(Full Moon in Cancer culminates today, January 1, 2018, at 6:24 PM Pacific time and 9:24 PM Eastern time).
Any full Moon has the potential to intensify emotional reactions – especially a watery Moon – and more especially if in its “home sign” of Cancer. This full Moon – a super moon – shines an unusually bright light into dark spaces. Underworld dwellers scamper to find hiding places in the shadows of your subconscious mind. It can all feel a little unnerving – for you and the “scamper-ers.” This is a chance to see and feel “the whole of your existence” not just the parts that are usually illuminated and on the surface.
Ghosts from the past come to life. We might have assumed we’d banished them long ago. Now we know they’re still around influencing our life in mysterious, maybe limiting ways. The work we have yet to do is clarified.
Full Moon’s imply endings. In the case of this Cancer Full Moon what’s ending may be something you assumed would never end. Old family tensions may be resolving. Locked doors are opening. Old hurts may subside. Debts may be paid off. A long sigh of relief may be in order.
Thinking back to the Sagittarius New Moon on December 18th of last year, it seems we had a choice – to resent another (or our own reality), to act on vindictive feelings, or otherwise reduce ourselves to a level that was beneath us. At the December New Moon all roads led back to Mars in the sign of Scorpio. Admittedly it took some effort to control strong primal urges.
The other option was to “tune into the message of the galactic core” whose theme is always love.
Because Capricorn and Saturn are now strong players – and because the light reflected by any Cancer Moon is always Capricorn light – chances are you’ll reap what you sowed at the December new Sagittarius Moon. In general it’s wise now to choose your perspective and actions especially carefully. Capricorn is exacting and unforgiving. And his signature “reaping-sowing” emphasis has recently become super-charged.
But it’s also true that if you push yourself to transcend old habits, apply more self-discipline, and hold yourself to higher standards you’ll reap rewards in equal measure.
And finally full Moon’s are about the nature of relationships. In every full Moon chart the Sun (masculine energy) opposes the Moon (feminine energy). A return to balance is activated.
Under this full Moon the Sun and Venus are closely aligned – separated by only two degrees. Balance, beauty, and the integration of love (self-love) as a motivating factor may give rise to a surge in self-confidence. The ability to focus the totality of your energy in a single direction – on a project you love maybe – heals you.
Within hours of the culmination of this full Moon, Uranus in Aries moves into direct motion. We’re on the verge of a breakthrough that’s been held back since early August of 2017. The pace of change increases. Rebellious, inventive urges are given the green light. Old habits are more easily thrown overboard. What was destroyed during the long Uranus/Pluto square (2011-2016) has set you free (in unprecedented ways) to initiate a major re-invention of yourself.
Over the next two weeks a strong spiritual “homing signal” leads you in the direction of your true spiritual path. It’s something you’re deeply familiar with but along the course of living your life, may have set aside. Something inside you fails to illicit the mindless urge to hang onto “what you’ve got and where you’re at.” Non-essentials fall away. (Moon trine Neptune within less than a degree).
Being free to pursue some stubborn individualistic vision could become high priority. A simple, “close to nature” existence may be actively sought. Finding the inspiration that reconnects you with your natural rhythm is easier under this full Moon.
For some there is a quest to uncover secret knowledge and the drive to unravel a mystery. Researchers are tuned in and mysteriously led. Developing a map for navigating the wild “interior world” to discover your original purpose may be part of the unfolding picture. (Mars in Scorpio squaring the nodes). Being able to see inner obstacles that block clairvoyant awareness may allow you to remove them. (full Moon trine Neptune within less than a degree).
The central challenge? To stay focused, to stay in your lane, to apply yourself in a direction that feels like the freer more authentic version of you. It’s actually not a “version.” It’s probably the real thing.
Lilith is standing by to undermine or empower you. She is the shadow or the support hanging over this full Moon chart and your life.
Deciding how she will influence you depends on whether or not you can release a compulsive tendency to control others and the general course of events.
“Fear run amuck” messes with the natural course of events. The need to control something other than yourself is a distraction and an energy drain you can’t afford this year. It interferes with a currently “ramped-up” natural process trying to set things in their highest order. Nature does know best.
Applying strict self-discipline and a hands-off approach to allow what’s in flux to arrange itself is an adventure you might need to experience. (Obviously there are exceptions. Common sense tells you you need to control a toddler, for example).
Examine where you need to have your way. Observe yourself carefully. Practice allowing others to go about tasks in their own way. Be ok with observing while not knowing where things are headed. Enjoy the feeling of not being responsible for everything. And use the energy you free up to enjoy how things, under this full Moon, seem to be unfolding beautifully.
Love this, Holly!! It feels exactly so!!
And thank you for your beautiful work!! It helps me stay centered and balanced with all that I juggle in my own life and with the wild world we’re living in right now.
Sending you gratitude and love and wishes for a wonderful New Year!!
Beth…Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, for your gratitude, love, and New Year’s wishes. Without you (and those who read what I write) there would be no reason for me to do what I love to do. I would do it anyway but it’s so uplifting to know that sometimes what I write helps. I think the real truth is that we keep each other centered 🙂 Much love and gratitude to you Beth.
Dear Holly,
I too would like to thank you so much for helping me along this path called life. You have helped me in times of trouble to be more grounded and think things trough and letting my intuition lead the way. Blessings to you in the New Year my dear. So very grateful for you Holly.
I promise you are so keyed in its kind of spooky….and wow what a year for me. Thank you for your help…the higher perspective helped me stay focused on what is real, the only thing real which is LOVE but for me this journey has taught me that love is really just about acceptance and understanding….there is a young singer Ke$ha who fought the juggernaut and came out with the most LILITH album her song “praying” is like a directive from God on how to rise above…its all so amazing and scary and miraculous. You my friend are gifted beyond your years xoxo.
Wow. This feels like it was written just for me.