Capricorn Full Moon July 19th

(Mosaic Art – Kathy Thaden)

(Capricorn Full Moon Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 3:57 PM PDT & 6:57 EDT)

This full Moon is part of a family of Moons born in January of 2015. The defining event on January 7th was the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. It was a blow to humanity, free speech, and the assumption that you will be safe – in the workplace or anywhere.

The Sabian symbol for the Cancer Sun, now providing the light and energy for this full Moon is “A Storm in the Canyon” – an intensification, sharp awakening, and realization of what is most valued. There is the suggestion of a cleansing catharsis that clarifies as it makes room for something new and different.

Leading up to this full Moon in Capricorn have been a series of shocking and violent events in quick succession. There’s been no time between events for healing and recovery. In light of all that’s happened I was struck by the U.S. secretary of States assertion that we’re winning (the war on terror). Even if that’s tactically true (how would I know) the mindset that frames the painful losses of the past week in terms of winning or losing seems a big part of the problem.

But a Capricorn Moon really wants to win, mostly because they’re desperately afraid of losing. One of their “best” strategies is to suppress all feeling while operating exclusively in the world of thought. Manufacturing that schism seems efficient in terms of a single minded approach to the step by step problem solving involved in achieving goals. That’s the danger of a Capricorn Moon.

Somewhere between allowing emotions to run the show (Cancer’s weakness) and rigidly controlling them (Capricorn) is a higher middle ground. A higher level of mastery of the mind over fear and powerlessness seems to be reaching a point of critical mass.

Uranus in Aries currently sits at a right angle to both the Sun and Moon (a t-square) challenging their fundamental weaknesses. Uranus in Aries can represent an enlightened way of dealing with fear and the violent influence necessary to prime the masses for a new approach. If a wake-up call is needed to break the “sustained incoherence” there is no more efficient and effective astrological influence than Uranus.

The Nobel Laureate David Bohm coined the phrase “sustained incoherence.” He describes it as a general, agreed upon assumption about “thought” – it’s just telling you the way things are and it’s not actually “doing” anything. You are the one deciding what to do with the information thoughts give you. But you don’t actually decide. Thoughts control you while giving you the impression that you’re in charge. Thought creates divisions out of itself and then implies that those divisions are there naturally. Thought doesn’t know that its creating something and then it struggles against what it’s creating. It doesn’t want you to know that it operates that way. Thought struggles against the results it creates trying to avoid the often horrific outcomes that emerge.

In this full Moon chart all roads lead back to Ceres at 0 degrees of Taurus. Astrologically it’s called the “final depositor” of the chart. Ceres is an asteroid and “final dispositor” status is reserved for planets only, but in this case, in the spirit of Uranus, I’m breaking that rule.

Ceres is nourishment. It’s what feeds us – what feeds our soul. Taurus is an easy, instinctive, rhythmic alignment with the way things are. Picture a baby duck bonding to the first thing that moves – usually its mother. Ducks do what comes naturally and their world is peaceful and in order. There is a calmness and assurance in their approach to life based on alignment with themselves and with the genius of the world’s design. (The Karmic Sabian Symbol for 0 degrees of Taurus is “A Duck Pond and its Brood”)

Once we thought it was flat and that if we sailed too far in one direction we would fall off the edge. Now our thoughts divide the world into two sections – light and dark, pure goodness and pure evil. The schism between the two and maintaining that schism seems to be the defining dynamic. It sounds “cold war-ish” (Capricorn) – an outdated conclusion that represents clinging to the past (Cancer).

Now there is scientific and mathematical evidence of a world interconnected – a holographic design where the smaller design of every layer or subset (every person) exactly replicates the overall design. Aligning with your individual instinctive genius aligns you peacefully with the world. The higher order is simply consciousness that filters its light into wavelike form. Consciousness is all things. Light is both the medium and the message. At the sub atomic level all points in space are essentially the same. Nothing is actually separate. Rationally speaking you can’t neutralize or harm another without harming yourself. How many times do we have to prove that to ourselves?

So the schism is an outdated illusion based on outdated information. Interestingly on June 6th the Venus Star Point – the symbol of holographic design – entered the sign of Gemini at 16 degrees. It’s Karmic Sabian Symbol “A Haranguing Suffragist” is one of ending discrimination and separatism in whatever form they appear.

Uranus has no patience for anything outdated. He’ll burn down the whole house to promote progress if that’s what it takes. Next time someone suggests that war is the answer don’t go. Envision the baby duck peacefully doing his thing. Deliberately beam the light of your consciousness in the direction of your supposed “enemy” as you rebel against the illusion of separateness, fear, and powerlessness.

It is I who must begin.

Once I begin, once I try —

here and now,

right where I am,

not excusing myself

by saying things

would be easier elsewhere,

without grand speeches and

ostentatious gestures,

but all the more persistently

— to live in harmony

with the “voice of Being,” as I

understand it within myself

— as soon as I begin that,

I suddenly discover,

to my surprise, that

I am neither the only one,

nor the first,

nor the most important one

to have set out

upon that road.

Whether all is really lost

or not depends entirely on

whether or not I am lost.

~ Václav Havel ~

Capricorn Full Moon


  1. Allyson :o):

    I love this (esp. the last sentence):

    “… where the smaller design of every layer or subset (every person) exactly replicates the overall design. Aligning with your individual instinctive genius aligns you peacefully with the world. The higher order is simply consciousness that filters its light into wavelike form. Consciousness is all things. Light is both the medium and the message. At the sub atomic level all points in space are essentially the same. Nothing is actually separate. Rationally speaking you can’t neutralize or harm another without harming yourself.”

    (Hi Holly!) xoxoA

  2. Peg OD:

    Great commentary on the times.

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