moon sign. And don’t forget the Sun.)

Thanks as always for reading,


Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Mars is the powerful player igniting your imagination, gestating new ideas, working behind the scenes to develop an exciting, new approach, and hopefully facing the need to put an end to something that chronically drains your energy. Mars may sideline you in the 12th house. He may insist on telling you lies you want to believe so you do. He’s a double edged sword – a force that needs to be channeled in the direction you want him to go. He can be the energetic “cleaning and clearing” guy – the one who throws out accumulated garbage, burns the sage, and makes it possible for you to aim yourself in the right direction. If I was an Aries I would engage and befriend him, invite him into my dream life, and ask him for advice. Any advice to end an old, draining attachment would be worth paying atention to. Advice to avoid facing the truth – and the many ways you could do that without seeming like you were doing that is obviously a sign that someone has their wires crossed. The new Moon in your 9th house has a powerfully positive influence on the abundance of opportunities that will flow in your direction, the expansive and adventurous nature of what is becoming available to you, and the potential global impact of your willingness to share your life experience and accumulated wisdom.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Venus, Taurus’s ruler, is being challenged to stay devoted to a relationship that is being undermined by something dark, deceptive, obsessive, or manipulative. A lie must be called out. It may be time to rebel against something that flies in the face of what you’re aiming for. It may be time to show your teeth or to assert your “Wicked Witch of the West” personna (AKA Black Moon Lillith). It may be time for some tough love that would appear to the traditonal observer as something extreme. The new Moon sets you free to embrace the leverage and power you have to promote and support the values you cherish. A reveiw of your options is almost complete. It may be time to make a tough decision to go rogue. You may have systematically eliminated all the safer options and now understand the powerfully destructive nature of what you may be able to bring under control. Expect to be sidelined before anyone is moved to say “thank you.” Expect to be deeply healed.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Mercury’s move into direct motion signals it’s time to come to some conclusions and to decide. A logjam is broken. Issues involving home, an independent approach, or new beginnings, start to flow in a forward direction. A transformational work or health related decision seems iminent. Your intuitive understanding of the transformational process empowers you to the extent you share what you know including the pain of letting go and moving on to something new. Now is a pivotal “coming out” time. The imfluece of what you say can now be absorbed by the masses. The responsibility may feel overwhelming, but it seems you’re moving into the realm of something joyful and free. Exposure can feel intimidating, but the adventurous nature of what you share will very soon transition into something profoundly exhilerating. Healing occurs as you align your life direction with your soul’s agenda.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
The North Node in your 1st house encourages you to move in the direction of protecting and nurturing your physical body, your independence, and ambition. Cancer’s aim to be courageous, to be the inspiring example for those who are afraid to go for what they want. It is wise to move with caution now as all the cards may not be on the table. Being a sensitve Cancer you porabably already assume that. It seems you’re being set free of some old responsibility, health issue, or feeling of incompetence in preparation for a major debut. Decisons may be forthcoming as a period of revieww comes to a close. Ending something may be painful but necessary. It’s important to remember that if it doesn’t feel frightening it’s probably not very courageous and therefore “off the mark” for you. With regard to your most satisfying life direction it’s a matter of being afraid and going for it anyway. A leap of faith is facilitated under a sadge new Moon. You have the skills – or are in the process of acquiring those – that will bring you success.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The softening, flowing, magically beautifying influence of the trine aspect under the empowering influence of this New Sagittarian Moon is especially influential for Leos. The trine triggers the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses of your solar chart. These are the most powerful, mysterious, transformative, “access to a deeper realms” houses in any astrological chart. So it seeems it’s time to delve deeper to access something life-changingly beautiful and timeless. Someething beautiful, lyrical, harmonizing, and deeply layered povides the means for healing and something more thoroughly integrating. I once experienced mosaic art laying on my back in a way too hot sauna in Germany. The celing was a masterful work of mosaic art. It was the first time in my life that I felt I truly experienced, absorbed, and integrated the healing effects of art. It’s possible to experience that in many different ways when you’re focused, recptive, relaxed and open to integrating something life changing. Find ways to expose yourself to the kind of beauty you love most this week.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The New Moon in your 4th house frees you from the past – from family restrictions and responsibilities so you can establish yourself in an interesting field within the public realm. It seems the time is right for you assert your influence. If you need to create or revise a resume yours would be very persuasive one under this grand trine influence. The problem now may be one of perspective and making a decision. It is likely you are devaluing or discounting a talent you’ve developed, a skill you’ve practiced, or something you love way too much to believe that it could fit into the realm of a career. It may be time to pay more attention to the routine things you tend to tune out. Something synchronous and serendipitous is likely to cross your path this week. You have a lot to offer within the healing realm. Social settings, group interactions, friends, and community causes may clarify the right direction of you. Your sensitivity coupled with a natural ability to improve upon whatever is presented is valuable. Relationships are in need of healing and the universe is assisting in that regard.