Category: Uncategorized

Taurus Full Moon Today at 4:15 AM EST and 7:15 AM PST

The Taurus Full Moon culminates today at a time when Saturn transits through its opposing sign, Scorpio.  You could say that Saturn has “taken up residence” in the sign of Scorpio as its current stay extends from October of 2012 […] 

Scorpio New Moon and Solar Eclipse Sunday November 3, 2013 4:50 AM PST & 7:50 AM EST

(Eclipse Chart Posted at the bottom of the page) Despite the heaviness and complexity typically associated with Scorpionic energy, this eclipse chart seems to suggest movement toward a lightness of touch, psychic sensitivity, insight, and effervescence.  A truly fortunate infusion […] 

Aries Full Moon Eclipse October 18, 2013 4:38 PM PDT & 7:38 PM EDT

Lunar eclipses break deadlocks, reset and reroute energy channels, and change forever habitual behavior and emotional patterns. Eclipses are powerful interrupters of the status quo. They stop us in our tracks and prevent us from progressing further along some promising […] 

Pisces Full Moon Sept.19, 2013 at 4:13 AM PDT & 7:13 AM EDT

Any full moon is a time of harvesting what we’ve sown, celebrating, appreciating, or feeling disappointed based on what we receive and what we were expecting to receive. A full moon marks the end of a cycle that contains the […] 

New Moon in Leo at 14 Degrees August 6th, 2013 at 2:51 PM PDT & 5:51 PM EDT

Today we observe the new Moon in Leo, a time when what makes us happy takes on a new level of importance, particularly as we consider where we’re headed.  Our vision for the future, the extent to which current actions […] 

The Gemini New Moon Influence

It may be time for a major change in perspective, a move to higher ground, different circumstances, a break from familiar surroundings, a new scene altogether. The wisdom of Gemini is “lightness of touch.”  Naturally inclined to broaden rather than deepen […] 

Sagittarian Full Moon with Partial Eclipse; May 24th 9:24 PM PDT and May 25th 12:24 AM EDT

This week we experience the third of seven exact Pluto/Uranus squares (over a three year period) as well as the Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse.  The Sun transited into the sign of sparkly Gemini after a month through the practical, but often […] 

Solar Eclipse in Taurus 19 degrees 31′ May 9th 5:28 PM PDT and 8:28 PM EDT

MOSAIC –  DAVID CHIDGEY The Solar eclipse on Thursday falls in the sign of Taurus at 19 degrees 31 minutes.  Chances are we are already feeling its effects. A brief review of the effects of solar eclipses reminds us that, […] 


Princess Diana, her son Will and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge  are all archetypes as well as individuals. In other words, the Universe projects it own dreams, hopes and mysticism onto all three. Note also that Diana, William […] 

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

This Full Moon in Scorpio is accompanied by an Eclipse which always intensifies it’s effects.  The Full Moon culminates on April 25th at 12:58 PM PDT and 3:58 PM EDT.  Depending on where in your chart this eclipse falls will […]