Aquarius Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes for the Week of 8/2 – 8/8

(Mosaic Art – Martine Blanchard)

Something unexpected brought on by the Aquarius new Moon of January 28th, 2017 was clarifying. Quickly unfolding events at that time may have undermined a reality you had grown accustomed to. Stark clarifications began to uproot old paradigms. The big picture was suddenly foreign and disorienting leaving you feeling less “in control” than you’d previously been. Old illusions were hard to sustain. Feelings were complicated. You may have felt pressured to find new answers, or to draw a line in the sand.

But it’s all very hopeful now. Jupiter trines this eclipse. If anything negative appears to be coalescing it tends to unfold in a way that not nearly as bad as you imagined – and most likely, in the end, advantageous.

The Sabian symbol for that January 2017 Aquarian new Moon – “As a lightening bolt pierces the sky, an eagle dives down upon a snake hidden in the grass.” This had to do with both public and personal power politics. The emergence of something you thought was gone forever may have initially felt promising. But something resembling a pivotal betrayal may have followed. The “snake hidden in the grass” may have escaped your attention. This symbol implies playing to win, dealing with predatory behavior, and deciding whether you will be pushed into a corner or push back.

Politically that was the week after the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. But something personally significant may have been unfolding simultaneously portending the shape of things to come. If you were pushed into a corner, afraid to let go, or indecisive, under this Aquarian Lunar Eclipse, the outline of something much different is emerging. The outlines of a “new you” are coming into sharper focus.

The impending Lunar Eclipse occurs at 15 degrees of Aquarius 25′ occurs on Monday, August 7th, aT 11:11 AM PDT & 2:11 PM EDT.

Uranus, the modern ruler of all things Aquarian, moves into retrograde motion tonight, August 2nd, at 10:31 PM PDT. Uranus retrogrades at 28 degrees of Aries. This degree implies an intuitive sense of knowing the right time to act. It also implies the need to update your game and to move in the direction of something more courageous, cutting edge, and personally relevant.

Uranus enlightens inner landscapes. Something you were vaguely aware of, trying to ignore, or pretending didn’t exist may be highlighted. An old wound that’s distorted your path for too long may be ripe for healing. Keep in mind that under the influence of Aquarius, healing can be instantaneous. Something that once felt too complicated to define let alone resolve, may be simplified. On an emotional and karmic level, the motivation to sustain an old painful struggle may be fading. Time to let go. The inner struggle you thought was not optional actually is.

This eclipse essentially gives you the freedom to hit your target (what you’re longing for) with great precision.

A relationship (or relationship dynamic) that has been severely tested over the past 10 months may be coming to a close. Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn are squaring off for the third and last time. You’ve taken this as far as it can go. Sustaining the current status quo may feel exhausting and meaningless.

Another expression of Jupiter/Pluto is that it tends to ignite ambition, motivation, and a heart-felt personal agenda. Jupiter/Pluto can be vastly empowering. In this case the third hit between them may be the charm. Repositioning yourself back to your creative center is the potential gift of this eclipse season.

This Aquarian Lunar eclipse may trigger a pivotal personal or professional re-invention. Something you’ve decided to release, the end of an era, or the end of an “old trip” awakens new passions, an original idea, old dreams, expanding awareness, courage, and the determination and confidence to embrace the role you were born to play.

In preparation for the Leo Solar Eclipse, most important is a willingness to identify what needs to be eliminated from your social life. Hanging out with comfortable, cultural throwbacks – supporters of the status quo or whiners who have no interest in advancing humanity or risking rejection – may derail you.

Innovative groups, the like minded, the courageous and passionatley-driven, reflect your evolving inner self. They have the means to be members of your tribe. If you encounter a place where the free exchange of “too crazy-too much-too soon” ideas seem to be taking hold, pay attention. The pace of life continues to accelerate. What you’re driven to introduce has a good chance of being supported, absorbed into the mainstream, and culturally transformative.

Those who have been previously silenced have a good chance of benefitting from the chaos Aquarius can create. If there is upheaval it may be a great opportunity to elevate your position and strengthen your influence.

I will attempt to personalize this week’s eclipse for each sign.

Thanks for reading 🙂

As always,

Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano, CA.

ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Aquarius is your kind of influence, Aries. He’s known for lightening fast change. Your impatient side loves that. Whatever the current pace of your personal reinvention project, expect it to accelerate – maybe dramatically. Pay attention. Something or someone new steps across your path. They may be instrumental in advancing your ideas and goals. There is a lot at stake at the moment. Ending a relationship may be difficult. But moving forward without some pain may be unrealistic. Hard decisions are a given. If you can stand still and be quiet for a moment you will notice that courage and inner strength seems to be in better supply they’ve been for a long time – maybe ever. Don’t assume that because you were once unable to fully implement your agenda the same scenario is likely to unfold. You’ve changed. But you may still be in limbo or “on the fence” about fully releasing the past and moving forward. Dealing head on with family and finances clears the way for you to advance in the direction you most want to go.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The strenuous break down of old concrete foundations is setting you free. It’s a process that hasn’t been easy or quick. But it’s fueling a radical re-invention of yourself. You’re on the cusp of moving things to the next level. More independence and time for yourself may be mandatory. Your ideas for yourself and the world are cutting edge and they have all the makings of a new career, life direction, or calling – especially if your birthday falls between May 1st and May 11th. Most significant may be the influence of your mom, your family, and what you communicate emotionally – maybe without speaking a word. Letting go of an old, complicated, emotional connection to the past seems to be the best option. Release something that’s been set in stone for a long time makes all the difference between continuing the exhausting struggle and freeing up energy to recenter yourself around love and your creative passion.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Big changes are in store for Gemini. Those center around how you communicate, what you communicate, your daily routine, and possibly an entirely new project or career focus. Letting something go puts you closer in touch with your real potential and designated role in the world. The changing nature of your foundation (home and family) makes room for a more passionate and efficient approach to developing ideas and cutting-edge solutions. Making room for uninterrupted blocks of creative playtime is essential. An old frustrating paradigm is being undermined. Cleaning up your social life seems timely. Think quality not quantity. Letting go of an old financial struggle opens doors to a new creative life. For your own sake – and the sake of humanity (not to overstate:)) – the unfolding developments are very fortunate. Expect an acceleration of progress in a direction that feels more right than anything you’ve previously experienced.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
For Cancer major adjustments may be in play. An old paradigm may have been quickly and maybe joyfully uprooted. “Now where?” may be the question. There are loose ends that need to be tied up. An entirely new foundation may need to be set in place. Most likely that involves cooperation, an agreement, another’s life, and something strong and reliable to support your unfolding, evolving vision. The current action may be in your 10th house of your career and life direction. You may not yet be in a settled place. In fact, over the next 6 months you may be taken deeper into yourself to discover and uncover your most unique gifts, talents, and unusual leadership style. Many unknowns remain. In the meantime practical consideration must be attended to. Whatever you put in place now make sure it can accommodate the independence you’ll need to lead yourself (and humanity) in a new direction.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
There is something you’re outgrowing though you may be only vaguely aware that what once fully engaged you no longer does. A partner or client may be the catalyst that moves you into a new life. You may be on the cusp of something very exciting. A big change may be on the horizon. Your current focus may be on the unsettled nature of your future – foreign travel, higher education, your most important relationships, and your social life. Things will seem up in the air for about another six months. Someone may make a sudden entrance or exit. In the meantime as Mercury retrogrades (Aug 12th-Sep 4th) more communication may be necessary. Unanswered questions need to be answered. A better foundation for some much needed change needs to be set in place. Revision and review, training and investment, and maybe the financial details need more reconsideration. But time is on your side.

Virgo (August 21 – Sep 21)
Mercury, your ruling planet, recently entered the sign of Virgo and is headed for a conjunction with Vesta, the asteroid of passion. Vesta keeps the fires burning in the hearth. She prevents you from becoming a member of the walking dead (the lights are on but nobody’s home) by igniting a spark within that keeps your heart warm and you fully engaged with your life. Most likely an exciting idea with lots of potential – or a new approach to life – has sparked something vital and connecting deep within. The Aquarian eclipse in your 6th house opens the door to a new job, better health, and responsibilities that seem more aligned with the longings of your heart and soul.
Uranus changes into retrograde motion in your powerful 8th house. A total transformation of your life is almost complete. Over the next week and over the next 6 months you’ll be filling in the blanks, completely the steps you missed, and inventing new ways to wield your healing powers.

LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
Repairs, revisions, and second thoughts can be put on hold until next week. For now the coast is clear and you can forge ahead with little interference. Jupiter in your 1st solar house is optimistic. Others feel uplifted in your presence and tend to want to be unusually generous toward you. It may all feel very refreshing as you’re given the green light to expand in whatever direction feels most enjoyable. For your children and your love life this may be an especially fortuitous time. But you may have taken your social life as far as it can go under current conditions. A reset or overhaul may be in order first. Then think about inviting in only the most fun-loving, playful,creatively alive, unusual, brainy types. They’re the most accurate reflections of you and your potential staunchest allies.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This can be a dramatic period of development within your professional life. Something highly inventive and unusual may spring from a foundation that’s already been laid and set in place. You may have some unusual know-how that greases the skids in whatever direction you want your life to go. One door opens and another closes. New methods may spring from some deeply sourced “well of genius.” There may be something enlightening and connecting that infuses your responsibilities with new meaning. You may be on track to become famous in your own right. You may be headed for some backtracking over your social life – a clean up operation or elimination of something inefficient and maybe unhealthy is in order. I would say a complete transformation of the part of yourself that decides who to invite into your life and who to eliminate is on the horizon. Whiny victims of love and “love lost” may be in danger of losing membership in your tribe. Don’t do anything yet, though. They may decide under the eclipse to reform themselves over the next few weeks.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Your state of mind may be catalyzed by this Aquarian eclipse in ways that jolt you into something very refreshing and maybe exciting. Things may really begin to open up for you. Leo Aquarius, and Sagittarius are great cosmic friends. The momentum you’ll feel is partly a gift from them but mostly a well deserved reward. The door is slamming on an old mindset that kept you emotionally restricted. Now the world opens up to you. Any form of expressive rebellion works in your favor. Your cosmic Aquarian friend lives for that. And Leo wants you to be in love – with life, with yourself, and with whoever is most capable of fully appreciating and loving you back. This is the best chance ever to fully connect with the love you have have for yourself. Something you’ve missed about the most lovable parts of you is about to be highlighted at a time when you least expect it. Your about to meet your future and it looks good.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
It is time to re-invent yourself, to update your life, and to move onto a new, more unusual track that feels more reflective of the “you” you’ve become. It’s time for more freedom. You’ve been acquainting yourself with the more hidden and mysterious parts of you and your perspective is broader than it used to be. Now that you’re more mindful of your inner richness than you were a couple years ago, you may feel motivated to try something new that encourages you to call on newly discovered talents. Who knew you were as worldly, adventurous, optimistic, and cutting edge as you actually are? Maybe everybody except you. So the Aquarius eclipse fuels you with good ideas – maybe ingenious money-making ideas. The inventive part of your brain is kicking into high gear. Take advantage of it. Leave the details alone for now. Mercury will retrograde next week. There’ll be plenty of time for backtracking and being more realistic about what is required.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
An Aquarian mind can be wildly chaotic, swinging from one extreme to another, while lightening bolts of information stun the nervous system, and maybe exhaust you in the process. Under an Aquarian eclipse that can intensify – but it’s unlikely this time. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, will move into retrograde motion tonight. That will focus you like a laser on what’s most relevant, the central piece of the puzzle that must be in place before a resolution or plan can be set in motion. Precision, streamlining, cutting to the chase, helps you to clarify priorities, interests, and involvements. What’s of most value may finally be understood. Your soul directs the circumstances you see coalescing before your eyes. Experiences that come your way symbolize or reflect your soul in a very direct way. You may be confused, but more likely you’ll feel that things are finally moving on track. A deeper part of yourself will begin to resonate with your actual life. It’s time for something new.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Pisces feels the newness taking hold before most. No matter how stunning and sudden the changes in progress, Pisces is not really surprised. She recognizes the progression and slow unfolding of something she’s known for awhile and had time to get used to. A pretty radical departure may be coalescing. To you it may seem “about time.” In fact you may have been waiting for this your entire life. To your partner, if there is one, there may be cause for concern or at least some reconsideration. But this is a make or break moment. Whatever reservations you may have had – whatever fears or misgivings – the eclipse is likely to zap those into a different, maybe less distorted, healthier form. Fear may no longer be part of the equation as the eclipse energy takes hold. A fierce determination may replace what was once unsettling and unclear. New more efficient methods for making your life the best it can possibly be may be available. Creating a masterpiece of your life may be more possible than it’s ever been.

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