Why Astrology?

Typically, many have come to expect prediction from an astrologer.  Tell me when I’ll win the lottery or find the love of my life.  Will my business take off this year, will the book I’m writing be published, am I headed for divorce?  Astrology can predict upcoming challenges and opportunities, define cycles, life patterns, and life lessons.  But it’s so much more  than that.

Astrology is at its best when a client understands that she has the power to shape the future in highly creative and original ways.  As the astrologer unfolds the story of the natal chart she becomes a co-creator,  illuminating for the client the big picture and her well defined life purpose, identifying innate talents and her most natural, and therefore most satisfying and powerful, life direction. Identifying strategies for action that make sense for her,  as well as providing optimal times, places, and dates, can make an astrology reading extremely valuable. New information provides a broader perspective stimulating new ideas and creative thought.

It can be hard not to fall in love with the story of your life as told by an inspired and competent astrologer.  Being reminded of the importance of your very specific contribution to the web of life can be refreshing, healing, affirming, and very motivating.  Problems placed within this larger, natural, cosmic context always seem more manageable.  An astrology reading is an “outside the box” opportunity with ancient foundations, present day explanations, and futuristic glimpses of potential and possibility.

For more information see CHOICES

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