Scorpio Full Moon May 14, 2014

Full Moon in Scorpio at 23 degrees 55 minutes of Scorpio, Wednesday, May 14th at 12:16 PM PDT & 3:16 PM EDT

This full Moon appears to reflect efforts we’ve made since February to come to some kind of an agreement or compromise regarding intimacy, trust, cooperation, and the balance of power in relationships. Most likely this involves money, resources, an accomplishment, or culmination of some kind. And very likely it entails letting go of some fear, anger and resentment.

Since February you may have noticed a progression of the tactics used to resolve relationship difficulties. Fueled by anger and impatience, initial strategies may have reflected a manipulative and tyrannical approach to gaining the upper hand, winning the argument, or protecting what was “rightfully” yours. “Brainwashing” or emotionally torturing ourselves or another in efforts to change the situation, may have been involved. We may have gotten stuck here or moved on to try something different.

We may have decided that our approach wasn’t working and that we needed to come to some resolution. Maybe we let up on others and decided to become a victim instead, concluding that what we most desired (some kind of balanced and deep satisfaction within relationships) wasn’t ever going to happen. And maybe we’re stuck here, or maybe we’ve moved on.

It’s possible that we may have decided to look in the mirror. Maybe we got “religion,” more honest with ourselves, or made some significant change that opened us to a new world of possibilities. Maybe we were able to let go of some rigidity, to become more flexible, work through old fears or just let it go. Maybe there was an event that broke the ice and put things into perspective. Maybe we just got tired of enacting the same old, outmoded, ineffective and destructive patterns.

And then maybe we felt grateful or inspired … and inspiring in the process. We changed, which necessarily, according to universal law, required “the other” to change, or the overall situation to change.

At this full Moon, in transformational Scorpio, we see the results of our transformation, partial transformation, or refusal to be transformed, reflected back to us in the form of our life circumstances. This is the harvest, what we’ve sown, the threshold we pass through to get on with our life. Maybe it looks new and exciting, and maybe it looks the same. Maybe it feels even more frustrating, but over the next couple weeks, ready or not, we clear the way for some kind of new beginning.

Now is the time to seek out the kind of inspiration that moves us toward refinement of personal excellence and to the development of our own brand of genius. “A Great Musician at his Piano” is the Sabian symbol for Mercury, the message and the messenger. In this full Moon chart, Mercury appears to be asking us to identify the personal talent that, if developed, would bring us creative fulfillment and the ability to inspire others with our story. Self discipline and determination are intricately involved.

The Sun and Full Moon symbols appear to echo and emphasize this sentiment. Additionally the Moon, Chiron, Saturn, and Jupiter align in a beautiful grand trine configuration that overlays the full Moon chart. (See the chart below). Grand trines, where each of at least three planets lie 120 degrees away from each other to form a triangle are, in and of themselves, symbols of talents and gifts that can be fluidly manifested with self-discipline and determination.

Chiron’s involvement alludes to healing and mentoring, Jupiter’s to breaking us free of emotional chains that bind. The Moon and Saturn to transformation, inspiration, and the ability of the spoken word to move one to action.

Saturn points to the challenge. His symbol, “A Woman Drawing Two Dark Curtains Aside” alludes to a “piercing of the veil” or an investigation into the unknown. Daring to face something that’s been safely hidden with a sense of adventure, moving forward, being inquisitive, and a refusal to be conquered by fear, is required.

A Scorpio full Moon gives us rare access to what lies beneath the surface of consciousness. Often what lies beneath is the material capable of undermining our best laid plans and intentions. The gift this full Moon brings is the opportunity to access and release old toxic emotions that steal joy and drive us in the opposite direction of where we want to go.

Finding some quiet time, slowing and clearing the mind, and signaling to the universe, in the clearest way we know, that we’re ready to release undermining influences and to move forward in the direction of what we most desire is the opportunity.

A nod to Venus, in the form of immersing ourselves in creating something something we love, is always helpful.


  1. Michele Wright:

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