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Within the realm of personal values and priorities, net worth and self-worth, and your ability to swing things in the direction you want them to go, your ability to be unusually persuasive seems to trigger a cascade of healing events. What you say is powerfully transformative within situations that really need to be trasformed. Your career may benefit most. There are some good fortune vibes streaming from that sector of your chart. And then there is the whole realm of health and wellness, competence, and self-mastery that benefits you as well. Libra’s tend to be especially receptive to trines and they work well for them. Libras understand the notion of attracting what they want versus fighting for it. Relaxing into a grand trine and trusting it is key to extracting the benefits you need. Your words are powerful. Use them wisely and stategically to move things in a self-protective, nurturing direction.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
It is likely you’ve made progress in the area of gaining mastery over yourself. Some significant changes and improvements centering around breaks for the past, something healthier and less distracting, has been achieved. But the problem may be an unwillingness on the part of others to acknowledge the change, to imagine that the improvement is not real, or that some form of backsliding can be expected. Suspicion may be undermning what’s essentially a pretty solid achievement. It’s time to hihglight and insist that your progress be recognized through some form of a campaign or intelligent strategy. People sense that you’re a wild card but your ability to highlight and demonstae how you can walk the walk and follow thrugh on what you say could be very persuasive. It’s time to protect the kind of future you envision for yourself. Effotless healing is supercharged where love and loss has been an issue.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
The urge to manifest something new and adventurous is super-charged under this new Moon. Your appraoch to life may feel more expansive and open. Most importantly your belief in yourself may be gaining steam. Still there is a decision to be made, something painful is waiting in the wings to be resolved. It may be something intangible like an old perspective, an old attachment, old ideas about sex and secrets, in need of something resembling detoxification. A move in the direction of something more self-protective when it comes to sex, who you trust, and your choice of financial partners is promising. Currently being healed is some form of loss experienced within the family or something from the past that left you feeling uncertain and unsettled. It’s a new day for Sagittarians aiming to provide something mysterious and inaccessible that would be practically useful and healing for the public. Sagittarians are translators of symbols that provide information normally hidden or inaccessible. The public is likely to be fascinated by what you do and what you can access. Teaching the teachers is an option.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
The new Moon in your 12th house brings back specific memories that can be usueful and instructive for you. Your Mom’s life experience may have something to do with compassionate or selfless service that benefited the less fortunate. Or she may be remembered as a victim who intended to earn some kind of a reward for what she “put up with” and ultimately was robbed of. There is wealth of collective wisdom that you can benefit from under this Sadge New Moon. Here are a few examples. In life there are no guarantees. Doing what you want to do – what you love to do – what you can’t not do – is the reward. You’re responsbile for your choices. You’re responsible for your perspective. Under this new Moon there is the opportunity to free yourself of old patterns, assumptions, perspectives, and tendencies you’ve carried around for awhile. Facts can now be considered within the framework of age-old wisdom and a new perspective. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Others have done it right and done it wrong. You’re in a position to benefit from either one.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Closing the door is part of the mysteriously powerful unofficial “course” you’re taking to learn how to gain mastery over the parts of yourself that diminish your authority, undermine self-respect, legitimize lies, and diminish self-worth. Ending things may be especially dificult for you. You may feel pressured to accept something that is essentially unacceptable – blame that doesn’t belong to you. Normally you’d be inclined to accept it. This time the answer may be no. Health and work considerations may come into play as you evaluate the importance of self-protection and having the “guts” to end something may be be part of your karmic challenge. Something abusive, the source of which is hidden – possibly rooted in financial deception or tangled financial webs – may have prevented you from connecting the dots and seeing the truth. But the cloud is lifting as you sense something new stirring in the chronically friendly and interesting sector of your chart – the 11th house of friends and allies. “Good guys,” and experienced “teachers” are waiting in the wings to re-ignite your creative brilliance and adventurous tendencies. It’s time to refocus.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Sagitarius is providing something more spacious within the realm of your profession, your career, and the interface between your public and private role. Your public and private self may be disconnected. You may feel safer and more protected that way. But what you gain in terms of protection is lost in terms of impact and the power to heal. You may feel comfotable with the schsim. But the public might be more receptive to something warmer, funnier, more soulful, genuine, and adventurous. Many opportunities will arise over the next few months for your personality to shine through, for you to distinguish yourself from the rest, and ultimately for your impact to be more consequential. The goal is to change your image in a way that aligns you closer with your soul and true nature. It’s less stressful in the long run. Pisces prefer not to be exposed. But they also prefer to be efective healers. They need a receptive audience. It may be time to take one for the team, to risk exposing your true self, for the benefit of all concerned.

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