Astrology is the study of cycle within cycles. This week we have come to the close of an important one that began on April 10, 2013. It was the first new Moon of that year and therefore a highly significant new beginning. Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote about that new Moon then:
The Sabian symbol for this first new Moon of the year is “a prize fighter.” This is not the month, or the year, for playing it safe and allowing old wounds to keep you subdued. Anger may surface to fuel your actions. It may be time to get impatient with how confined you’ve been, either by outer opposition or, more likely, by your own limiting beliefs, self-doubt and fear. Throwing yourself into the middle of the action, wherever that is, defending your position, and refusing to lose is the message of this fiery first Moon of the year – and this new Moon has lots of support. (You can access the short article here.)
Coming to an end is some major uncertainty and angst within relationships that was “in play” at that time. The field has been blown wide open as Uranus now aligns exactly with that 2013 New Moon degree. The fight is finally over, and you’re “leaving the building,” on your way to some new and different place that feels much more expansive and less confining.
Mercury changes signs today, from multi-tasking, socially active Gemini into the watery, sensitive sign of Cancer. Now it’s time to reflect on the past, to connect with the more solid foundation resting beneath you, and to generate ideas related to the care and feeding of yourself.
A week from now a new Moon at 23 degrees of Cancer has the potential to move the boundaries of your reality further out. My friend Kristen (dream interpreter extraordinaire) brought my attention to Chariklo, the ringed minor planet, now transiting through the last, and therefore most intense, final degree of Sagittarius. Chariklo signifies, more than anything else, a refusal to acknowledge limitation. If your role in relationships has been limited by “over- policing” your most natural way of being, by fear, and what your mind has been conditioned to accept, Uranus has already blown that apart. The space created is more expansive than all your previous definitions. It’s time to step out and explore how much freer you are to move around and to acknowledge how revitalizing that feels to your soul. It’s time to get used to more inner freedom. It’s time to sow the seed of some previously impossible new way of being.
“Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights, begin.” -Herman Hesse
Have a great week,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The decks have been cleared for you to be whatever you want to be. It’s bigger than it was two years ago – way bigger. What is your updated vision for yourself and what you’ve been freed to be? Mostly its time to think about your newly unleashed potential in terms of taking on an authoritative leadership role in the world. What is your area of expertise and what kind of a foundation do you need to support its further development. Whatever you do, you will be a pioneer and you will be the leader and you home and family will thrive. It is possible that you used to believe you could have one but not both. But, in the words of Herman Hesse, you can now move “beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists…,”
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Taurus has almost been set free of some invisible attachment that kept them feeling heavy and limited. If you have been cooperative and wise, you’ve been immersing yourself in the universal flow over the past 2 years and have actively worked to detach yourself from what you’d outgrown. A sign that you’ve been working in the right direction would be a recent diminishment of anxiety and a lighter, happier approach to life. As Mercury moves into your 3rd solar house it is time to use your imagination to update your vision of what is possible for you. This has greatly expanded since April of 2013. As you sow new seeds at this impending new Moon it helps to define what you’d love to manifest. The soil is now fertile enough to support something deeply rooted and dramatically beautiful.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
For Gemini there is the awareness of the importance of merging your work with anothers’ as you move into the future. It is likely that you know yourself well, that you have freed yourself in some way from the tyranny of group associations, friends, and supposed allies who did not (or could not) contribute the kind of strength, practical know-how, and business sense that could help you channel your sensitivity productively. Now you may be moving into a new sphere where those types abound. They will benefit as much from you as you will from them. Who are they? How do you recognize them, and how do you create some kind of “give and take” that works spectacularly well for both of you. There is new opportunity to seed something you will love with another. If they aren’t within your sphere yet, imagine them into being over the next two weeks.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
In terms of clarity, Cancer has been wandering around in the wilderness for awhile. Old ideas, mindsets, beliefs, and conclusions developed over the past year have been dissolving. Something has ended that leaves room for a new beginning. The uncertainty of your life direction or some home/family preoccupation may no longer be “in play.” Where to go from here? The impending new Moon sets the stage for your next yearly cycle. What’s most important is that you now begin to focus on what you want in your life rather than what you want to be free of. Now that the field is wide open, ready to be sown only with only those that will grow into what you love most, what are you planting? This week is a good time to clarify what you love and what you want your life to look like this time next year. Entertain only the very best case scenarios. Your potential has never been this free to manifest.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
Some uncertainty involving your future has been taken off the table. Whatever kept worry a necessity since April of 2013 is no longer an issue. It’s time for a rest – less effort, less stress, no agenda, no deadlines, a relaxing vacation, a sigh of relief, a reconnection with your soul. Notice how that feels. Can you do it? Can others let you do it? You must, and they have to. To the extent that you are able to “wind down” for the next two weeks will determine the quality of the next year for you. From now until July 23rd, wandering around aimlessly is advised. The impending new Moon changes the matrix of your subconscious mind. If you’ve ever felt yourself limited by being unable to control the direction of your life in some specific way that will change. You are being set free in many ways. All that’s needed is some relaxation.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
A break from some old psychological conditioning, time-consuming partnerships, or power struggles have blown things wide open for you. Previous fears and distractions that kept you from nourishing your soul and from giving yourself, free of guilt, what you most crave, are dissolving. Your playground has just turned into a more expansive place. More playground equipment, more room to run, and new places to explore. Reconnecting with friends and lovers, friends who are lovers, lovers who are friends, and a new kind of friendliness toward the part of you that remembers how to play and to enjoy life is likely. It is possible that you will soon sow the seed of some new association, some new role within friendships, and a greater capacity to receive love, even when it’s not presented in “perfect” form.
