The Pisces Eclipse stimulated deep inner openings and change. We may feel that now in subtle ways. The landscape of our lives may feel different in ways we can’t yet define or describe. Intensity of feeling on some level may have been washed away. An “inner drivenness” or fear may have lost its power to keep you stuck and repeating yourself.
The Sun in Aries continues to provide an abundance of initiating energy. It’s energy that forces to the forefront a new array of possibilities for us to consider now that we’re emotionally freer to choose. The current exquisite cosmic plan leaves Mercury in the sign of Pisces for another eight days. It keeps the mind pliable, impressionable, and able to process new information in cooperation with the all-knowing higher mind. This feels divinely inspired in ways that ensure we head in the right direction.
Being an American anxious to travel to Cuba may be a perfect metaphor for what’s happening at the moment. The possibility is now there, new flights are opening up, and Cuba is preparing for the influx. But it may take awhile for all the pieces to fall into place so that travel there can be considered convenient and relatively effortless.
Between now and April 4th the outlines of new our realities take shape as we begin to take for granted our new freedoms, and settle into our new selves.
On April 4th a second total eclipse, this time a full Moon or lunar eclipse, takes place in the sign of Libra. The new inner landscape is subjected to balancing forces that may be reflected most immediately through the nature of our relationships. Those may change to accommodate the profound changes within. First we get our feet back on the ground. Then we inform others through words or actions, that the game is all new. It should be interesting as they inform us of their new “M.O.” as well.
On the global scale new patterns are formed. Old alliances change, and new ones take their place. The change within social and political groups becomes more apparent. Old rules and traditions no longer apply.
On April 8th our four and a half month journey to discover our most authentic self ends. At this time we may feel confident enough to throw ourselves into something new. April 18th marks an official new initiation.
(This may be the perfect time to schedule a reading if you haven’t had one in awhile. If you’re a subscriber take advantage of the discounts offered).
Post Eclipse Musings
The Pisces Eclipse stimulated deep inner openings and change. We may feel that now in subtle ways. The landscape of our lives may feel different in ways we can’t yet define or describe. Intensity of feeling on some level may have been washed away. An “inner drivenness” or fear may have lost its power to keep you stuck and repeating yourself.
The Sun in Aries continues to provide an abundance of initiating energy. It’s energy that forces to the forefront a new array of possibilities for us to consider now that we’re emotionally freer to choose. The current exquisite cosmic plan leaves Mercury in the sign of Pisces for another eight days. It keeps the mind pliable, impressionable, and able to process new information in cooperation with the all-knowing higher mind. This feels divinely inspired in ways that ensure we head in the right direction.
Being an American anxious to travel to Cuba may be a perfect metaphor for what’s happening at the moment. The possibility is now there, new flights are opening up, and Cuba is preparing for the influx. But it may take awhile for all the pieces to fall into place so that travel there can be considered convenient and relatively effortless.
Between now and April 4th the outlines of new our realities take shape as we begin to take for granted our new freedoms, and settle into our new selves.
On April 4th a second total eclipse, this time a full Moon or lunar eclipse, takes place in the sign of Libra. The new inner landscape is subjected to balancing forces that may be reflected most immediately through the nature of our relationships. Those may change to accommodate the profound changes within. First we get our feet back on the ground. Then we inform others through words or actions, that the game is all new. It should be interesting as they inform us of their new “M.O.” as well.
On the global scale new patterns are formed. Old alliances change, and new ones take their place. The change within social and political groups becomes more apparent. Old rules and traditions no longer apply.
On April 8th our four and a half month journey to discover our most authentic self ends. At this time we may feel confident enough to throw ourselves into something new. April 18th marks an official new initiation.
(This may be the perfect time to schedule a reading if you haven’t had one in awhile. If you’re a subscriber take advantage of the discounts offered).
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