New Moon in Sagittarius

26 degrees of Sagittarius New Moon Event – Sunday, Dec 17th at 10:30 PM PST and on Monday, Dec 18th at 1:30 AM EST

Since December of 2014 Saturn has expanded our minds and taken us on a wild ride through a world of ideas, opinions, and future possibilities – some uplifting and life enhancing, others horrifying and profoundly destabilizing – and a lot of stuff in-between. We’ve been tasked for a couple years with managing an onslaught of information, much of it conflicting, confusing, and suspect. In the emerging new world news can be real or fake, facts can be irrelevant, and the truth is a moving target.

Lost in translation and a maze of skewed perspectives, it’s became more important than ever to keep our own life story straight. It’s stabilizing to identify the common themes that weave their way through your life no matter how many times you’re uprooted and changed.

Identifying the driving desire that impels you to act and the truth you create for yourself when you’re finally able to clearly state what’s most meaningful to you enables you to aim for a specific target.

In this new Moon chart all roads lead back to Mars in Scorpio. Mars is the final dispositor. Action is not optional but it might all take place on deeply personal, private levels. Mars in Scorpio is investigative. He exposes truth and promotes healing at progressively deeper levels of awareness.

With Mars having the final say, what’s most meaningful to you might be reinforced or more clearly defined. A way to devote your life to what’s most meaningful to you may come in the form of an opportunity you can now recognize.

Mercury in retrograde motion may have you backtracking for several more days as you fill in the blanks, maybe reverse course, wonder if what you truly desire has evolved into something new, and maybe remember some cherished dream still waiting to be realized.

At the moment your aim may be slightly off. But over the next two weeks as the pieces of puzzle begin to quickly fall into place, your eyes narrow in a direction that feels deeply sourced and right for you. It’s probably not the easy option. It’s probably the hard one.

Venus’s influence over this new Moon is strong. The information you need is easily accessible.

I’m being presumptuous but basically these are the choices you have. You can tune into channel one or channel two.

Playing on channel one is information that will give you the opportunity to know more about the depth of the darkness underlying worldly affairs. You’re already familiar with some of the nefarious main characters. They’re compelling and unpredictable. You’ve seen enough to know that all is not as it seems and that the fabric of what you once relied on for support is being seriously undermined. But if you stay tuned to the mystery even more will be revealed.

Admittedly the ongoing dark saga is intriguing. There is no shortage of “edge of your seat” drama. The unfolding story draws you in. A steady drumbeat of new information and the extent of the inhumane, amoral, violence, and corruption will shock and maybe traumatize you.

But the neurotransmitter surge might keep you going back for more. It’s very addictive. On primal levels it may feel satisfying and strangely productive to discover what dangerous scoundrels have been up to at your expense. You may feel more powerful under the illusion of being “in the know.”

The treacherous part for you (and the ultimate draw) is the temptation to save yourself the trouble of transmuting your own darkness by simply projecting it onto slimy, underworld dwellers who’ll use it to fuel their evil deeds.

And then there’s channel 2.

This channel broadcasts to you the the information you actually need to feel firmly grounded and supported in your own life. The broadcast is coming from the Galactic Core – the 26th-27th degree of Sagittarius – in the form of timeless wisdom. In the words of Zane Stein “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive grey matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.” – Zane Stein.

Because this new Moon is situated at the 26th degree of Sagittarius, directly over the Galactic core, the broadcast on channel 2 is coming through especially loud and clear. You just have to stay tuned in and receptive.

It seems easier to listen to channel two when you arrange for some quiet alone time in a place that feels soothing and nourishing to you.

The shadow looming over this new Moon chart (Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn) is an unconscious fear of a lack of recognition. This fear, when unacknowledged, reflects what Steven Forrest describes as “the beer can next to the compass” effect. Metal cans distort “compass readings” and can throw your decisions and your life off course. Your fear could have you sailing in the wrong direction, away from your “true north” and what’s most meaningful for you.

Black Moon Lillith in Capricorn manifests as a need to control the course of events. If you haven’t learned how to give yourself the recognition you deserve you could be in danger of taking on projects and careers that don’t feel meaningful in exchange for the promise of public admiration and recognition. Opportunities that promise an elevated position within some hierarchical structure might be especially tempting. A shadow influence like Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn can further confuse and destabilize.

The past two years have been an information gathering, mind expanding (or limiting), experimental time. Because Uranus aligns in a supportive trine with this new Moon, chances are what you were courageous enough to consider or experiment with will come around to connecting you with the truth.

After 22 weeks in retrograde motion on January 1st Uranus turns direct. Expect important pieces of the puzzle to suddenly fall into place and a flash of insight or synchronous event on New Years Day to be the green light you’ve been waiting for.

Mentally you may feel exhausted and confused. But over the next two weeks you’re likely to see clear outlines of a new, more adventurous direction. When the amount of work it will take to manifest future dreams sinks in you might want to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head. The good news is that a little clarification frees up lots of energy. You can do this.


  1. J Lotus:

    I want to thank you so much Holly. You are usually right on point and your horoscopes come at the ideal time for me.

    • Admin:

      I’m so glad. This week we’ll definitely feel the shift. For anyone willing to work hard and stay focused the next three years will be a really productive time. Thanks so much for your comment JLotus. Holly

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