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
Some previous uncertainty involving your life direction has been blown apart. You are now standing on more solid ground in a better position to sow the seeds of something new. Some upheaval over the past couple years involving your most significant relationships is settling down. Wild extremes of behavior on the part of children, lovers, or partners is waning, and now you may feel yourself rejecting old definitions of yourself and your role. That is wise. Your reality has changed. Unfolding may be an awareness of your need for something more soul satisfying within the realm of your career and your life’s work. This week is a perfect time to communicate that to the powers that be, to make a request, and to sow the seeds of something that feels more nurturing to the person you’ve become.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
I have written about this in the past, but for Scorpios benefit and the applicable astrological omens, it seems worth repeating. The secret to manifestation is to clearly focus on what it is you would like to bring into being. It is necessary to define it in a detailed way, to feel what it would feel like to have it already, to taste, hear, smell, and see the circumstances surrounding you when whatever you’re longing for has materialized. It is necessary that you focus for about 15 minutes on envisioning exactly what you desire. And then you let it go. You don’t give yourself time or permission to become attached to what you want. You move on with your life, purging what no longer serves you and feeling grateful for what does. You do not micromanage the powers of the universe. You trust them to do their part.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Sagittarians ability to transmute and transform is kicking into high gear this week. There is magic in your ability to push others (and yourself) into more expansive territory – all while laughing and making it seem fun. Awakened within Sagittarius this week is a recognition that the power flowing in your direction now is a rare gift capable of pulling the rug out from under years of distorted psychological conditioning and limitation. In fact, that is the process in progress that leaves some previously locked door wide open. This is the end of a long road full of roadblocks that left you lost on some strange detours. All that’s left is the power to sow the seeds of some new beginning that allows you to do exactly what you want to do and to be exactly who you want to be.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Relationships are highlighted now for Capricorn and recently you may have been faced with the awareness that things have changed. You are now free to expand your definition of who you are but who are you? Without previous limitations in place, without old responsibilities, problems, and fears, who are you? Capricorns can feel more secure in a contracted, fearful state. But the field has been blasted wide open. You’re in alien territory now and your role may have changed. Fortunately you’ll be receiving lots of information about your new role, who you are, and how to cooperate within your new circumstances. You may be surprised to see reflected back to you in the form of another flexible and willingness to continually adjust to change to stay balanced within yourself and within your relationships.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
This week is extraordinary for problem-solving. Pieces of the puzzle come together in ways that have previously eluded you. What has persisted for over two years as a dilemma you could not reconcile, or a fear that chronically overwhelmed and sucked the joy out of your life, is dissolving. Adjustments are in order. What do you do now that your mind is becoming less limited and freer to focus on something new? The universe is answering that question for you. It’s time to sow the seeds of something new that you’re now newly free to imagine. It’s big and most likely involves your work, health, and expansive ability to connect with infinite sources of inspiration, the “mind of the masses,” and dreams that present you with the subconscious information you need to initiate personal and global breakthroughs.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Uncertainty, powerlessness, and a shaky sense of your own self worth has been difficult to manage for quite awhile but that’s dissolving now. Now it’s time to communicate that you’re back to your old self, only better, in some very creative way. As your confidence returns it’s time to shift your imagination into high gear. No longer severely limited, it’s time to expose your most interesting ideas, the most uninhibited expressions of your creative ability, and your ability to connect emotionally through what you say. You’re freer to take some artistic risks. Your freer to be in love, to do what you love, and to unleash the part of you that has struggled to survive since April of 2013. Others may balk, having gotten used to your guarded approach. Too late to put that “Genie” back in the bottle. Plant only seeds that will grow into something you love. Practice defining what that would be.
