Happy Birthday! Happy First Day of Your PersonalNew Year!
Solar Return Charts are calculated for your birthday based on the time the Sun returns to its exact natal position and your geographical location on your birthday. It’s the first day of your personal New Year and it usually feels that way.
It’s a time when people look back over the previous year and consider where to go from here. The Solar Return Chart defines for you the upcoming year and its specific focus, challenges, and opportunities. A Solar Return gives you the foresight to be able to plan wisely and to take full advantage of the gifts the year will offer.
It’s best to schedule this reading a month prior to your birthday (when you begin to feel the energy your new year will bring) or a month after. The day of your birthday or close to it is optimal. These make great gifts.
In person sessions are available through my office in San Juan Capistrano, California. Skype or phone sessions can be scheduled from anywhere in the world.
Once you have ordered the consult I will contact you for the information I need to get started.
Solar Return Chart – Birthday Reading
Happy Birthday! Happy First Day of Your Personal New Year!
Solar Return Charts are calculated for your birthday based on the time the Sun returns to its exact natal position and your geographical location on your birthday. It’s the first day of your personal New Year and it usually feels that way.
It’s a time when people look back over the previous year and consider where to go from here. The Solar Return Chart defines for you the upcoming year and its specific focus, challenges, and opportunities. A Solar Return gives you the foresight to be able to plan wisely and to take full advantage of the gifts the year will offer.
It’s best to schedule this reading a month prior to your birthday (when you begin to feel the energy your new year will bring) or a month after. The day of your birthday or close to it is optimal. These make great gifts.
In person sessions are available through my office in San Juan Capistrano, California. Skype or phone sessions can be scheduled from anywhere in the world.
Once you have ordered the consult I will contact you for the information I need to get started.
Sessions last 1 hr. The cost is 210.00
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