Horoscopes for the Week of July 8th – 14th
(Mosaic Artist – Anita Damron)
Astrology is the study of cycle within cycles. This week we have come to the close of an important one that began on April 10, 2013. It was the first new Moon of that year and therefore a highly significant new beginning. Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote about that new Moon then:
The Sabian symbol for this first new Moon of the year is “a prize fighter.” This is not the month, or the year, for playing it safe and allowing old wounds to keep you subdued. Anger may surface to fuel your actions. It may be time to get impatient with how confined you’ve been, either by outer opposition or, more likely, by your own limiting beliefs, self-doubt and fear. Throwing yourself into the middle of the action, wherever that is, defending your position, and refusing to lose is the message of this fiery first Moon of the year – and this new Moon has lots of support. (You can access the short article here.)
Coming to an end is some major uncertainty and angst within relationships that was “in play” at that time. The field has been blown wide open as Uranus now aligns exactly with that 2013 New Moon degree. The fight is finally over, and you’re “leaving the building,” on your way to some new and different place that feels much more expansive and less confining.
Mercury changes signs today, from multi-tasking, socially active Gemini into the watery, sensitive sign of Cancer. Now it’s time to reflect on the past, to connect with the more solid foundation resting beneath you, and to generate ideas related to the care and feeding of yourself.
A week from now a new Moon at 23 degrees of Cancer has the potential to move the boundaries of your reality further out. My friend Kristen (dream interpreter extraordinaire) brought my attention to Chariklo, the ringed minor planet, now transiting through the last, and therefore most intense, final degree of Sagittarius. Chariklo signifies, more than anything else, a refusal to acknowledge limitation. If your role in relationships has been limited by “over- policing” your most natural way of being, by fear, and what your mind has been conditioned to accept, Uranus has already blown that apart. The space created is more expansive than all your previous definitions. It’s time to step out and explore how much freer you are to move around and to acknowledge how revitalizing that feels to your soul. It’s time to get used to more inner freedom. It’s time to sow the seed of some previously impossible new way of being.
“Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights, begin.” -Herman Hesse
Have a great week,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
The decks have been cleared for you to be whatever you want to be. It’s bigger than it was two years ago – way bigger. What is your updated vision for yourself and what you’ve been freed to be? Mostly its time to think about your newly unleashed potential in terms of taking on an authoritative leadership role in the world. What is your area of expertise and what kind of a foundation do you need to support its further development. Whatever you do, you will be a pioneer and you will be the leader and you home and family will thrive. It is possible that you used to believe you could have one but not both. But, in the words of Herman Hesse, you can now move “beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists…,”
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Taurus has almost been set free of some invisible attachment that kept them feeling heavy and limited. If you have been cooperative and wise, you’ve been immersing yourself in the universal flow over the past 2 years and have actively worked to detach yourself from what you’d outgrown. A sign that you’ve been working in the right direction would be a recent diminishment of anxiety and a lighter, happier approach to life. As Mercury moves into your 3rd solar house it is time to use your imagination to update your vision of what is possible for you. This has greatly expanded since April of 2013. As you sow new seeds at this impending new Moon it helps to define what you’d love to manifest. The soil is now fertile enough to support something deeply rooted and dramatically beautiful.
For Gemini there is the awareness of the importance of merging your work with anothers’ as you move into the future. It is likely that you know yourself well, that you have freed yourself in some way from the tyranny of group associations, friends, and supposed allies who did not (or could not) contribute the kind of strength, practical know-how, and business sense that could help you channel your sensitivity productively. Now you may be moving into a new sphere where those types abound. They will benefit as much from you as you will from them. Who are they? How do you recognize them, and how do you create some kind of “give and take” that works spectacularly well for both of you. There is new opportunity to seed something you will love with another. If they aren’t within your sphere yet, imagine them into being over the next two weeks.
In terms of clarity, Cancer has been wandering around in the wilderness for awhile. Old ideas, mindsets, beliefs, and conclusions developed over the past year have been dissolving. Something has ended that leaves room for a new beginning. The uncertainty of your life direction or some home/family preoccupation may no longer be “in play.” Where to go from here? The impending new Moon sets the stage for your next yearly cycle. What’s most important is that you now begin to focus on what you want in your life rather than what you want to be free of. Now that the field is wide open, ready to be sown only with only those that will grow into what you love most, what are you planting? This week is a good time to clarify what you love and what you want your life to look like this time next year. Entertain only the very best case scenarios. Your potential has never been this free to manifest.
Some uncertainty involving your future has been taken off the table. Whatever kept worry a necessity since April of 2013 is no longer an issue. It’s time for a rest – less effort, less stress, no agenda, no deadlines, a relaxing vacation, a sigh of relief, a reconnection with your soul. Notice how that feels. Can you do it? Can others let you do it? You must, and they have to. To the extent that you are able to “wind down” for the next two weeks will determine the quality of the next year for you. From now until July 23rd, wandering around aimlessly is advised. The impending new Moon changes the matrix of your subconscious mind. If you’ve ever felt yourself limited by being unable to control the direction of your life in some specific way that will change. You are being set free in many ways. All that’s needed is some relaxation.

A break from some old psychological conditioning, time-consuming partnerships, or power struggles have blown things wide open for you. Previous fears and distractions that kept you from nourishing your soul and from giving yourself, free of guilt, what you most crave, are dissolving. Your playground has just turned into a more expansive place. More playground equipment, more room to run, and new places to explore. Reconnecting with friends and lovers, friends who are lovers, lovers who are friends, and a new kind of friendliness toward the part of you that remembers how to play and to enjoy life is likely. It is possible that you will soon sow the seed of some new association, some new role within friendships, and a greater capacity to receive love, even when it’s not presented in “perfect” form.
Some previous uncertainty involving your life direction has been blown apart. You are now standing on more solid ground in a better position to sow the seeds of something new. Some upheaval over the past couple years involving your most significant relationships is settling down. Wild extremes of behavior on the part of children, lovers, or partners is waning, and now you may feel yourself rejecting old definitions of yourself and your role. That is wise. Your reality has changed. Unfolding may be an awareness of your need for something more soul satisfying within the realm of your career and your life’s work. This week is a perfect time to communicate that to the powers that be, to make a request, and to sow the seeds of something that feels more nurturing to the person you’ve become.
I have written about this in the past, but for Scorpios benefit and the applicable astrological omens, it seems worth repeating. The secret to manifestation is to clearly focus on what it is you would like to bring into being. It is necessary to define it in a detailed way, to feel what it would feel like to have it already, to taste, hear, smell, and see the circumstances surrounding you when whatever you’re longing for has materialized. It is necessary that you focus for about 15 minutes on envisioning exactly what you desire. And then you let it go. You don’t give yourself time or permission to become attached to what you want. You move on with your life, purging what no longer serves you and feeling grateful for what does. You do not micromanage the powers of the universe. You trust them to do their part.
Sagittarians ability to transmute and transform is kicking into high gear this week. There is magic in your ability to push others (and yourself) into more expansive territory – all while laughing and making it seem fun. Awakened within Sagittarius this week is a recognition that the power flowing in your direction now is a rare gift capable of pulling the rug out from under years of distorted psychological conditioning and limitation. In fact, that is the process in progress that leaves some previously locked door wide open. This is the end of a long road full of roadblocks that left you lost on some strange detours. All that’s left is the power to sow the seeds of some new beginning that allows you to do exactly what you want to do and to be exactly who you want to be.
Relationships are highlighted now for Capricorn and recently you may have been faced with the awareness that things have changed. You are now free to expand your definition of who you are but who are you? Without previous limitations in place, without old responsibilities, problems, and fears, who are you? Capricorns can feel more secure in a contracted, fearful state. But the field has been blasted wide open. You’re in alien territory now and your role may have changed. Fortunately you’ll be receiving lots of information about your new role, who you are, and how to cooperate within your new circumstances. You may be surprised to see reflected back to you in the form of another flexible and willingness to continually adjust to change to stay balanced within yourself and within your relationships.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
This week is extraordinary for problem-solving. Pieces of the puzzle come together in ways that have previously eluded you. What has persisted for over two years as a dilemma you could not reconcile, or a fear that chronically overwhelmed and sucked the joy out of your life, is dissolving. Adjustments are in order. What do you do now that your mind is becoming less limited and freer to focus on something new? The universe is answering that question for you. It’s time to sow the seeds of something new that you’re now newly free to imagine. It’s big and most likely involves your work, health, and expansive ability to connect with infinite sources of inspiration, the “mind of the masses,” and dreams that present you with the subconscious information you need to initiate personal and global breakthroughs.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Uncertainty, powerlessness, and a shaky sense of your own self worth has been difficult to manage for quite awhile but that’s dissolving now. Now it’s time to communicate that you’re back to your old self, only better, in some very creative way. As your confidence returns it’s time to shift your imagination into high gear. No longer severely limited, it’s time to expose your most interesting ideas, the most uninhibited expressions of your creative ability, and your ability to connect emotionally through what you say. You’re freer to take some artistic risks. Your freer to be in love, to do what you love, and to unleash the part of you that has struggled to survive since April of 2013. Others may balk, having gotten used to your guarded approach. Too late to put that “Genie” back in the bottle. Plant only seeds that will grow into something you love. Practice defining what that would be.
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